When Xuanyuan Hao attacked, the opponent didn't even have a chance to react, and was instantly turned into ashes.

This man, no matter where he is, is synonymous with invincibility.

Lu Yang looked at the mysterious man standing behind his sister and was shocked.

"Xue'er, he is..."

"Brother, this is the big brother I met in the Endless Forest. The big brother is very powerful."

Lu Xue called Xuanyuan Hao big brother, and Xuanyuan Hao didn't tell him his real name.

"Big brother, thank you for saving my brother."

Lu Xue was very grateful for Xuanyuan Hao's second attack.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't say much, and the deacon said calmly.

"Let's go!"

Since Lu Yang and Zhang Jian have been resurrected, there is no need to stay here.

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao leading Lu Yang and the other three out of the canyon, no one dared to stop them.

Because all hunters can feel that Xuanyuan Hao is extremely powerful.

Knowing that Xuanyuan Hao and the others left, the entire Wangchuan life was relieved.

Xuanyuan Hao followed Lu Yang and the others all the way, making Lu Yang and the others very uncomfortable.

Lu Xue, on the other hand, felt that Xuanyuan Hao was easy to get along with, not talkative, but very powerful.

"Brother, where are we going now, to Grandma Mu's place?"

Lu Xue caught up with Lu Yang and said.

"To Grandma Mu's place? But we couldn't kill the Huo beast."

"Don't worry, brother, big brother has helped us kill the Huo beast."

The Huo beast had long been killed by Xuanyuan Hao, so their mission this time was actually completed.

"Brother, with this money, we can go to Tianhuo."

"With brother's ability, King Zhuo will definitely let us join his Kuangmen."

Lu Xue was full of confidence in Lu Yang.

"Haha, I hope so!"

"King Zhuo, Kuangmen?"

At this moment, Xuanyuan Hao's eyes suddenly lit up behind him.

"Stop, what is the Kuangmen you just mentioned?"

After hearing the word Kuangmen, Xuanyuan Hao almost immediately thought of Zhuo Bufan.

Lu Xue was startled by Xuanyuan Hao's sudden words.

She quickly turned around, looked at Xuanyuan Hao tremblingly, and answered.

"To answer big brother, Kuang, Kuangmen is the power established by King Zhuo in Hongyuan, Northern Territory. It is a sacred organization dedicated to liberating slaves."

"King Zhuo? Who is he?"

"How long has this Kuangmen been established?"

Xuanyuan Hao had a feeling that this Kuangmen must have been established by Zhuo Bufan.

When Lu Xue heard it, she quickly answered.

"I don't know the name of King Zhuo. But Kuangmen was established half a year ago. It is now very famous in the Northern Territory."

At this time, Lu Yang on the side stood up and said.

"I know the name of King Zhuo. I heard that it is called Zhuo Bufan."

When Xuanyuan Hao heard the name Zhuo Bufan, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"It's him!"

Xuanyuan Hao was surprised and happy.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan had become famous in just half a year.

"You are going to Kuangmen, right? I'll go with you."

Hearing that Lu Yang and his sister were going to Kuangmen, Xuanyuan Hao also decided to go with them.

He was thinking that maybe Zhuo Bufan had found Zifan.

The three siblings were stunned when they heard this.

Then Lu Xue said excitedly.

"Big brother, are you going to Kuangmen with us? That's great."

If Zhuo Bufan accompanies them all the way, they will definitely go to Kuangmen in the Northern Territory safely.

But Lu Yang frowned when he heard this.

"Then we are still short of one thousand gold coins."

One more person means buying one more ticket.

They have saved the money for the ticket for a long time.

It may be difficult to get another thousand.

"It's okay, brother. At most, we can do a few more tasks."

Lu Xue really wanted to be with Xuanyuan Hao.

With Xuanyuan Hao all the way, they can be much safer.

After hearing this, Lu Yang sighed and said.

"Okay then! But, I have fallen a level now, I am afraid I have to do a few more tasks."

Lu Yang and Zhang Jian's cultivation has fallen.

Now they can do fewer tasks.

The money they earn is also less.

Of course, they forgot that there was a big boss named Xuanyuan Hao.

"Then let's go to Grandma Mu first and submit the task! Then go to the Hunter's Office to see if there are any simple tasks."

Then, Lu Yang and the others took Xuanyuan Hao to the Hunter City.

Hunter City is a gathering city for hunters. There are all kinds of hunters here who come specifically for tasks.

There are official tasks and private tasks.

The task they got before to hunt the Huo beast belonged to a private person, an old lady named Grandma Mu.

They found Grandma Mu and submitted the task.

Then they got the task bonus.

In this way, they finally had 3,000 gold coins.

"Let's go, let's go to the Hunter's Office."

Then, they came to the Hunter's Office in the center of the main city to accept the official task.

Generally, official tasks have more rewards, but at the same time, they are more difficult.

The Hunter's Office is a pagoda-shaped high-rise building with a total of nine floors.

According to the level of the task, the higher the level of the task, the higher the level.

Originally, Lu Yang and the others planned to accept the task on the lower two floors.

However, Xuanyuan Hao saw this and went straight to the top floor.

Lu Xue and the others blocked the cloth and could only follow Xuanyuan Hao up. When they reached the top floor, a white-haired old man received them.

The white-haired old man glanced at the slave mark on Xuanyuan Hao's forehead, said nothing more, and made way.

Then he began to guide Xuanyuan Hao and the others to the task wall.

"Sir, this is the task on the ninth floor of our Hunter Office. These three tasks have been posted here for three years, and no one dares to take them. Sir, are you sure you want to accept the task of our restaurant?"

Xuanyuan Hao said calmly.

"Pick a task that can be completed the fastest for me."

The old man didn't ask any more questions after hearing this.

Obviously, Xuanyuan Hao was not qualified to ask more questions about tasks of this level.

"If you want the fastest, then this is the task. Hunting the eighth-level god general!"

The old man pointed to the task in the middle and said.

"This god general killed the person the employer loved the most. The employer used his life's wealth just to ask someone to kill this god general to the first level."

"The reward for this task - 1 billion gold coins!"

When the old man said the task reward, the Lu Yang brothers and sisters behind Xuanyuan Hao couldn't help but open their mouths wide.

1 billion gold coins, this is such a terrible wealth, enough to build a city.

However, this task is not easy, hunting down an eighth-level Yan slave, and the opponent is a god general.

God generals are the direct subordinates of the eight hall gods.

Each hall god has his own god general.

The god general that Xuanyuan Hao wants to hunt is the second god general of the lamp nightmare god - Zhao Meng!

This person is called the soul-eating god general. Among the eighth-level Yan slaves, he is well-known and very powerful.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Hao took over the task without hesitation.

"This god general is now guarding the rebels in Longxi Town, ten miles away in the west."

The old man told Xuanyuan Hao the target location.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao left the Hunter Office without saying anything and headed west.

Seeing this, the Lu brothers and sisters had no time to think and could only follow!

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