Xuanyuan Hao took over the task on the ninth floor of the Hunter Office without hesitation.

That is the hardest task!

This incident quickly spread throughout Hunter Sky City.

Hunter Sky City is the Holy Emperor of hunters. As soon as the hunters heard that someone had taken over the mission of the ninth floor, they chased him out one by one.

"Have you heard? Someone has taken over the mission on the ninth floor, and it's the second one, hunting Zhao Meng!"

"Isn't this guy too bold? He dares to kill Zhao Meng?"

"That's right, Zhao Meng is one of the five great generals of the Lantern God. He is cruel and cruel!"

"Among the three tasks on the ninth floor, only this one has the largest bounty. Maybe this kid went there for the bounty."

"I heard that the most beloved woman of the customer who issued this mission was kidnapped, raped and killed by Zhao Meng. This employer was once a city lord and spent his life's wealth to hire a killer to kill Zhao Meng."

"But this Zhao Meng is a divine general, and so far no one has dared to take on this mission."

"I also heard that after Zhao Meng learned about this, he went around chasing the employer. Moreover, he did not ask the Hunter Chamber of Commerce to remove the task, but kept it hanging there. He wanted to see it , Who dares to accept this task if he doesn’t care about life and death?”

"Although Zhao Meng is arrogant, he has the capital to be arrogant. So far, no one has dared to take on this task. I didn't expect that someone would take on this task now."

More and more people are watching.

Because many people want to see who dares to accept the task of assassinating Zhao Meng.

This matter reached the ears of Zhao Meng who was in charge of Longxi City as quickly as possible.

"Sorry, Lord General, someone has taken over your mission at the Hunter Chamber of Commerce!"

"The other party is coming to Longxi City now, threatening to take your life."

The subordinates came to report, and when Zhao Meng heard this, he burst into laughter.

"You want my life? There are really people in this world who are not afraid of death."

Zhao Meng was tall and tall, and he really looked like a ferocious beast.

His face was full of beard, but his head was shaved.

With his yellow teeth and scars all over his face, he looks like someone who is not easy to mess with.

On his forehead, there is the mark of the eighth-level Yama slave.

This person is known as the number one general under the God of Light Nightmare, and his reputation is certainly not in vain.

The reason why he has not abolished the mission of the Hunter Chamber of Commerce is to deter all those with evil intentions.

He really wanted to see who was not afraid of death and wanted to kill him.

Unexpectedly, there are people who are not afraid of death.

"Well done, it will scare the monkeys!"

"Open the city gate for me, set up a drum, and sound a horn. I want the world to know that anyone who offends me, Zhao Meng, will have only one fate, and that is death!"

This Zhao Meng is also an arrogant person.

He opened the city gate and welcomed Xuanyuan Hao.

Less than half an hour later, Xuanyuan Hao was coming to kill him!

Along with him, there were many hunters from the Hunter Chamber of Commerce, and they were all witnesses of this battle.

Many people wanted to see who Xuanyuan Hao was, who dared to kill Zhao Meng.

"Brother, do you think the eldest brother will be fine?"

Lu Xue and the others followed Xuanyuan Hao, feeling slightly worried.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. This gentleman is so confident, he must have a countermeasure in advance."

That's what he said, but Lu Yang was indeed a little worried.

He didn't know much about Xuanyuan Hao, but he knew who Zhao Meng was.

That is a divine general!

He is a direct subordinate of the Temple God. The Temple God is known as the pinnacle existence of this world and the spokesperson of the World God.

Simply put, the Divine Sword is the third-level existence in this world.

Although Xuanyuan Hao is also an eighth-level slave, his origin is mysterious and no one knows his past.

No one knows how powerful he is.

Therefore, not many people are optimistic about Xuanyuan Hao in this battle.

"I think this kid is blinded by money and wants to kill the general. He will die miserably."

"Indeed, he is too self-righteous. He has no idea how terrible the divine generals are. They are divine generals, with a divine word. They are existences blessed by the divine power of the world god. In the realm of consent, they are even more powerful."

No one is optimistic about Xuanyuan Hao.

Because the God General has the blessing of the world god Yama, if he is in the same realm, the God General will undoubtedly be more powerful.

"Just stop here. Next, I'll just go!"

Xuanyuan Hao signaled Lu Xue and the others to stay where they were.

This place is nearly a thousand meters away from Longxi City.

The ensuing battle is likely to affect the surrounding areas. That's why Xuanyuan Hao signaled Lu Xue and the others to stop.

Lu Yang and others are also self-aware and know that the upcoming battle is not something that small characters like them can participate in.

So they stopped.

"Big brother, be careful!"

Lu Xue shouted towards Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't say much, and walked towards Longxi City in front of him step by step with calm steps.

"Sir, here we come!"

On the tower, Zhao Meng and others saw Xuanyuan Hao walking alone.

"Drumming, ringing gold!"

As soon as Zhao Meng finished speaking, the drums thundered and the horns roared.

"Look at me, go ahead and kill this guy who doesn't know how to live or die."

The war drums sounded, and Zhao Meng raised his golden ring sword and flew down from the tower.

He slashed down with his sword, and the sword energy spread across a thousand meters, approaching Xuanyuan Hao.

This knife cut a huge gully in the ground.

However, facing Zhao Meng's extremely fierce knife, Xuanyuan Hao was indifferent.

As he walked, the soil around him began to fly.

Not only that, the metal in the soil began to condense into an indestructible wall.

The big ring knife slashed down, but it was completely unable to shake Xuanyuan Hao's defense.

While waiting for Xuanyuan Hao to take the second step, the metal in the soil continued to be refined, forming a flying sword, whistling towards Zhao Meng.

For a while, countless flying swords fell towards Longxi City like rain.

Zhao Meng counterattacked, but Xuanyuan Hao did not give him a chance to fight back.

All the flying swords suddenly burned in the next second.

The raging fire formed a sea of ​​fire the moment it landed.

Then, nine fire dragons flew out of the sea of ​​fire and hit Zhao Meng on the ground at the same time.


At that moment, the entire grassland was completely covered by flames.

The eighth-level slave seal power can already master the four powers of earth seal, fire seal, wood seal, and gold seal.

The only thing that has not been mastered is the water seal.

Facing the raging fire, Zhao Meng was actually unable to fight back.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

"So amazing, this guy has mastered the power of the seal so well."

"Yes, he can easily master the power of the four seals. You know, it's hard for me to master the power of one seal."

Xuanyuan Hao, a peerless genius, is naturally not a name for nothing!


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