When Zhuo Bufan sent Yi Meng away, it was not as he said that Kuangmen had entered a life-or-death situation.

On the contrary, Zhuo Bufan was very confident about this battle.

The reason for letting Yi Meng go is because Zhuo Bufan feels that Yi Meng does not belong here. She has her relatives and her lover waiting for her to go back.

Zhuo Bufan sent Yi Meng away, not only because he did not want Yi Meng to participate in this war, but also because he wanted to help her.

Seeing Yi Meng leave, Zhuo Bufan felt relieved.

That night, Xu Huang lived up to Zhuo Bufan's high expectations and found a hundred elite death squads.

The weakest among them is also the fourth level!

It can be said that this group of people are the elite of the mad family. They were also the first group of people Zhuo Bufan took in.

They were completely devoted to Zhuo Bufan.

So when they heard that the master wanted to select a group of suicide troops, they immediately agreed without hesitation.

"Very good, I, Zhuo, really did not misjudge the person. You are the pride of my crazy family!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the disciples in front of him, each of them had a look of determination on their faces.

"Sect Master, we are willing to sacrifice for the Kuang Sect at any time. Please tell us, Sect Master, what to do next?"

Zhuo Bufan has been comparing Xu Huang with Lu Fei.

Later Zhuo Bufan discovered that whether it was Lu Fei or Xu Huang.

Both of them were loyal to him.

"Everyone, you may die in this mission. If you are afraid, you can leave now. I will never blame you."

"Master, we are not afraid! The worst case scenario is death."

The disciples said one after another.

However, Zhuo Bufan continued to shake his head.

"What I want to make clear is that you will most likely be knocked back to the first level. Are you still willing to go?"

Being a first-level slave of hell is equivalent to starting all over again. Moreover, a lot of memory will be lost, which makes this issue more serious.

However, even if Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone still said it in unison.

"We are always ready to sacrifice ourselves for Kuangmen!"

"Yes, Master, just tell me, what do you want us to do?"

Finally, Xu Huang became a little impatient.

They are not afraid of death, and they are willing to make more contributions to the Kuangmen.

After hearing the disciples swear again and again, Zhuo Bufan finally pushed out a huge wooden box and said.

"There is a box of thunder bullets here. You will each get one later!"

"According to our intelligence, the army brought by the Ghost Emperor has one hundred thousand elites. It is carried by one hundred spaceships."

"Two days later, they will conduct a supply operation in Sky City."

"And your mission is to blow up these one hundred spaceships!"

Zhuo Bufan began to explain the tasks.

When everyone heard this, they became excited.

In fact, they had already thought that it would be such a task.

The so-called death squad means going to die. This method is indeed a way to die.

"We learned from intelligence that every spaceship carries such thunder bombs. Each ship has a thousand of them, which is enough to blow up the entire ship."

"Your mission is to find the cargo bay where they loaded the Thunderbolt bombs, and then die with them all."

"I will go personally for this mission."

After Zhuo Bufan handed over the task, no one had any fear.

"Master, let me go! You should stay here and continue to take charge of the overall situation."

Xu Huang was worried about Zhuo Bufan's safety, so he said.

However, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

"No, you have more important tasks."

"According to intelligence, Tianwang City, as a trade and transportation hub city, does not have a resurrection spring."

"The resurrection spring closest to Tianwang City is at the foot of Tiandang Mountain!"

"I want you to lead ten thousand disciples and all the thunderbolts of my Kuang Sect and hide in Tiandang Mountain."

"If our suicide plan succeeds, everyone will be resurrected here."

"Once resurrected, you will detonate a thunder bomb and kill all the resurrected people, including all brothers present."

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"Are you mentally prepared for this?"

Now, everyone finally understood why Zhuo Bufan said that this mission would bring them back to their original form.

It turns out that the real killing is at the Resurrection Fountain.

"Master Xu, please take action decisively when the time comes and don't worry about our lives."

"That's right, Mr. Xu, if you sacrifice a hundred of us, you can kill a hundred thousand enemy troops. It's totally worth it."

"Yes, it's worth it. As long as we kill all of them to the first level, the Ghost Emperor's army will be completely helpless."

"So Mr. Xu, you must listen to the instructions of the sect master. When the time comes, no matter who the resurrected person is, as long as someone is resurrected, he will be killed without mercy!"

The suicide squads began to show their fearless spirit one by one.

Zhuo Bufan and Xu Huang were very moved when they saw this.

"I understand, please rest assured, sect master and brothers. As long as I, Xu Huang, am here, I will not let anyone go. I would rather kill by mistake than let go."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan patted Xu Huang on the shoulder and smiled.

"That's right. According to our intelligence, the average enemy level is level three! So you have to guard the corpse twice at the Resurrection Spring in Tiandang Mountain."

"Thunderbolts are best used rationally. I'll leave the resurrection spring to you. If anything goes wrong, you're the only one I have to ask questions about."

When Xu Huang heard this, he issued a military order.

"Please rest assured, Master. If an enemy escapes from the resurrection spring, I, Xu Huang, am willing to be killed back to the first level and die to pay for my sins."

Xu Huang is now a sixth-level master. Killing back to the first level is the greatest punishment for him.

He made a military order, which shows his determination.

"Well, I will take them to Tianwang City to make preparations."

"You prepare to set off from Zhuowang City at noon tomorrow and head to Tiandang Mountain."

"Whether my Kuangmen can pass this level depends on you."

Zhuo Bufan will personally lead the death squad to Tianwang City.

After all, the mission of the death squad is the most important.

If the mission of the death squad fails, the subsequent resurrection and guarding of the corpse will be useless.

This is why Zhuo Bufan asked Xu Huang to find the elites of the Kuangmen for him. This mission must be successful.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan took all the members of the death squad and quietly left Zhuowang City in the middle of the night.

Because it is a death squad, it must be cautious and not let anyone find out.

Zhuo Bufan believed that even in his own Zhuowang City, there were still spies from other forces.

After all, in this world, it was not only his Kuangmen that had intelligence agencies.

However, because Zhuo Bufan knew the importance of intelligence agencies, he could be said to have spared no effort in developing them.

Now, Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen's intelligence department was definitely one of the best in the world.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan and his companions left, Xu Huang began to summon the Kuangmen elite disciples from various branches to prepare for a war.

This world-shaking war would soon begin.

This battle would change the status quo of the entire Southland!

Whether Zhuo Bufan's road to liberation could succeed depended on this one move!

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