One day later, Zhuo Bufan and the death squad of the Kuangmen arrived at Tianwang City quietly.

Tianwang City is the largest royal city in the Northern Territory, and it is also the largest transportation hub in the entire Northern Territory.

Almost all spaceships have to stop here.

According to intelligence, the Ghost Emperor's fleet will stop here for supplies.

This gave Zhuo Bufan and his team enough time.

That afternoon, Zhuo Bufan and his team entered Tianwang City and moved into a restaurant that had been arranged in advance.

This restaurant had been secretly bought by the Kuangmen a month ago, and was originally intended to be used to develop a Kuangmen branch in Tianwang City in the future.

Now it is of great use.

"Master, why are you here in person?"

The person who received Zhuo Bufan was Xu Huang's right-hand man, Hu Er.

Zhuo Bufan naturally recognized this capable man, so he said.

"The situation is urgent. What is the situation in Tianwang City now?"

"Reporting to the Sect Master, now the City Master of Tianwang City Liao Yong is preparing a banquet to welcome the Ghost Emperor. According to reliable information, the Ghost Emperor should attend."

"His fleet will be docked at the Windy Plain west of Tianwang City."

Hu Er is the receptionist of Tianwang City and also the reserve altar master.

After Tianwang City develops a branch altar in the future, he will become the altar master of this branch altar.

Zhuo Bufan was very satisfied after listening to Hu Er's report.

"Very good, this information is very important."

"Go and make some delicious food for the brothers! Rest for a day and prepare for action tomorrow night."

"I'll go to the Windy Plain first!"

Zhuo Bufan said, leaving the suicide team in the restaurant.

And he went to the Windy Plain alone.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan left, Hu Er began to entertain everyone warmly.

He was shocked to find that the 100 disciples brought by the Sect Master were all elites of the Wild Sect.

All of them were at the fourth or fifth level.

This force is enough to sweep across a city of heaven.

However, Zhuo Bufan used such a powerful force as a suicide squad.

It is precisely because of their strength that Zhuo Bufan feels reliable.

These people are loyal to him and bow to him.


On the other side, Zhuo Bufan came to the Wind Plain.

The Wind Plain is a huge plain with strong winds, which is suitable for docking large spaceships.

The Ghost Emperor brought a hundred spaceships with him on this expedition, with a strong lineup.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan had to use a dirty trick.

When he approached the Wind Plain, he found that there were many soldiers on the plain, cleaning up the wild groups on the plain. .

Obviously, the Heavenly King City had also made preparations in advance and was responsible for clearing the harbor for the Ghost Emperor's fleet to dock.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this group of soldiers, he suddenly had an idea.

"There is a way!"

Zhuo Bufan thought of a way, so he went back to the restaurant in the Heavenly King City first.

"Master, you're back."

The members of the suicide squad looked at Zhuo Bufan who had returned and said.

"Well, brothers, I went to investigate. There are guards sent by the Lord of Tianwang City on the Wind Plain."

"These guards should be responsible for guarding the plain so that the Ghost Emperor's fleet can have a place to dock."

"That is to say, they will stay there until the Ghost Emperor's fleet leaves."

"My plan is to kill those guards, and then all of us will disguise ourselves as them. Wait for the Ghost Emperor's fleet to arrive. When the time comes, we will act according to the situation."

Zhuo Bufan went to investigate in person, and the disciples naturally believed him.

"All is subject to the instructions of the master!"

"Well, everyone listens to the order, and at midnight, prepare for action."

"Hu Er, I want you to go to the resurrection spring of Tiandang Mountain to inform Xu Huang that no one who is resurrected is allowed to leave Tiandang Mountain!"

Zhuo Bufan explained to Hu Er.

They will act tonight, so that the guards will also be resurrected in Tiandang Mountain. Once these people come back to report, their plan will be exposed.

That's why Fu'an habitually asked Hu Er to inform Xu Huang.

He took all the disciples of the suicide squad and quietly left the city at midnight, and then came to the Wind Plain.

When they came to the Wind Plain, they saw more than a dozen tents left there.

"Everyone, try your skills first! Don't alarm anyone, kill them!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the members of the suicide squad rushed into the tents silently like black panthers in the dark night.

In less than three minutes, all the guards were killed.

Then everyone put on the guards' armor, put on helmets, covered the slave marks on their foreheads, and came to Zhuo Bufan to gather.

Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Very good, you are worthy of being the elite of my Kuangmen. If we can win this battle, I, Zhuo Bufan, and even the entire Kuangmen will never forget your sacrifice and great achievements."

"Your sacrifice will not be in vain, and your future achievements will be even greater."

Zhuo Bufan can only promise here, promising more rewards to all members of the Suicide Squad.

"Master, we are willing to sacrifice for Kuangmen and for you."

"That's right, please rest assured, we will complete the mission tomorrow and perish together with the enemy."

Everyone came with the mentality of fighting to the death, so they were not afraid of sacrifice.

After hearing the responses of everyone, Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, everyone, go to bed early. Tonight, the leader of this sect will personally keep vigil for you!"

Zhuo Bufan said this, which moved the members of the Suicide Squad even more.

On the other side, after receiving the news from Hu Er, Xu Huang controlled all the resurrected guards in Tiandang Mountain.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and a silent killing seemed to be coming.

The next day, there was a strong wind!

Zhuo Bufan and the members of the Suicide Squad pretended to be guards of Tianwang City and guarded the Gale Wind Plains.

At dusk, the messenger from Tianwang City arrived.

There were two messengers who came, both the right-hand men of the Lord of the Heavenly King City.

They came specifically to greet the Ghost Emperor.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

These people are all fake, and I don’t know if they will be spotted by these two envoys.

Of these two envoys, the one walking in front was a short, fat man, richly dressed.

The one at the back was wearing a white shirt, Yushu Lingfeng, and holding a white fan.

Zhuo Bufan tried hard to recall the information about these two envoys in his mind, and finally remembered it suddenly.

"Kong Ling, come here, I have a task for you."

Zhuo Bufan called a fifth-level disciple named Kong Ling.

"Master, what's the mission?"

This man named Kong Ling was one of the first people to follow Zhuo Bufan. Zhuo Bufan trusted him very much.

"Did you see those two envoys? The fat one is called Fugen, and he is the general of Tianwang City. The thin one is called Dugu Chong, and he is the military advisor of Tianwang City."

"It's up to you to receive the two envoys later. If the other party wants to find the captain, just say that the captain has something to do and has left. He has left everything here to you. Do you understand?"

After hearing this, Kong Ling nodded and said.

"I understand, Master, leave it to me!"

Afterwards, Kong Ling rushed towards the two envoys.

Zhuo Bufan handed it over to Kong Ling because it was inconvenient for him to come forward.

Zhuo Bufan's slave seal has seven levels. If he stands in front of those two people, it will bring pressure to them based on level.

The other party will naturally expose him at a glance.

Replacing Kong Ling with him was also to conceal the truth.

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