Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 749 For the Crazy Sect

Zhuo Bufan's choice was correct.

When Kong Ling walked up to the two envoys, he repeated what Zhuo Bufan had told him in advance.

After hearing this, the fat envoy just cursed.

"This guy Gou Long actually dared to leave his post without permission. When he comes back, he will be killed without mercy."

The fat envoy was a general, but he only knew the captain Gou Long here. As for the team members under Gou Long, he basically didn't know them.

And the military advisor behind him didn't even recognize the captain here.

However, when the military advisor Du Gu Chong looked at Kong Ling, he obviously narrowed his eyes.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's heart was hanging.

He felt that this military advisor was not simple, and he was afraid that he would discover the truth.

Fortunately, in the end, the military officer smiled again and said.

"The Ghost Emperor is coming soon, and we will invite him to the city for a meeting. You stay here and don't leave your post without permission. Do you understand?"

Ling Kong heard it and answered immediately.

"I understand!"

Then, the two messengers did not say anything more, but stood there waiting.

During this period, Zhuo Bufan stood at the end of the team and found that Dugu Chong kept looking back at them.

"Did this guy find something?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

But until the sun set, Dugu Chong did not say much.

At dusk, suddenly, the sky and the earth began to roar, and the earth began to tremble.

Everyone looked up and saw huge spaceships appearing from the end of the southern sky.

These spaceships raised huge cloud sails and shuttled through the clouds. The scene was grand and shocking.

The entire hull of the spaceship at the front was made of skulls, and the bow was a huge skull, which looked a little scary.

Obviously, the first spaceship was the spaceship of the Ghost Emperor.

Seeing the arrival of the Ghost Emperor's fleet, Zhuo Bufan quickly asked his brothers to pull up a huge white blanket on the ground.

Seeing this, the fleet in the sky began to land on the Wind Plain.

"Here they come!"

When Fugen and Dugu Chong saw the arrival of the Ghost Emperor's fleet, they began to wait in a serious manner and stood solemnly.

Then, the fleet above the sky began to slowly descend.

The leading spaceship landed first and then stopped in front of the two messengers.

Zhuo Bufan saw this situation and began to restrain his breath.

He knew that the Ghost Emperor was a ninth-level Yan slave.

He had never fought with a ninth-level one and was not sure about it.

But no matter what, he could not be exposed at this time.

As the spaceship landed, the hatch opened.

Then, a man in a gray robe and a skull crown came out.

The moment he walked out, a group of black air wrapped around him and began to float.

He floated in the air without touching the ground, which gave people a very terrifying feeling.

Obviously, he was the Ghost Emperor.

His appearance was terrifying.

Even the two messengers were trembling.

Especially the fat messenger, after seeing the Ghost Emperor, he even began to tremble.

It was Dugu Chong who was beside him who stepped forward and said.

"Master Ghost Emperor, our city lord has already set up a dinner in the palace, and supplies have also been prepared."

"We have come here specially to welcome Master Ghost Emperor."

Dugu Chong was not afraid, but Ghost Emperor did not pay attention to him.

He said nothing, and floated towards Tianwang City.

Only a few generals under his command accompanied him.

The two envoys of Tianwang City saw this and hurried to follow.

After all of them left, Zhuo Bufan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

The Ghost Emperor left, so they could act smoothly.

Seeing the sunset, it was almost night. Zhuo Bufan led the suicide squad, gathered together, and then said.

"Brothers, I will cause an explosion later to attract everyone's attention. You will be responsible for entering their spaceship during the chaos and then find the cargo hold where they load the thunder bombs!"

"Next, I don't need to say more, right?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at everyone present and said.

After hearing this, everyone nodded firmly.

"Master, don't worry, we are aware of it!"

"Well, you will each find a warship to prepare. Everyone, listen to my instructions."

"Once you hear the explosion, you will act immediately. Time is running out, you must complete the task in the shortest possible time."

"Go, heroes of my Kuangmen."

Zhuo Bufan encouraged at last.

All the disciples started to act immediately.

Zhuo Bufan set his sights on the Ghost Emperor's spaceship.

As night fell, the city of Tianwang was full of singing and dancing, and the lights were bright.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan quietly sneaked into the Ghost Emperor's spaceship.

There were many masters in the Ghost Emperor's spaceship, and there were twenty or thirty sixth-level masters.

These people patrolled around the deck, not even a fly dared to fly in.

Of course, it was not just this ship, almost all ships were the same, and they were heavily guarded.

If Zhuo Bufan did not cause some noise, it would be impossible for others to enter the spacecraft.

Therefore, this cannon must be fired by Zhuo Bufan.

Fortunately, for Zhuo Bufan, these sixth-level Yan slaves were not enough.

He used his divine power to easily kill several guards, and then entered the cabin.

After entering the cabin, Zhuo Bufan began to use his divine power to find the ammunition compartment.

After he found the ammunition compartment, he stopped sneaking around and swaggered towards it.

Along the way, a guard spotted him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say a word and started the battle directly.

He killed his way to the ammunition compartment, then took out a thunder bomb and threw it into the ammunition compartment.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan used a layer of divine power to protect himself.


Then, a shocking explosion exploded on the Wind Plain.

The Ghost Emperor's imperial ship was instantly turned into ruins.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosions that came one after another alarmed all the members on the spacecraft on the plain.

"Look, it's the Ghost Emperor's warship that exploded!"

"What happened? The Ghost Emperor's warship actually exploded?"

"No way? Go and have a look."

The Ghost Emperor's warship was blown up, which naturally attracted everyone's attention. Many people began to gather around the deck, focusing all their attention on the Ghost Emperor's spaceship at the front.

In this way, the members of the Suicide Squad saw the opportunity and entered the cabin one after another.

Then, everyone began to do their best and show their unique skills.

The ammunition compartment was constantly discovered by them.

As soon as they found the ammunition compartment, they took out the thunder bombs they had prepared in advance, then raised the thunder bombs and shouted.

"For the Crazy Gate!"

The next second, they rushed into the ammunition compartment with the thunder bombs that were about to explode.






Accompanied by bursts of explosions, it exploded on the Wind Plain.

Amid the explosions, there were miserable screams one after another.

Ah ah ah ah!

Howling, crying, screaming...

The Ghost Emperor's men were buried in the sea of ​​fire before they understood what was happening.

Zhuo Bufan stood on a hill not far away, looking at the endless sea of ​​fire on the plain in front of him, and lowered his head silently.

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers!"

Although his plan was successful, his suicide squad was also wiped out.

However, Zhuo Bufan knew that it was all worth it to use the suicide squad to exchange for the Ghost Emperor's 100,000 soldiers.


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