Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 750: Battle against the Ghost Emperor (Part 1)

The sky was red with flames and smoke, and the mountains and rivers were ablaze for thousands of miles.

On the Windy Plain, thunder rolled and artillery fire continued.

The fierce bombing shook the Tianwang City several miles away.

In the Tianwang City, the Ghost Emperor and his men were drinking with the Lord of Tianwang City.

Suddenly, a huge roar startled everyone in the city.

Everyone leaned on the railings, looking at the burning red night sky in the west, feeling that it was the coming of the end of the world.

"Oh my God, it's the direction of the Windy Plain, what happened there?"

"The Windy Plain is on fire, such a big fire, illuminating the entire sky."

In the palace, the Ghost Emperor looked coldly and glanced.

The next second, he suddenly widened his dark eyes.

"Damn, my fleet!"

The Ghost Emperor's eyes have the ability of clairvoyance.

Although he can't see a thousand miles away, a mere ten miles away is no problem.

The Ghost Emperor saw endless fire burning on the Windy Plain.

A strong wind blew, and the wind helped the fire, causing the entire fire to burn the sky.

"Damn it, damn it, my fleet!"

In the eyes of the Ghost Emperor, all he saw were his hundreds of warships and spaceships, which turned into charred ruins in the flames.

And his men were also wailing and crying in the flames, and finally they were burned to ashes.

Half of the Ghost Emperor's 100,000 troops were blown to death, and half were burned to death.

There were also those who escaped by chance, and they were sniped one by one by Zhuo Bufan who was guarding outside!


The Ghost Emperor could no longer sit still. He suddenly dropped the wine glass in his hand, and then rushed out of the palace with a bang, and then he flew quickly towards the Wind Plain.

On the other side, around the resurrection spring under Tiandang Mountain, Zhuo Bufan had already made Xu Huang ready.

Once someone is resurrected from the spring, no matter who it is, he will be killed without mercy.

However, the resurrection time of the resurrection spring is three hours.

In other words, it will take three hours after death to be reborn.

Zhuo Bufan had to buy some time for Xu Huang and his men, lest the Ghost Emperor and his men react first and head to Tiandang Mountain.

So, Zhuo Bufan stayed in the Windy Plain and did not leave.

Instead, he waited for the Ghost Emperor to kill him.

It just so happened that Zhuo Bufan also wanted to try out how far he was from the Ninth Order.

When the Ghost Emperor and his men arrived at the Windy Plain, his fleet had already been completely buried in the sea of ​​fire.

"Your Majesty, look, there's a man there."

The Ghost Emperor had four subordinates, all of whom were at the Seventh Order.

These four subordinates were the Four Heavenly Kings under his seat.

They were also his only subordinates now.

The Ghost Emperor came with a mighty army of 100,000, but he did not expect that before he arrived at Zhuo Bufan's Zhuowang City, his entire army had been annihilated.

The Ghost Emperor looked at Zhuo Bufan floating in the air, his entire face turned dark, with black smoke lingering around.

"Damn it, damn it! You destroyed my army!"

"Who are you?"

The Ghost Emperor had used his clairvoyance to watch Zhuo Bufan before, and sniped those who managed to escape.

Obviously, all this was done by Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan held his hands, floated in the air, and laughed.

"Ghost Emperor, you came from afar to kill me, but you don't even know who I am?"

Zhuo Bufan laughed. It seems that the Ghost Emperor's intelligence is just so-so, and he didn't even find out the basic information about Zhuo Bufan's voice and appearance.

You should know that Zhuo Bufan's portraits are all over the major branch temples.

There are also many believers who carry them with them as if they were treasures.

When the other party saw his real body, he didn't recognize him.

When the Ghost Emperor heard this, he was furious.

"Damn it, damn it, it's you, Zhuo Bufan!"

This Ghost Emperor only knew the name Zhuo Bufan from the beginning to the end.

After he learned that a guy named Zhuo Bufan destroyed his Thunderbolt Mine, he didn't do much investigation and came to kill him.

I thought I could easily kill Zhuo Bufan and recover the lost territory.

Unexpectedly, he was tricked by Zhuo Bufan while still in Tianwang City.

A hundred thousand troops were destroyed in just an instant.

Zhuo Bufan's intelligence was obviously richer than that of the Ghost Emperor.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will lead to victory in every battle. Zhuo Bufan also knew the importance of intelligence, so he asked Xu Huang to strengthen the intelligence construction of the Crazy Sect.

Lu Fei did a good job in this regard.

When Lu Fei was developing the Crazy Sect, he also strengthened the construction of the Crazy Sect Intelligence Department.

"You are looking for death!"

"Kill him!"

As soon as the Ghost Emperor finished speaking, the four men beside him rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

In the eyes of the Ghost Emperor, Zhuo Bufan was just a seventh-level Yan slave. If he was alone, it was not worth his effort.

The four masters under his command were enough to kill Zhuo Bufan.

However, the moment the four masters rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan raised his fist, and then gathered all the fire on the earth to create a huge fire giant.

"Huh, you want to fight with us?"

Seeing the fire giant created by Zhuo Bufan.

The four masters under the Ghost Emperor also manipulated the fire seal.

For a moment, four fire giants stood up from the sea of ​​fire at the same time.

The four fire giants began to besiege the fire giant created by Zhuo Bufan, and the scene effect was explosive!

However, the four masters soon discovered that their fire giants had no advantage in four against one.

No matter how they attacked, Zhuo Bufan's fire giant stood firm.

On the contrary, Zhuo Bufan's fire giant went around and directly blasted their fire giants into ashes.

"What's going on?"

The four were shocked. They had never expected that Zhuo Bufan's fire giant would be so powerful.

Even the Ghost Emperor who was watching the battle found that Zhuo Bufan was not simple.

They were all level seven, but the fire giant controlled by Zhuo Bufan was obviously stronger than the other four.

The fire giant seemed to be wrapped in a layer of strange energy.

Of course, they didn't know that it was Zhuo Bufan's divine power.

Zhuo Bufan used divine power to bless the fire giant.

So his fire giant was more powerful than they imagined.

"Haha, it seems that I am invincible among the same level!"

Through this battle, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood his own strength.

At the same time, his confidence soared, and he was fully capable of fighting the Ghost Emperor.

"In that case, let's send these brothers away first!"

Zhuo Bufan no longer entangled with the four people. His target was the Ghost Emperor.

So the next second, the fire giant controlled by Zhuo Bufan suddenly continued to grow.

At the same time, the earth trembled, the mountains moved, and the grass and trees flew.

Zhuo Bufan actually mobilized the power of three seals at the same time.

"Come out, hellfire!"

Zhuo Bufan combined the power of three seals to refine the hellfire.

The original flaming giant turned into a terrible monster wrapped in rocks, flames and grass.

With one palm falling, it was a prairie fire and the stars fell.

"Destroy it for me!"

Zhuo Bufan condensed the three seals and sent a monstrous blow.

I saw the towering giant condensing endless fire in his hand, and then slamming it towards the earth.

That blow covered the sky and the sun, and endless sparks fell.

Pieces of huge rocks fell from the hands of the unparalleled giant, like meteorites falling.

This is the most powerful blow that Zhuo Bufan can use so far.

This blow almost covers the entire Gale Plain without distinction.

The huge handprint that covered the sky was extremely powerful.

"Not good, run!"

The four masters under the Ghost Emperor felt the fatal threat at the first moment.

When the Ghost Emperor saw the huge hand that was falling, his eyes were stunned.


There was a loud bang, and black air rushed into the sky, filling the entire night sky.

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