Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 751: Battle against the Ghost Emperor (Part 2)

As the huge handprint fell from the sky, the entire Windy Plain was shaking.

The handprint was so huge that it really covered the sky.

Facing the huge handprint, the four masters had no way to avoid it.

However, Zhuo Bufan's target was not them, but the Ghost Emperor.

So they still had the power to fight back.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan would not kill them here.

Otherwise, if they were resurrected in the resurrection spring of Tiandang Mountain, Xu Huang and the others would be in danger.

So Zhuo Bufan would not kill anyone in the Windy Plain for the time being.

His goal was to test the combat effectiveness of the Ghost Emperor.

So, the huge palm completely covered all the directions of the Ghost Emperor's escape and blasted towards the Ghost Emperor.

The only choice for the Ghost Emperor was to fight head-on.

Seeing the huge handprint blasting -


At that moment, endless divine power burst out from the Ghost Emperor, shattering the sky.

Then, the boundless demonic energy turned into a sword that pierced the sky and pierced the huge handprint that the giant sky-holding giant dropped.

"Boy, you've completely pissed me off."

The Ghost Emperor sensed Zhuo Bufan's murderous intent to deliberately provoke a fight.

He finally decided to do it himself and kill Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, the endless black gas that flew out of his body split into countless clones, roaring like countless evil spirits, and then blasted towards the huge handprint that covered the sky.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Accompanied by tens of thousands of explosions, the huge handprint that covered the sky was destroyed by the Ghost Emperor, and then turned into ashes.

Not only that, the Ghost Emperor began to show his divine power.

He raised a ghost sword in his hand, and a purple ghost fire burned on the sword body, and then soared into the sky.


The Ghost Emperor slashed down with a sword, and Zhuo Bufan consumed 30% of his divine power. The condensed giant was actually split in half by the Ghost Emperor's sword.


As a burst of explosions came, the hellfire that stood tall and upright was split alive, and then exploded into ashes.

"Accept your fate!"

The Ghost Emperor first broke the Heaven-shaking Handprint, and then cut off the Hellfire.

He was ready to launch the final attack to kill Zhuo Bufan to avenge his grudge.

However, just after he destroyed the Hellfire, he suddenly discovered that Zhuo Bufan had disappeared.

"This damn monkey, do you still want to escape?"

"Chase him!"

Finally, the Ghost Emperor saw Zhuo Bufan flying to the north, so he took the four masters and chased him.

At the same time, on the side of the Resurrection Spring, the Ghost Emperor Corps that was destroyed by the Suicide Squad began to revive for the first time.

However, they just floated up from the Resurrection Spring in groups.

The next second, Xu Huang launched an attack.


At Xu Huang's command, thunder bombs were thrown into the Resurrection Spring.

Then, the whole valley exploded.

In the end, everything went as Zhuo Bufan expected, and the 100,000 Ghost Emperor Corps was killed again.

The average level must have fallen to the second level.

Now they only need to kill him once more, and then the Crazy Sect can completely secure the victory.

Of course, the premise is that Zhuo Bufan will not be killed by the Ghost Emperor.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is the leader of the Crazy Sect and the synonym of God.

If he loses, it will definitely affect the morale of the army.

So in this battle, Zhuo Bufan cannot lose, and cannot die!


After this battle, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood his current strength.

His current strength is enough to fight against an eighth-level master, and ordinary eighth-level masters are not his opponents.

But compared with the ninth level, it is a bit reluctant.

The ninth-level Ghost Emperor obviously has no problem suppressing Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems that I am not an opponent of the ninth level now. In this case, I am afraid that the tenth-level Temple God will not dare to provoke it."

Zhuo Bufan actually cares more about the tenth-level Temple God.

He has now provoked a Temple God. Unless he is promoted to the tenth level as soon as possible, otherwise, if he encounters a Temple God in the future, he may suffer a great loss.

"No matter what, let's deal with this Ghost Emperor first."

"The four generals under him are all level seven. After killing them, my strength should increase a lot."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment and locked his target on the four masters.

Kill them and then obtain their slave seal power, so that Zhuo Bufan will be able to fight the Ghost Emperor.

However, it is not easy to kill the four masters in front of the Ghost Emperor.

What's more, the Ghost Emperor is chasing him relentlessly.

"Today, this emperor will kill you so that you have no way to go to heaven or to the ground. Take your life!"

After the Ghost Emperor finished speaking, countless black smoke turned into ghosts and killed Zhuo Bufan who was fleeing.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Facing the crazy attack of the Ghost Emperor, Zhuo Bufan could only flee everywhere.

It was impossible to fight, and he couldn't fight, so the only right thing to do was to escape.

Zhuo Bufan, who was blessed with divine power, at least ran, and the Ghost Emperor really couldn't catch up for a while.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan led all of them to a huge stone forest.

In such a place, it was even more difficult to catch Zhuo Bufan.

He simply disappeared in front of the Ghost Emperor and others, and then started a guerrilla war.

He fought here and there, making the five Ghost Emperors furious and unable to vent.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan!"

"This kid has been secretly plotting against us. He must want to kill the four of us and improve his realm."

"We can use this trick. I'll be the bait to lure him out. Your Majesty will kill him in one fell swoop!"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan fighting guerrillas with them, Ghost Emperor and others were helpless.

However, after the Ghost Emperor heard his subordinate's proposal, he thought it was wonderful.

"What a great idea. Are you willing to die for this emperor?"

The Ghost Emperor looked at the four of them and said.

After hearing this, the four people answered without hesitation.

"We are willing to die for Your Majesty at any time!"

"Well, go ahead! The locals will avenge you!"

After the Ghost Emperor finished speaking, he allowed the four of them to go after Zhuo Bufan.

And he was secretly preparing a killing move.

Zhuo Bufan shuttled through the stone forest. He really wanted to kill the four seventh-level ones to improve his own strength, and then fight with the Ghost Emperor.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was searching for his target, he suddenly discovered the four people who were alone.

"The Ghost Emperor isn't here? Are you going to split up, or are you trying to lure me out?"

Zhuo Bufan actually suspected that Ghost Emperor and the others wanted to lure him out of his hole.

However, no matter whether the other party wants to plot against him or not, it is still a good opportunity for Zhuo Bufan.

He can kill these four people as quickly as possible. In this way, he will not be afraid even if he sees the Ghost Emperor.

"You brat, we know you're nearby, come out and die!"

As bait, the four masters played their role as bait and began to lure Zhuo Bufan to show up.

At this moment, a sharp voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Haha, since you are looking for death, then take your life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding stone forest suddenly began to collapse, and then turned into countless cones, shooting towards the four people in the stone forest.


Zhuo Bufan secretly took action, and every thorn was blessed with his divine power.

You can kill those four people in one fell swoop.

However, at that moment, suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky.

On the earth, the black shadow continues to expand.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the expanding black shadow on the ground and looked up.

He raised his eyebrows and was suddenly startled.

Above his head, a mountain actually fell.

It was a whole mountain, even bigger than his previous big handprint that covered the sky.

The Ghost Emperor actually moved a mountain and crashed down on Zhuo Bufan!


Zhuo Bufan immediately thought of running away.

However, before he could move, the mountain crashed down towards the entire stone forest.

The next second——


The world is in turmoil, and the mountains are collapsing!

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