Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 752: Battle against the Ghost Emperor (Part 2)

Zhuo Bufan was half a step behind in chess, but he still fell into the trap of Ghost Emperor and others.

Ghost Emperor used the method of moving mountains to summon a mountain and suppressed Zhuo Bufan. Of course, the four masters under his seat were also suppressed.

They are necessary baits to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Ghost Emperor stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the earth and looking down on the world.

He is worthy of being a ninth-level Yan slave, the top power in this world.

Moving mountains and filling the sea is completely easy.

However, even if Zhuo Bufan was suppressed, Ghost Emperor could not swallow this breath.

"Damn it, my 100,000 elite soldiers were all destroyed by this beast."

Ghost Emperor was still furious.

"I will torture this beast to the first level, let him reincarnate forever, and be a slave forever."

"I will also destroy his crazy sect and all the people related to him."

Ghost Emperor was crazy. In this battle, his losses were more serious than he imagined.

He was not discouraged by just killing Zhuo Bufan, he wanted to kill the entire Northern Territory.

Just as he was about to go to the nearest resurrection spring to guard the body.

Suddenly, the mountain under his feet began to tremble.


Crack, crack, crack!

The mountain began to collapse, and countless broken stones began to fall.

Bang bang bang bang...

Accompanied by the increasingly loud bombing sound, a series of bombings smashed the entire mountain in a flash.


Finally, there was a loud bang, and the entire mountain was directly blown into ashes.

For a moment, rocks flew through the air, heat waves roared, mountains and seas were overwhelmed, and dust was blown away.

Then, a white shadow flew up from the ground.

The white robe fluttered, and the breath was all over the sky.

The person who ran out was the invincible Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, the Ghost Emperor suddenly showed a hideous smile on his face, and then he began to roar hysterically.

"Hahaha, great, great, you are really great!"

"I didn't expect you to be alive, great. If you die like this, how can this emperor's anger be extinguished!"

The Ghost Emperor laughed wildly, because he could finally vent all his anger on Zhuo Bufan who was not dead yet.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan again, although he collapsed out of the mountain.

But he was also seriously injured.

What's worse is that Zhuo Bufan consumed 30% of his divine power in order to break through the mountain.

In addition to the previous continuous battle with the Ghost Emperor, Zhuo Bufan's divine power is less than 20%.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan was really pushed to the end of his rope.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan was already seriously injured, and blood even flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The clothes on his body were also destroyed.

In short, Zhuo Bufan was not feeling well. He ate twice and then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, the ninth-rank Yan Nu is comparable to the Dao Realm masters in the world of cultivation."

Zhuo Bufan can basically infer the overall strength of this world from the combat power of the Ghost Emperor.

The overall strength of Hell is weaker than that of the world of cultivation.

The legendary world god Yan Wang is almost as powerful as the Qing Emperor.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not retreat.

"Come on!"

He roared at the Ghost Emperor, and his divine power suddenly soared into the sky. The powerful divine power began to affect the weather. The terrible power could be felt within a hundred miles.


Zhuo Bufan raised his fist and punched the Ghost Emperor in the air!

The air was compressed instantly, forming a powerful sonic boom, and at the same time, a group of air cannons burst out.

The powerful air cannon generated huge energy and blasted in the air.

For a moment, the clouds above the sky were flattened in an instant, and the air was shaking the wilderness.

"You are not an ordinary person, a seventh-level Yan slave. How can you be so strong!"

Facing Zhuo Bufan's thunderous attack, the Ghost Emperor actually opened his mouth and swallowed the energy directly into his stomach.

The next second, he opened his mouth and blasted the energy back to Zhuo Bufan intact.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this!

"Damn, it's even stronger than my attack!"

He didn't expect the Ghost Emperor to have such a trick. He swallowed his thunderous attack and then strengthened the energy in his stomach, and finally spit it out intact, no, it should be more strengthened.

Zhuo Bufan punched out again, blasting the reflected energy in the air.

The earth disintegrated and collapsed again.

"Ten Thousand Ghosts!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan had just resolved the Ghost Emperor's counterattack, he heard the Ghost Emperor shouting angrily.

The next second, the air was filled with ghosts, and black fog began to fill the entire sky.

In the blink of an eye, Zhuo Bufan found himself surrounded by black fog.

In the black fog, ghosts began to shuttle in front of him.

Looking down from the sky, you will find that there is a huge black ball that is thousands of meters above the earth, and the black ball is filled with ghosts.

This is a super large barrier, the Ghost Emperor's Ten Thousand Ghosts Pagoda barrier.

What's more terrifying is that this barrier can move with the Ghost Emperor.

The Ghost Emperor himself is at the center of this black ball.

So, no matter which direction Zhuo Bufan wants to escape, it will be useless.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Ghost Emperor's Ten Thousand Ghosts Pagoda, for a moment, the whole world is full of ghosts.

These ghosts carry extremely terrifying hostility.

When they passed through Zhuo Bufan's body, Zhuo Bufan felt that his body and soul were constantly weakened.

These vicious ghosts are constantly depriving him of his power.

"Not good!"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he had encountered an unprecedented crisis.

He thought about running away, but now he had no idea where to go.

The most important thing is that because it was too dark, his visual distance was less than one meter, and he couldn't find the Ghost Emperor hiding in the darkness at all.

If he couldn't kill the Ghost Emperor, he couldn't dispel the darkness.

And the Ghost Emperor was hiding in the ghost fog he created, and it was basically impossible to catch him.

Now, the power in Zhuo Bufan's body was getting weaker and weaker.

If this continued, he would be completely drained in less than half an hour.

"Little beast, just like that, let's end it!"

The Ghost Emperor watched Zhuo Bufan being weakened, and he finally laughed at ease.

However, the Ghost Emperor didn't have time to laugh out loud.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky.


It was a white light as bright as the sun, from the sky, from the outside of the black ball, breaking it apart.



With a burst of explosions, the Ghost Emperor's Ten Thousand Ghosts Pagoda was shattered.

The light instantly dispelled all the darkness in the sky, and then fell from the sky with the force of splitting mountains.

While the light was dispelling the darkness, a sword light pierced through the Ghost Emperor's eyebrows.

The Ghost Emperor reacted immediately and quickly dodged to the side.

The sword brushed past his nose and then hit the ground heavily.


Immediately, a huge crater was blasted open on the ground.

Taking advantage of the dissipation of the ghost fog, Zhuo Bufan took the opportunity to recover his spirit and rushed out.

When he flew into the sky and looked at the divine light that suddenly appeared in the sky, his pupils shrank.

"Xuan, Yuan, Hao!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted excitedly.

That's right, the man who suddenly came out was Xuanyuan Hao, whom Zhuo Bufan had been looking forward to meeting again.

The moment he saw Xuanyuan Hao, Zhuo Bufan shouted excitedly.

There was a kind of excitement of meeting one's hometown in a foreign land, which arose spontaneously.

Nothing is more exciting than meeting old friends in a foreign country, no, to be precise, in a foreign world.

This scene that Zhuo Bufan had been waiting for for a long time finally happened.

He had been waiting for Zifan, Xuanyuan Hao, and Chu Mubai to find him.

And now, Xuanyuan Hao found him.

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