Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 756 Temple God Weakness

Dugu Chong told Zhuo Bufan his true identity. He was actually a temple god!

Looking at his forehead, it was just a sixth-level slave seal.

"I passed the temple god test of the father god and gained the power of the bone god."

"But later I violated the will of the father god. He not only deprived me of my divine power, but also destroyed everything I had built with great difficulty."

"The current Jiu Wushen is my former status."

In order to gain Zhuo Bufan's trust, Dugu Chong told this shocking secret.

"Master, I can see your ambition. You can't hide it, it comes from the desire deep in your heart."

"You want to build your crazy sect into the most powerful force. You want people all over the world to worship you as their master and have faith in you."

Every word Dugu Chong said undoubtedly touched Zhuo Bufan's heart.

Perhaps Zhuo Bufan had never thought about it.

But after Dugu Chong said this, the fire of desire in his heart was ignited.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan's purpose of establishing the crazy sect was not to liberate any slaves.

He wanted to gain more faith and improve his divine power.

And the development of the Kuangmen was just to make his Kuangmen stronger and more eye-catching, so as to find Zifan and Xuanyuan Hao as soon as possible.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan's current goal has been achieved, and he has not thought about continuing to expand the development of the Kuangmen.

However, at this time, Dugu Chong brought a bad news that the temple gods have already set their sights on him.

If Zhuo Bufan was in the active position before, then he is now completely passive.

Now it is not that he wants to cause trouble to others, but that others have set their sights on him.

A battle with the temple gods is almost inevitable.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Dugu Chong came prepared, so this time, he did not refuse Dugu Chong, but said.

"Do you have a good plan? Let me hear it!"

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to test Dugu Chong, but he did not expect Dugu Chong to speak out without reservation.

"I can tell you the weakness of the Temple God."

"The Temple Gods are all people who have passed the Father God's test and obtained a part of the Father God's power."

"I can tell you clearly that the Temple Gods are immortal. Moreover, they will not be demoted."

When Dugu Chong told this secret, Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao and Xu Huang who were present all frowned.

The Temple Gods are immortal and will not be demoted. This means that they are immortal.

"No, your death means that there is a way to kill the Temple God, right?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Dugu Chong was hiding something.

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's question, Dugu Chong smiled slightly and answered.

"That's right, the temple gods are not invincible."

"Before participating in the Father God's trial, the temple gods used a certain organ of their bodies as a pass for the trial."

"Correspondingly, they will obtain corresponding divine powers."

"For example, I once used my bones as a price, so I was given the divine power of the bones of sin and dragon bones."

"And the lamp nightmare god you are about to face, at the cost of his own eyes, obtained the evil eye and the power of the lamp nightmare."

"And the Jiuwu God himself is a bird-human, he paid for his wings and obtained the wings of death and the power of Jiuwu"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked.

"At the cost of a certain organ of his body, you get invincible divine power?"

"That's right. This is the source of their invincible power, but at the same time, it is also their fatal weakness."

"What do you mean? Explain it clearly."

Zhuo Bufan was a little impatient.

After hearing this, Dugu Chong smiled calmly.

"Want to know? Then you should agree to my request for surrender, let me be your military advisor, let me help you dominate the world."

At this time, Dugu Chong finally began to negotiate.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, he knew very well that the next battle was completely out of his hands.

But they were facing the immortal temple gods. If they didn't know how to kill them, then Zhuo Bufan and his Kuangmen would probably be disintegrated.

After thinking it over, Zhuo Bufan finally agreed.

"Okay, I agree that you will become my Kuangmen military advisor. From now on, you only need to obey my orders."

Zhuo Bufan temporarily agreed to Dugu Chong.

Dugu Chong smiled calmly when he heard it.

He seemed to have expected this result.

"Now you can tell me how to kill the temple gods."

Zhuo Bufan asked. For him, this was more of a deal.

Dugu Chong nodded and began to talk about the fatal weaknesses of Jiang Su's temple gods.

"In fact, their weakness is the organs they exchanged."

"Once their organs are destroyed, they will lose all their divine power and die at the same time, falling to the ninth level."

"For example, the fatal weakness of the Nightmare God of Lights is his eyes. But these eyes are not his current eyes, but the original eyes that he has hidden."

"Find his eyes and crush them, and the Nightmare God of Lights will naturally fall. Otherwise, you can't kill him no matter what. The eyes he has hidden are the source of his real power."

Dugu Chong told Zhuo Bufan the secret that the temple gods have been guarding.

It turns out that the biggest weakness of the temple gods is the replaced organs.

Find the organs and destroy them, and these temple gods will naturally fall.

"I see, I didn't expect the temple god to have such a secret."

Zhuo Bufan believed that this information was very important. It could be said that his intelligence organization could not find it.

After all, for such an important secret, there was a tacit understanding among the temple gods not to reveal any of it to the outside world.

As for Dugu Chong, it was because he was a former temple god that he knew such an important secret.

This secret is obviously the magic weapon for Zhuo Bufan and the others to win.

"Tell me, military advisor, how are we going to fight against the coming Damp Night God and Jiu Wu God?"

Since Dugu Chong came prepared, Zhuo Bufan let him play his role.

Let him reveal his plan.

After Dugu Chong listened, he began to speak freely.

"Master, I suggest that instead of passively waiting for the two palace gods to encircle and suppress you, step into our crazy gate and take the initiative."

Dugu Chong indeed had a plan.

"Oh? You and I thought of going together, and that's what I had in mind."

After Zhuo Bufan learned about the weakness of the temple god, he decided to change from passive to active.

"Yes, we can strike first, find the organs they hide, and then destroy them."

"However, it is not easy to find these hidden organs! After all, the temple gods all know that this is their Achilles' heel, and they will definitely hide it in a place that only they know." Zhuo Bufan said.

"This is our only choice! Whether we can find it or not is our task."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Xuanyuan Hao aside.

"What do you think?"

Xuanyuan Hao had a cold face and nodded slightly.

Then Zhuo Bufan looked at Xu Huang again, and Xu Huang nodded solemnly.

"Well, if that's the case, then we will choose to take the initiative."

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