Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 757 Yi Meng Returns

With the addition of Dugu Chong, Zhuo Bufan's current Kuangmen can be said to be even more powerful.

Dugu Chong has obviously brought a lot of benefits to Zhuo Bufan, and a lot of information cannot be investigated by Kuangmen's current intelligence agency.

For example, the organs exchanged by each temple god are the eight temple gods.

"This world is divided into northern and southern kingdoms. Among them, the northern kingdom has ten major temple gods, and the southern kingdom has eight major palace gods."

"I don't know much about the temple gods of the Northern Kingdom. I mainly talk about the eight major temple gods of the Southern Kingdom."

"You all understand Jiu Wushen and Lantern God. Jiu Wushen's weakness is his wings."

"Of course, not his current wings. His current wings are called wings of death. They can blow out the wind of death. People swept by the wind will age quickly and turn into ashes."

"The evil eye of the Nightmare God can trigger evil in people's hearts and make them crazy."

"In addition, there are the mighty arm god known as the Hand of Hell, the cloud-swallowing god of the throat of the abyss, the black tooth god of the fangs of despair, the blood demon god of scorching blood, the universal god of the yinyu king, and the fear The headless god."

"Their corresponding organs are hands, throat, teeth, blood, kidneys, and hair."

Dugu Chong knew the internal organs of every temple god in the Southern Kingdom.

"In other words, if you find these hidden organs, you can eliminate them, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Dugu Chong.

"Yes, actually I already know where the weaknesses of two of the temple gods lie."

"First of all, there is this headless god. Her most powerful thing is her hair. Correspondingly, her weakness is also the hair she sacrificed. And she hid that hair among her countless hairs. among.”

"There is also this God with a powerful arm. This person is extremely arrogant. He has the hand of hell and is the most powerful person among the eight palace gods. And his original right hand is placed in the main hall of his palace. "

Dugu Chong has apparently been secretly investigating the hidden organs of the eight temple gods.

"Very good, this information is quite important."

Zhuo Bufan believes that letting Dugu Chong join is indeed a good choice.

"According to my information, Jiu Wushen and Deng Nightmare God should already be on their way to the Northern Territory."

"As a result, their palace happens to be empty. So we can take this opportunity to sneak into their palace and see if we can find the organs they have hidden."

"You mean to let me avoid the edge temporarily?"

"That's right, I don't want to let other people's ambitions destroy my own prestige, but now we are really no match for the two palace gods."

Dugu Chong was once a temple god, and he knew the terrifying strength of the temple god.

Moreover, the most powerful thing about the temple god is that he cannot be killed!

If you can't find the organs they hide, it will be impossible to fight them.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, thought again and again, and finally agreed to Dugu Chong's proposal.

"Okay, let's avoid its edge now."

"Xu Huang, please pass on the order and ask all the disciples in the branch to move to work behind the scenes. I, the Kuang Sect, will be quiet for a while."

"Yes, Master!"

Now Xu Huang has become Zhuo Bufan's most capable subordinate.

"Also, all the affairs of Kuangmen will probably be left to you to take care of. I will go to the palace of the temple in person."

"While I am away, you must protect the order of the Kuangmen."

"In addition, I want you to spare no effort to develop Kuangmen's intelligence capabilities, and it is best to penetrate into the temple of the temple gods. If you can find the organs of other temple gods, I will remember your great contribution."

Table Bu Fu'an finally focused on the collection of intelligence as the main development direction of Kuangmen.

Obviously, as long as the intelligence is developed strong enough, it will no longer be difficult to find the organs hidden by the temple god.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's repeated explanations, Xu Huang felt a heavy responsibility.

This time, he did not answer Zhuo Bufan immediately because he was worried that he would not be able to manage such a huge mad family.

Kuangmen is now a huge organizational force with nearly 100,000 disciples, and it is still growing every day, with new disciples joining.

It can be said that this is a huge ship and it needs a helmsman.

Xu Huang felt that his ability was not enough.

Zhuo Bufan also seemed to see Xu Huang's lack of confidence.

If it were Lu Fei, he would definitely agree without hesitation.

Compared to Lu Fei, Xu Huang still needs more growth.

"Let's see, I'm looking for a few capable assistants for you. Now that the Kuang Sect is in great danger, I must take action personally. If the Kuang Sect is left unattended, the morale of the military will soon be disordered."

Zhuo Bufan had no choice. He, Xuanyuan Hao and Dugu Chong had to go to the Palace of the Gods in person to look for the organs.

"If the deputy sect master is here..."

Xu Huang suddenly mentioned the deputy sect leader. There was only one deputy sect leader of Kuang Sect, and that was Yi Meng.

However, Yi Meng was sent away by Zhuo Bufan and will not come back.

"Xu Huang, Yi Meng will not come back. I believe in your ability."

As a result, as soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Who said I won't come back?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a blue figure running towards him, and then quickly entered the palace.

Then, she knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan without hesitation.

"Subordinate Yi Meng, please see the sect master!"

It was said that so and so had arrived, but Yi Meng was actually back.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Yi Meng, he was stunned.

"You, why are you back?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that after Yi Meng returned to the dawn, she would not come back if she met her former companions. Unexpectedly, Yi Meng actually came back.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Yi Meng burst into tears and two lines of tears flowed down.

"I'm so stupid, I didn't see your intention."

"Sir, don't you want me?"

Yi Meng looked at Zhuo Bufan in the hall with affection. Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he heard it.

"Meng'er said that in this life, I only want to follow you."

"I have met my former companions, that's enough."

Yi Meng said while crying like rain, looking very miserable.

Pitiful Yiren, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

"Oh, forget it! Deputy Sect Leader Yi Meng of the Crazy Sect, listen to the order."

When Zhuo Bufan became serious, Yi Meng also wiped away her tears immediately.

"I have to go out to complete a very important task. During my absence, you will be in charge of our Kuangmen."

"Xu Huang will assist you. I hope you can take on the important task."

Yi Meng was stunned when she heard it.

"Sir, are you leaving again?"

"Yes, this is related to the life and death of Kuangmen. You should stay in the base camp and wait for me to come back."

"Xu Huang will tell you the specific situation. With you and Xu Huang here, I will feel relieved."

It can only be said that Yi Meng came back at the right time.

Knowing that she had an important task, Yi Meng was no longer willful, but immediately agreed to Zhuo Bufan's appointment.

"Don't worry, sir, Yi Meng will live up to your trust and manage the big and small matters of Kuangmen."

Yi Meng was very happy. Although Zhuo Bufan was about to leave, at least he kept her.


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