Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 758: Nightmare Temple

After Zhuo Bufan settled the Kuangmen, he left the Northern Territory with Xuanyuan Hao and Dugu Chong.

According to Dugu Chong's plan, they prepared to take the initiative to find the organs of the two temple gods.

On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan has also confessed to Xu Huang and Yi Meng.

The two of them will train a group of intelligence elites who will be responsible for secretly collecting the organs of other temple gods.

In a short period of time, Kuangmen completely disappeared from several cities in the Northern Territory and went underground.

During extraordinary times, all sub-forums will be closed.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the two palace gods, Kuangmen had no choice but to do so.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao arrived at Temple City.

Temple City, also called Temple City, is the only divine city in the South.

The population alone is as much as 200 million.

This city is extremely huge, equivalent to more than a dozen imperial cities put together.

The whole city is huge and boundless, showing the trend of Bagua.

The temples of the eight temple gods are located in eight different directions.

The temples are far apart. It can be said that even if a temple is in turmoil and needs support, it will take at least half a day to get to the nearest temple.

After Zhuo Bufan and the others took a spaceship to the Temple City, they entered an inconspicuous shop and checked in.

This small shop was actually bought by Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen and used it as a secret contact point.

The manager of the store, also the captain of the contact point, is called Xulong.

Xu Long was promoted by Xu Huang and is trustworthy.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others arriving again, Xu Long seemed a little excited.

"Master, I didn't expect you to come in person."

"Xu Long has met the sect master and wishes him a long life."

Zhuo Bufan patted Xu Long on the shoulder and said.

"Get up, no need to be polite. Xu Huang should have contacted you, so just tell me what's going on here."

Xu Long had obviously known for a long time that a big shot from the Kuangmen General Circle was coming, and Xu Huang had made arrangements.

Upon hearing this, Xu Long quickly brought Zhuo Bufan and the others to the quiet room prepared in advance, and then took out a huge map and placed it on the table.

"Master, please take a look. The eight temples in the Temple City are built with eight directions."

"This one is the Jiuwu Temple."

Xulong pointed at the temple in the direction of about one o'clock and said.

"And this one is the Nightmare God."

Then he pointed to the temple in the direction of about seven o'clock and said.

These two temples are at opposite corners and far apart.

"Jiu Wushen is called the Wings of Death. His wings can release hurricanes of death. Everything blown by the hurricane of death will die quickly."

"And the Nightmare God is called the Evil Eye. His eyes can trigger the evil deep in people's hearts, and eventually they become evil puppets controlled by him."

"Following Master Xu's instructions, we checked the more heavily guarded locations of the two major temples, which are commonly known as restricted areas of the major temples."

"There is a restricted area in Jiuwu Temple, called Asuka Valley. I heard that no one can enter this valley except Jiuwu God."

"And the restricted area of ​​the Lantern Temple is called the Black Cavity Palace. No one can enter this palace except Jiu Wushen."

"It is worth mentioning that there is something called the Sky Eye in the Temple of the Nightmare. It can monitor the entire temple all the time. And it records the number of every guard in the temple. Don't kill anyone unless necessary."

"So we don't know what is in these two restricted areas."

"In order not to alert others, our members did not investigate in depth. For the time being, these are the gains."

After hearing Xu Long's report, Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction.

"Well done, this information is already very important."

"You are the talent our Kuangmen needs."

"When this matter is over, I will definitely be rewarded heavily."

Zhuo Bufan praised Xulong, and then asked Xulong to step back.

What they discuss next is top secret and should never be taken carelessly.

At this moment, in the far northern region, the two temple gods Jiu Wushen and Deng Yanshen arrived at Tianwang City and began their sweep.

However, after they arrived in the Northern Territory, they discovered that the Kuangmen had already disappeared.

"Hahahaha, isn't this crazy sect very crazy? How come they all ran away with their tails between their legs when they heard the news of our arrival?"

Jiu Wushen laughed and said that in addition to coming by himself, he also brought three great generals and ten thousand palace slaves.

The temple god is worthy of being a temple god, and the palace slaves under him are all fifth-level.

"It seems that the other party got the news that we were coming in advance, so they hid it. I have to say that these bugs made the right choice."

The Nightmare God also laughed wildly.

This time he did not bring any divine generals, but only 10,000 palace slaves.

Two of the five great generals under him were killed by Xuanyuan Hao.

"What should we do now? Go home?"

Jiu Wushen said.

"No, if we leave, these guys will pop up again. They are like a group of rats, hiding in the dark, just waiting for us to leave."

"That's right, what good plan does the Damp Night God have?"

"I propose to control the cities in the Northern Territory and destroy all the forces and beliefs established by Kuangmen in the Northern Territory."

"If possible, we must dig deep into the ground to dig out these rats."

The God of Light Nightmare still really hates Yu Kuangmen.

Of course, they couldn't just go back like this.

They had already mobilized so many troops, and if they went back home, wouldn't it be a joke for the world?

Jiu Wushen agreed with Deng Yanshen's statement.

"You are right, then do as you say, Deng Yan. We must completely eradicate these bugs."


The two temple gods decided to stay in the North Region and conduct a carpet search of the Kuangmen, wanting to eradicate the Kuangmen's power in the North Region.

On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan decided to act separately after discussion.

Xuanyuan Hao will go to the Dengyan Temple, while Zhuo Bufan will go to the Jiu Wushen Temple.

As for Dugu Chong, he will stay at the contact point and be responsible for collecting intelligence reported by all parties and analyzing the location of the organs of other temple masters.

"Xuanyuan, take care!"

"Well, take care of yourself too!"

The two did not say much, and rushed in two different directions.

The main goal of their operation this time was to quietly enter the restricted area and see if there were really organs in the restricted area.

Xuanyuan Hao's target was the Dengyan Temple.

The style of the Lantern Nightmare Temple is very strange. The whole temple is shrouded in a dark mist.

And in the mist, there are all kinds of colorful lights.

Clusters of palaces are piercing the sky, and above the clouds, dark thunder is rolling.

The Lantern Nightmare Temple is huge, equivalent to a small city.

Above the highest palace in the center, there is a huge eyeball floating, rolling, patrolling the entire temple in 360 degrees without dead angles.

It seems to be alive and can detect intruders in time.

Xuanyuan Hao frowned when he saw this.

"This should be the eye of heaven."

Although he didn't want to do this, he had to be mean for the sake of the big plan.


Xuanyuan Hao only heard a word of escape calmly, and the next second, he turned into a pile of soil and merged into the earth.

Facing the huge eye in the sky, the earth escape method is obviously the simplest and most effective method.


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