Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 760 Killing the God General

Zhuo Bufan and Chu Fan joined forces, and it can be said that Jiu Wushen's temple collapsed.

"Jiu Wushen took away the three great generals. Apart from me, there are still two generals left to guard the Bird Valley."

As the two rushed to Bird Valley, Chu Fan analyzed the current situation to Zhuo Bufan.

"The two divine generals left behind are Gui Yu and Ye Ya."

"Guiyu, woman?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this name, he thought he was a woman.

Chu Fan nodded and said: "Yes, she is a woman. If it is not convenient for you to do anything, I will deal with her. You go deal with Ye Crow."

"Haha, I will kill women as well."

Zhuo Bufan is not a kind person, and he is even less likely to show mercy just because the other person is a woman.

"Okay, but I want to remind you that Gui Yu's ability is invisibility. He can appear and disappear. It is difficult for even the temple gods to detect him."

"She's not as easy to deal with as you think."

Chu Fan reminded Zhuo Bufan again and again, and Zhuo Bufan did not feel bored. After all, at this point, it was best to proceed step by step and not underestimate any opponent.

Soon, the two arrived outside the Bird Valley.

There was a group of guards guarding outside the Bird Valley. Zhuo Bufan and Chu Fan took action without hesitation and killed them.

Then he rushed into the Bird Valley.

The bright moon hangs high, and thick fog fills the Bird Valley.

"Through the mist is the Qianlong Pond, where Jiu Wushen's organs are hidden."


Just as they were halfway to Qianlong Pond, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a murderous aura.

He pushed Chu Fan aside, then grabbed a sharp arrow in the air with his backhand.

"Night Falcon! It's Night Crow. He's good at shooting cold arrows from a distance."

"It's not easy for you to catch his arrow."

Chu Fan looked at the sharp arrow in Zhuo Bufan's hand and frowned.

The arrow was indeed very fast and powerful, and even had poison on its surface.

However, Zhuo Bufan held it with divine power, so he did not suffer any damage.

"Chu Fan, who let you enter the Bird Valley? And you brought an outsider with you?"

At this moment, a bird-man with wings suddenly appeared in the sky.

This is a bird human, a human race in hell, born with wings.

Jiu Wushen is a bird human.

"Hehehe, I think Xiao Chufan may have ulterior motives when he enters the Bird Valley!"

At this moment, a group of crows gathered together, and a woman walked out from among the crows.

"Gui Yu, hehe, you two finally showed up."

When Chu Fan saw Gui Yu and Ye Ya appearing at the same time, he knew that this battle was inevitable.

"King Zhuo!"

Chu Fan glanced at Zhuo Bufan, and the two of them confirmed their looks.

Chu Fan suddenly took action and attacked and killed the night crow in the sky.

Ye Ya was startled by Chu Fan who suddenly rushed over.

"Chu Fan, you really betrayed us, you traitor!"

"Nightcrow, be careful!"

Gui Yu on the side shouted towards Ye Ya.

However, at that moment, she suddenly felt an extremely powerful threat.

The moment she turned back, she saw Zhuo Bufan suddenly appearing in front of her.

Facing Gui Yu's extremely hot and sexy figure, Zhuo Bufan was unmoved, cold-faced, raised his knife high, and slashed towards her.

"not good!"

Gui Yu felt Zhuo Bufan's murderous intention, and instinctively, she immediately activated her divine general ability and became invisible.

The moment Zhuo Bufan slashed with his sword, Gui Yu disappeared in front of him.

With the hand knife, only a few feathers were cut off.


Zhuo Bufan pinched the feather in his hand and said with cold eyes.

However, Gui Yu's invisibility is not simple, and Zhuo Bufan can't sense it with his divine power.

"Boy, my sister is so beautiful, are you willing to kill her?"

With Gui Yu's voice echoing in his ears, Zhuo Bufan remained unmoved.

"Witch, you are seeking death!"

Zhuo Bufan's cold tone was obviously unmoved.

As a result, these words made Gui Yu furious.

"I think it's you who is dead!"

Gui Yu was angered and suddenly took action.

As a result, just when she was about to tear Zhuo Bufan's back apart with one claw, Zhuo Bufan turned back and grabbed it in the air!


Only a scream was heard, and then a head slowly appeared in the air held by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's hands were condensed with surging divine power, forcing Gui Yu to act.

"How dare you pretend to be a fool in front of me."

"I, Zhuo, will not be merciful to women."


Zhuo Bufan shouted angrily, and the demon girl's body went limp, and then she threw herself on the ground.

Zhuo Bufan was just as he said, he was still merciless when it came to women.

As a result, just as Zhuo Bufan killed the opponent——


Night Crow on the other side screamed crazily after seeing Zhuo Bufan kill Gui Yu.

"You killed Gui Yu, it's unforgivable, it's unforgivable!"

Night Crow suddenly transformed into countless crows and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

However, before the group of crows pounced in front of Zhuo Bufan, a cold voice suddenly came from the air.

"Wanhou bites the tree of heaven!"

I saw Chu Fan shouting lowly, and suddenly a towering tree rushed out from under the ground.

The branches of the big tree were like ferocious beasts, biting the group of flying crows.

Big mouths sprouted from the branches, biting them crazily, which was heart-stopping.

Eventually, all the crows were bitten to pieces.

"Chu Fan, traitor, traitor, traitor..."

The miserable sound of the night crow sounded in the air, and finally slowly disappeared.

From start to finish, the battle did not last long and did not cause huge damage.

"Haha, it seems that I am worrying too much. Prince Zhuo is really merciless to women."

When Chu Fan saw Zhuo Bufan pinch Gui Yu's neck, he was really shocked by Zhuo Bufan's indifference.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much. He wouldn't let someone offend him just because he was a woman.

When it comes to life and death, he knows the difference between right and wrong.

"Brother Chu is not simple either. He can completely wipe out the night crow with one move, Ten Thousand Throats Biting the Sky Tree."

"I already have my heart set on something, how could I be influenced by other women?"

Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

He already had Bai Su in his heart.

So he looked down upon other women very lightly.

It is also impossible to betray his relationship with Bai Su because of another woman.

"Listening to what King Zhuo just said, it seems that you have a wife?"

Chu Fan asked with a gossip heart.

It was hard for him to imagine that a man like Zhuo Bufan would have a wife.

Zhuo Bufan looks cold and cold. What woman likes him?

"This is none of your business! Where is Qianlongtan, take me there."

Zhuo Bufan will not tell others about Bai Su. The only one he loves in this life will only be Bai Su.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan being so cold, Chu Fan didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay then, Qianlongtan is just ahead, let's go there now."

Afterwards, he took Zhuo Bufan to Qianlongtan.

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