Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 761 Hidden Dragon in the Abyss

After killing the two great generals, Zhuo Bufan and the others had even less time.

"There are still three hours left. Once God is resurrected from the resurrection spring, the consequences will be disastrous."

"So we must get the organs within three hours and rush to the resurrection spring at the same time to eliminate any further trouble."

Zhuo Bufan said to Chu Fan.

Chu Fan frowned after hearing this.

"Resurrection Spring? The nearest Resurrection Spring is in the center of Temple City. There are controls there and no killing is allowed."

"That's troublesome. No matter what, let's get the organs from Qianlongtan first."

Zhuo Bufan didn't plan this far. Obviously, after killing someone, it would definitely cause a stir.

But things have reached this point, and there is no time to hesitate.

The two hurriedly passed through the foggy area and rushed to Qianlong Pond.

When the two arrived at Qianlong Pond, they found that the water in front of them was pitch black, like ink.

There seems to be something terrifying in the depths of the pool.

"Are you sure the organs are down there?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Chu Fan.

"I am sure!"

"I once knocked on the mountain to shock the tiger to the extreme, making Jiu Wushen think that someone would come to steal his organs. Finally, Jiu Wushen hurriedly ran to the Qianlong Abyss and called out the organs at the bottom of the pool."

"I was hiding around here at the time."

Chu Fan had been lurking in Temple City for so many years, so he naturally used countless methods to find the location of the organs.

"In this case, there must be a way to open the Hidden Dragon Pond. Do you remember it?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"There is indeed a secret method, but I don't know it."

Chu Fan is also an upright person.

"The only way is to jump down and find it in this dark abyss."

"Jump down?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the dark abyss in front of him that looked like petroleum asphalt.

The next second, he jumped down without hesitation.

Jumping into Qianlongtan, Zhuo Bufan felt that everything around him was mud. There was a huge suction pulling him.

The liquid in Qianlongtan is more viscous than water, like oil.

"I can't control that much."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste time. He used his divine power to attach a protective shield around himself, and then continued to sneak under the Qianlong Pond.

After diving halfway into the distance, Zhuo Bufan spotted two bright lights, and then he quickly dived towards the bright lights.

At this moment, Chu Fan on the ground looked calm on the surface, but inside he was anxious.

He vividly remembered that when Jiu Wushen summoned the organs in the Qianlong Pond, a black spring surged from under the Qianlong Pond, carrying extremely terrifying energy.

Just when Chu Fan was worried about Zhuo Bufan's safety, suddenly, a black shadow rose into the sky from under the Qianlong Pond.


The next second, the black shadow circled up and roared in the air.

Ouch! Ouch!

Chu Fan took a closer look and saw that the black shadow flying out from the bottom of Qianlong Pond turned out to be a black dragon.

Hidden Dragon in the Abyss, it turns out that there really is a dragon under the Hidden Dragon Pond!

Chu Fan's eyes widened and he saw that the black dragon had a pair of huge flesh wings.

On its forehead, there is actually the slave mark of the ninth-level Yama slave.

"Ninth level?"

Chu Fan was stunned for a moment. He had never known that there was a ninth-level black dragon in Jiu Wushen's temple.

"Hey, why are you still standing there? Let's hit him!"

At this moment, a figure crawled out from the black dragon's mouth.

Chu Fan took a closer look and saw that the person appearing in the black dragon's mouth was none other than Zhuo Bufan.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan also held a huge treasure box in his hand.

"That's the treasure box!"

Chu Fan's eyes widened. Hidden in the treasure box were Jiu Wushen's organs.

Obviously, when Zhuo Bufan was looking for organs in Qianlong Pond, he was targeted by this ninth-level black dragon.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was only at the eighth level, so he was still under a lot of pressure when facing the ninth level.

With Zhuo Bufan's current ability, he can at most be on par with a ninth-level black dragon.

But a draw is not enough, the black dragon must be killed in order to take away the organs.

After Chu Fan heard this, without saying a word, he pinched a seed with his right hand and threw it towards the ground.

"Wanhou bites the tree of heaven!"

Chu Fan once again used his secret technique, using the "Ten Thousand Throats Bite the Heavenly Tree" that had previously killed Night Crow instantly.

Suddenly, another towering tree rose from the ground. All the branches opened their huge mouths and bit into the black dragon.


The black dragon was bitten by Wanhou on Tianshu until his flesh and blood were bloody, and he roared.

It suddenly opened its mouth, and Zhuo Bufan took the opportunity to jump down holding the treasure box.

"Well done!"

After Zhuo Bufan landed on the ground, the first thing he did was to hide the treasure box.

Then he activated his divine power and formed a sky-piercing sword.

"Control it, I'll peel it!"

Zhuo Bufan asked Chu Fan to control the black dragon.

After hearing this, Chu Fan directly grabbed a handful of seeds and sprinkled them on the ground.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Suddenly, Ten Thousand Throats Biting Heavenly Trees emerged from the ground one by one, biting the black dragon crazily.

This Chu Fan has used the power of Yumu's seal to the extreme.

Wanhou bites the tree of heaven, integrating attack, defense and sealing.

Chu Fan single-handedly trapped the black dragon.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he held a powerful sword in his hand.


Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and the power of the golden seal began to condense into the sword body.


He shouted fire again, and the power of the fire seal assisted the divine sword.


He roared again, and layers of stones condensed on the sword.


Mu Zi shouted, and the sword entangled itself, growing thousands of steel branches.

Divine power, the power that can integrate all energies.

That's why Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao were able to integrate the power of multiple seals so easily.

Chu Fan was shocked when he saw Zhuo Bufan condensed the power of the four seals of gold, wood, fire and earth at the same time.

He once again had a profound understanding of Zhuo extraordinary power.

"So powerful, four seals, fused at the same time."

Chu Fan once wanted to learn the fusion of the two seals.

However, he later discovered that learning this fusion method was quite difficult.

So he simply used his power to the extreme.

Only then can the energy of the Wood Seal be exerted to its extreme now.


Zhuo Bufan ignored Chu Fan's surprise.

He used his divine power to fuse the power of the four seals, and then cut off the black dragon's head with a sword.


The sword went down with extremely terrifying energy.

Before the black dragon had time to break free from Chu Fan's shackles, the next second, Zhuo Bufan's sword cut off its head.


With one sword strike, it cuts in two.


There was a loud noise and an explosion out of thin air, and the ninth-level black dragon turned into fly ash.

Then, Zhuo Bufan fell from the sky, and the slave mark on his forehead turned into a ninth level.


This Jiu Wushen was really safe in hiding his internal organs.

Zhuo Bufan breathed out slowly.

Letting a ninth-level black dragon take care of the organs shows how much Jiu Wushen attaches importance to the organs.

Killed the black dragon, found the organs, and leveled up.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took out the treasure box and opened the lid.

Inside the treasure box, there is a pair of flesh wings.

The moment he saw the fleshy wings, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"I finally found this thing!"

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