Looking at the flesh wings in the treasure box, Zhuo Bufan did not choose to destroy them immediately.

Once it is destroyed, Jiu Wushen can be easily killed.

However, killing Jiu Wushen is not the main purpose.

Zhuo Bufan's purpose is to unite with the Southern Kingdom and liberate all slaves.

"let's go!"

Just now, Zhuo Bufan thought of a clever plan.

Now Jiu Wushen's life can be said to be in his hands.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan can use these flesh wings to threaten him.

Later, Zhuo Bufan took Chu Fan back to the stronghold and met Dugu Chong.

When Dugu Chong saw the meat wings in the treasure box, his eyes lit up.

"That's right, that's it, Jiu Wushen's fatal organ."

"Let's destroy it as quickly as possible!"

Dugu Chong said to Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not do this, but closed the treasure box.

"No, this organ is our biggest bargaining chip."

"With it, I can give orders to Jiu Wushen, and I believe he will not dare to disobey."

Zhuo Bufan's ambition shocked Dugu Chong.

But this was exactly what he wanted.

"What a great idea. In this case, Jiu Wushen will be nothing more than your slave."

Dugu Chong used slave to describe Jiu Wushen.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan grabbed Jiu Wushen's internal organs, which was equivalent to grabbing seven inches of the snake.

Now Jiu Wushen's life is in Zhuo Bufan's hands. He will do whatever Zhuo Bufan wants him to do.

"Where's Xuanyuan? He's not back yet?"

Zhuo Bufan discovered that Xuanyuan Hao had not returned yet, and was worried that there was something wrong with his mission.

But as soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Xuanyuan Hao rushed back.

"Master, Lord Xuanyuan is back."

Xu Long, the leader of the stronghold, took Xuanyuan Hao into the secret room.

In Xuanyuan Hao's arms, he held a glass bottle.

The glass bottle is filled with nutrient solution and a pair of eyeballs.

Zhuo Bufan smiled when he saw this.

Apparently, Xuanyuan Hao succeeded in getting back the organs of the Lantern God.

"Xuanyuan, you are too slow!"

Zhuo Bufan joked.

In the end, Xuanyuan Hao replied calmly.

"We ran into some trouble. That eye turned out to be a ninth-level slave of hell, who is responsible for taking care of this thing."

It turned out that Xuanyuan Hao was also in trouble.

Just like Zhuo Bufan, the organs of the Lantern God are also guarded by ninth-level Yama slaves.

It is that heavenly eye. In addition to monitoring the entire temple, its function is mainly to monitor the internal organs.

However, it met Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao is an undefeated legend at the same level, and the ninth-level Yan slave is just a little trouble for him.

"So, this object must be the organ of the Lantern God. Well done, Xuanyuan."

Zhuo Bufan praised.

"I caused quite a commotion, and now there is a commotion in the Lantern Temple. Although they don't know what happened yet."

In the battle with Tianyan, it was obviously impossible for Xuanyuan Hao not to create a sensation.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied calmly.

"It doesn't matter. If you are alarmed, just be alarmed!"

"Anyway, this matter can't be kept secret for long."

"Now that the organs of Jiu Wushen and Lantern God are in our hands, these two will obey our words."

Zhuo Bufan actually no longer worries about being discovered by other temple gods.

"If possible, we'd better find the organs of the two temple gods."

"In this way, four of the eight temple gods will be used by me."

Zhuo Bufan felt that the matter of taking advantage of the organs had not been fully discovered yet. They can take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and obtain the organs of the two temple gods.

At that time, even if there is a war, it will be four to four.

"It makes sense, but we don't know the whereabouts of the organs of other temple gods yet."

"Except for the Hell-Hand Brawn God and the Fear-Haired Headless God, who I know, I don't know where the organs of the other four are."

"The organs of the Brawn God and the Headless God are obviously the most difficult to obtain."

Dugu rushed to Zhuo Bufanhui to report.

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

"So, I brought a collaborator. Leader of Dawn, Chu Fan!"

Zhuo Bufan finally introduced Chu Fan’s identity to others.

"Are you the leader of Liming?" Dugu Chong asked in surprise.

Naturally, he has heard of the Dawn Organization, an organization that constantly resists oppression.

"Brother Chu, didn't you say you know where the organs of all the other temple gods are?"

"Except for the Brawn God and the Headless God, where are the organs of the other temple gods? Can they be obtained?"

The purpose of Zhuo Bufan bringing Chu Fan back was not only because Chu Fan was now on the same boat as them, but also because Chu Fan knew the information.

After hearing this, Chu Fan took out a pen and paper and started writing.

"First of all, the right hand of the God of Arms is on the statue in his temple square, the right hand of the statue..."

"He is known as the strongest temple god. He is extremely conceited. He doesn't worry about anyone who dares to go to his temple to steal his right hand. So it is not easy to get this organ."

"And the Black Tooth God's organ, the Black Horse, is worn around his neck. It's a bit difficult to get this organ."

"As for the hair, the organ of the headless god, it is hidden among her tens of thousands of hair strands and is difficult to find."

"As for the organ of the God of Swallowing Clouds - the throat, this God of Swallowing Clouds is a suspicious person. He often changes the location of the treasure and it is difficult to find it."

"In addition, the Blood Demon God obtained the position of the Temple God based on a drop of his own blood. He hid this drop of blood under the throne of his Blood Palace."

"The throne mechanism was built by master craftsman Feng Cheng. After Feng Cheng built the mechanism, he was killed by the Blood Demon God until he lost his memory."

"However, I contacted Feng Cheng before he was killed and got the method to open the mechanism."

Chu Fan's ten years of undercover work can be said to have been fruitful.

"And the organs and kidneys of the God of Sex were hidden by him in his jade bed."

"This man has a yinluan nature, and he is full of charms. He is always on his jade bed, doing casual things."

"So it's not easy to get the organs of these sex gods."

Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought after listening to Chu Fan's introduction.

Obviously, the organs of other temple gods are difficult to obtain.

"This sex god guards his jade bed every day. It is obviously impossible to get the organs."

"The Black-Toothed God, even if his fangs are hung on his body, it's not easy to get hold of them."

"The location of the organs of the God of Swallowing Clouds cannot be determined now."

"The hair of the headless God is hidden among her countless hairs."

After some analysis, Zhuo Bufan finally sighed.

"So, our only chance is with the God of Arms and the Blood Demon God!"

In the end, Zhuo Bufan locked their target on the God of Arms and the God of Blood Demon.

"God of Brave Arms? Are you sure? He is known as the strongest temple god."

Chu Fan was a little surprised.

"No problem, leave him to me! Just go to the Blood Demon Temple with Xuanyuan and be responsible for getting the drop of blood from the Blood Demon God. After all, you are the only one who knows how to turn on the mechanism."

"How about I go to Haozhi Temple." Xuanyuan Hao was a little worried about Zhuo Bufan.

"Don't worry, I have a clever plan."

Zhuo Bufan said this in order to reassure Xuanyuan Hao and the others.

"Time is running out, act now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he left the stronghold again and rushed towards the Haozhi Temple.

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