Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 765: Battle against the Blood Demon

Zhuo Bufan has successfully obtained the organs of Haowan God.

On the other side, Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Fan rushed to the Blood Demon Temple to obtain the organs of the Blood Demon - the Demon Blood!


The two came to the outside of the hall and were blocked by the huge door.

The Blood Demon Temple is different from other temples. The Blood Demon God is the only temple god without a general.

There are no human guards in the Blood Demon Temple. The guards inside are all blood puppets made by the Blood Demon.

The Blood Demon is an alternative hall master who likes to concentrate on cultivation. He hides during the day and comes out at night. He likes darkness.

It is now noon, and the Blood Demon God stays in his Blood King Palace and will not come out.

And Xuanyuan Hao and his goal is the throne in the Blood King Palace.

Therefore, they must find a way to lure the Blood Demon out of the Blood King Palace.

"I will lure him out, and you are responsible for opening the mechanism and taking out the organs!"

Xuanyuan Hao did not discuss any strategies with Chu Fan, but took the initiative to choose the most risky strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

Although it is the most risky strategy, it is also the safest strategy.

Only by leading the Blood Demon God to the Blood King Palace, can they have a chance to obtain the "demon blood".

The reason for the risk is that the person who lures the tiger may lose his life in the face of the pursuit of the Blood Demon God.

"No, you are too risky!"

Chu Fan felt that Xuanyuan Hao's method was too risky and could not be agreed to.

However, what Xuanyuan Hao decided, how could Chu Fan change it?

"Get ready! After I transfer him away, you have half an incense stick of time to open the mechanism and get the organs."

Xuanyuan Hao did not give Chu Fan time to react, he rushed directly into the Blood Demon Temple.

When they came to the square, rows of blood puppets rushed towards Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao said nothing, and with a wave of his right hand, there was thunder and fire from the sky and the earth, and mountains and seas.


He started fighting directly without saying a word, which was very Xuanyuan Hao.

With one blow, half of the blood puppets in the square were destroyed.

"Damn it, why doesn't this guy listen to advice?"

Chu Fan first met Xuanyuan Hao and didn't know the man's character.

In fact, Xuanyuan Hao is very similar to Zhuo Bufan.

They seem to be reckless and do things without thinking.

In fact, they are just more decisive. They have thought it through before taking action.

All actions are the result of careful consideration.

For Xuanyuan Hao, luring the tiger away from the mountain is the best choice.

The commotion in Guangchang Mountain attracted the Blood Demon God who was practicing in the Blood King Palace.

The Blood Demon God suddenly opened his eyes, and his bloody eyes looked at the crystal mirror in front of him.

In the mirror, Xuanyuan Hao was killing and killing his blood puppets one by one.

"Who is this kid? Dare to trespass into my Blood Demon Temple?"

The Blood Demon God has red hair and wears a red coat, giving people a bloodthirsty feeling.

He is thin, pale, and has sharp fangs, which looks a bit scary.

After seeing Xuanyuan Hao killing people in the mirror, he grinned, and a bloodthirsty impulse activated the fighting factor in his body.

"Too impulsive!"

Chu Fan was still hiding aside and muttering. He was a steady person who could endure, otherwise he would not have been lurking beside Jiu Wushen for ten years.

Obviously, his personality was somewhat incompatible with Xuanyuan Hao's.

Although Xuanyuan Hao looked cold, he was a thorough actionist.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan fighting hard in the square, Chu Fan secretly became a little worried.

"If this guy doesn't take action, he will probably kill all my blood puppets."

The Blood Demon God wanted to continue to pay attention to Xuanyuan Hao, but the fighting power shown by Xuanyuan Hao made him dare not underestimate it.

"This kid is probably one of the best among the ninth-level Yan slaves!"

As soon as the Blood Demon God finished speaking, he turned into a blood mist and flew towards the square outside the Blood King Palace.

For a moment, the sky above the entire Blood Demon Temple began to be shrouded in a thick layer of blood mist.

The blood mist spread and covered the sky.

"Oh no, the Blood Demon God has come out."

Chu Fan was a little worried in secret.

Xuanyuan Hao naturally discovered the changes in the sky.

Crack, crack!


Thunder roared one after another, and the originally clear sky and bright sun instantly turned into dark clouds.

Darkness swept across the entire temple, and the blood-colored mist filled the surroundings.

Then, a man in a blood-stained shirt slowly fell from the sky.

"Boy, who are you? Dare you kill people in my Blood King Palace?"

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao ran away without saying a word.

Xuanyuan Hao is indeed an action-oriented person, but not a brainless action-oriented person.

He is not conceited enough to fight with the Temple God.

So, Xuanyuan Hao chose to run away as soon as he saw the Temple God.

Lure the tiger away from the mountain, lure the tiger away from the mountain!

Since it is called luring the tiger away from the mountain, then the other party must be lured away.

"Want to run?"

The Blood Demon God saw Xuanyuan Hao fleeing in a stream of light, his eyes fixed, and then turned into a ball of blood mist and quickly chased after him.

"Damn it! Only half an incense stick of time."

"I can only bite the bullet."

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao luring the Blood Demon God away, Chu Fan didn't think much and rushed to the Blood King Palace at the first time.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Hao had been able to clean up all the blood puppets in the square before.

In this way, Chu Fan rushed into the Blood King Palace almost unimpeded.

When he ran into the Blood King Palace, he saw a pool of blood. At the other end of the pool was the mechanical throne.

Chu Fan took two steps at a time and quickly came to the mechanical throne. Then he took out a conical key and inserted it into the dragon head of the throne.

"Three circles to the left, two circles to the right, one circle to the left, one circle to the right, two circles to the left, five circles to the right!"

Chu Fan followed the instructions of the mechanical master Feng Cheng and began to open the mechanical throne.

Sure enough, after completing a series of operations according to Feng Cheng's instructions, the mechanical throne slowly opened.


Accompanied by a series of mechanical bite sounds, finally, the center of the throne in front of him began to unfold, and then a bronze hand slowly rose from under the throne.

In the hand of the bronze hand, there was a fist-sized transparent crystal ball.

And in the transparent crystal ball, a drop of blood emitting red light was suspended.

Chu Fan's eyes sparkled when he saw the drop of blood.



At this moment, suddenly, a thunderous roar sounded in the square outside.

Xuanyuan Hao was defeated by the Blood Demon God after all. After being caught up by the Blood Demon God, he fell to the ground.

A huge pit with a diameter of 100 meters was smashed directly into the ground.

Dust rolled, and blood was everywhere.

The Blood Demon God fell from the sky with a bang, then grabbed Xuanyuan Hao's head and twisted him out of the pit.

"Boy, you are really strong, the strongest ninth-level Yan slave I have ever seen."

"Unfortunately, you met me, the immortal temple god."

"If you stay, there will be endless troubles, so go to hell!"

After the Blood Demon God finished speaking, he suddenly opened his bloody mouth and prepared to bite Xuanyuan Hao's neck.

But at this moment, a white shadow rushed out from the Blood King's Palace.

"Shut up!"

"Blood Demon God, if you dare to touch him, I will crush him immediately!"

Chu Fan ran out of the hall holding a crystal ball.

The Blood Demon God looked closely and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

His organ - the demon blood, was taken by Chu Fan!

Xuanyuan Hao, whose head was covered in blood, smiled knowingly after seeing this scene.

After all, they won this battle!


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