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Chapter 766 Threatening the Temple God

On this side, Xuanyuan Hao teamed up with Chu Fan to get the Blood Demon God's organ - the demon blood!

Another hundred years later, Zhuo Bufan relied on the glazed green fairy lamp left by the Qing Emperor to successfully obtain the miasma of the Hao Wan God - the wrist!

The tasks on both sides can be said to be successful at the same time.

The organs of the two temple gods were obtained by each other, so naturally they did not dare to act rashly.

"From now on, you must obey my instructions. If not, I will destroy your organs immediately!"

Zhuo Bufan went straight to the point and stated his intention.

He directly threatened the powerful god without beating around the bush.

"Boy, do you know what you're doing?"

"How dare you threaten the temple god!"

Now the powerful god can only use his words.

His organs were in Zhuo Bufan's hands, so threatening Zhuo Bufan was obviously the most unwise choice.

"It seems you haven't understood your situation yet!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the force in his hand increased the points.

The powerful wrist god immediately felt that the divine seal deep in his soul began to tremble, and his wrist began to suffer severe pain.

He used his left hand in exchange for an invincible fist.

However, his left hand was originally his biggest weakness.


Waves of heart-wrenching pain were constantly ravaging the nerves of Hao Wan Shen.

Finally, he raised his hand suddenly and shouted.

"Stop, I listen, I listen to you."

The God of Hao Wan finally compromised, and he could feel that if he rejected Zhuo Bufan.

Then this kid will definitely destroy his organs in the end.

Once the internal organs are destroyed, not only will the Hao Wan God's personality be destroyed, but the whole person will also die immediately.

It was small to be knocked back to the ninth level. What I was afraid of was that Zhuo Bufan would kill everyone and knock him back to his original form.

It took the God of Power eight thousand years to reach this point, and he did not want to lose everything he had gained.

So, he compromised.

"Tell me, what is your purpose?"

Since the other party threatened him with his own organs, he just wanted to negotiate terms with him.

As long as the terms can be negotiated, then everything is easy to talk about.

Zhuo Bufan felt relieved when he saw Hao Wan Shen compromise.

In fact, he was quite worried that the God of Power would fight him to the death.

In that case, Zhuo Bufan would lose his greatest fighting force.

After all, the God of Hao Wan is also the strongest temple god.

"Haha, okay! Don't be so nervous. Haven't you always wanted to know who I am?"

"Then let me tell you now, I am the leader of the Kuang Sect that your temple gods have always wanted to eradicate, Zhuo, no, Fan!"

When Zhuo Bufan announced his family name, Hao Wan Shen was greatly shocked.

"Are you the leader of the Crazy Sect?"

Of course he knew that the leader of the Kuang Sect, the last meeting of the eight temple gods, was still discussing how to eliminate him.

"Damn it, Deng Ni, Jiu Wu, these two losers!"

The God of Hao Wan was obviously a little annoyed.

The two temple gods, Lantern God and Jiu Wushen, went to annihilate Zhuo Bufan. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan not only was not wiped out, but now he killed them in the lair of their temple gods, and even his organs were stolen by him.

The God of Hao Wan began to worry about his own fate. After all, the guy in front of him was their mortal enemy.

"Haha, you don't have to blame them two. They may still be digging deep in the North Territory to find out where I am."

Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

At this point, he really doesn't have to be so nervous anymore.

"Then what exactly do you want to do?"

The God of Hao Wan asked Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Didn't I say, be my subordinate and obey my orders!"

"Actually, I don't want to start a war with your temple gods. It's you temple gods who can't tolerate me!"

"In that case, then I need to express my thoughts!"

"From now on, your organs are under my control!"

"Don't worry, as long as you obey my orders honestly, I won't do anything to your organs. But if you dare to betray me, then I'm sorry. Even if I die, I will crush it before I die. !”

Zhuo Bufan used a little force to threaten the powerful wrist god.

When the God of Hao Wan heard this, he quickly stopped him.

"Calm down, calm down! I understand, I understand what you mean."

"Okay, I will listen to you. I will listen to you in everything. As long as you don't move, it will be fine! Don't worry, I, the Haozhi Temple, will never be your enemy."

Zhuo Bufan grasped the fatal point in his hand, and the powerful god had to surrender.

"Haha, it's not just you, I want all your temple gods to be honest with me. Don't come to trouble me!"

Zhuo Bufan would not trust the God of Hao Wan so easily.

There's no guarantee that this guy won't secretly cause trouble and let other temple gods deal with him and take away his organs.

"This, I can't influence the decisions of other temple gods!"

"Then you kill them for me."

Zhuo Bufan didn't have any chance to choose.

"I won't hide it from you. Apart from you, I have already obtained the organs of the Lantern God and Jiuwu God. Maybe I can also get the organs of the Blood Demon God soon."

"When the time comes, four of the eight hall gods will be under my command. Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed."

When Zhuo Bufan revealed his trump card, Hao Wan Shen was indeed frightened.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan had secretly obtained all the organs of the four temple gods.

No wonder he dared to negotiate with him like this.

"Who are you?"

"You can break my trap, steal the organs of the temple gods, become a ninth-level slave in a short time, and establish a powerful organization like the Crazy Gate. Who are you?"

The God of Arms suddenly found that the man in front of him was too simple.

He was incredible!

Facing the questioning of the God of Arms, Zhuo Bufan said nothing.

He just smiled as usual.

"I am just an ordinary person. I just want to make this world less oppressive!"

"I just want less trouble and more freedom."

"I'll stop here today!"

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will kill them!"

"Pass my words to the other temple gods! Remember, the fate of the four of you is in my hands."

"If they want to silence you, you have to block them for me. Otherwise, I will die and you will die too!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he picked up the organs of the God of Arms, laughed to the sky, and went out.

For Zhuo Bufan, his goal was not to kill these temple gods.

After all, if he killed these temple gods, there would be more temple gods waiting for him.

He wanted to use this method to contain other temple gods, this was his countermeasure.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan walking away, Haowan God gritted his teeth and slammed the ground fiercely, creating a huge pit.

"Son of a bitch, damn it, damn it!"

Haowan God was furious. But now that things have come to this, his fate can no longer be changed.

From now on, his life and death will be decided by Zhuo Bufan.

And he, as Fu An said, from now on, he is Zhuo Bufan's subordinate, a slave-like role!

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