Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 767 Negotiating with God

When Zhuo Bufan returned to the stronghold, he found that Xuanyuan Hao and the others had already returned.

"Xuanyuan, Brother Chu, you're so lucky! From now on, we don't have to hide like this!"

After getting the organs of the four temple gods, Zhuo Bufan could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Dugu Chong asked on the side.

"Then what are we going to do next? Use the four temple gods to kill the other temple gods and let them kill each other, and then we reap the benefits?"

Dugu Chong was eager for revenge and wanted to destroy Temple City.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not listen to his opinion this time.

"No, you think too simply! What if you destroy the temple gods? The World God will look for a new batch of temple gods."

"Besides, is the temple god really that easy to destroy?"

"We don't have to do anything now, just wait!"

Zhuo Bufan's words made Dugu Chong a little puzzled.


"There is no but! Military advisor, if you still want to follow me, then risk your life for me!"

Zhuo Bufan is also an overlord after all, the head of the Kuang Sect.

His words made Dugu Chong dare not disobey him again.

"Yes, Master!"

In the end, he had no choice but to compromise.

Just like Zhuo Bufan said, next, they just need to wait.

Sure enough, two days later, four unique people appeared outside their stronghold.

"Master, the master is not good!"

Xu Long, the captain of the stronghold, ran in in a panic.

Zhuo Bufan was playing chess with Xulong Hao, and he laughed calmly when he heard Xu Long's panicked words.

"It seems that the person we are waiting for has arrived!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he dropped the chess pieces, then stood up and walked out of the stronghold.

Arriving outside the stronghold, four men in cloaks took off their cloaks!

Everyone took a closer look and saw that they were the four temple gods of Temple City.

The God of Powerful Arms, the God of Blood Demon, the God of Lamp Nightmare, and the God of Jiuwu!

"Haha, are you all here?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the four palace gods and was extremely calm.

But the four palace gods did not dare to take action at all.

Among them, Lantern God and Jiu Wushen were gnashing their teeth and their anger could not be suppressed.

Fortunately, a powerful man came forward and spoke to Zhuo Bufan.

"We want to talk to you!"

Zhuo Bufan had already guessed that they would come, so he seemed very calm.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly and said.

"Okay, let's go! I will go to the meeting alone!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and stopped Xuanyuan Hao and others who wanted to go with him.

"Remember, if I don't come back at noon, I will destroy them!"

Zhuo Bufan's words made the four palace gods tremble.

Obviously, the things Zhuo Bufan mentioned were the organs of these four temple gods.

This means that if Zhuo Bufan does not come back before noon, the four gods of the temple will be buried with him.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, we just want to sign some treaties with you and we will never embarrass you."

Hao Wan Shen and the others have to be nervous!

After all, Zhuo Bufan threatened them like this.

"Okay then, lead the way!"

Later, Zhuo Bufan, led by the four temple gods, went to the central temple.

This scene can be described as unprecedented.

No one has ever enjoyed the privilege of being protected by the four temple gods.

Now Zhuo Bufan's little life is extremely precious!

When Zhuo Bufan followed the four temple gods to the central temple, the other four temple gods had been waiting for a long time.

Obviously, the other four temple gods did not have a favorable impression of Zhuo Bufan.

In the solemn hall, the eight hall gods and nine Zhuo Bufan people sat around a round table and started the meeting.


Before the meeting started, a man who looked like a hungry wolf suddenly stood up and roared.

"Boy, you are so brave. You dare to steal the organs of the palace god. Don't you want to live?"

The person shouting was none other than the Black-Toothed God of the Eight Halls, and his organ fangs were hung around his neck.

Facing the Black Tooth God's roar, Zhuo Bufan sat on his chair leisurely and smiled coldly.

"Where did the evil dog come from to roar in front of me?"

"What did you say? This palace has destroyed you!"

Being called an evil dog, Tunyun God became furious.

He wanted to attack Zhuo Bufan, but then the God of Power suddenly stood up and glared angrily!

"Black Teeth, do you dare to touch him? Do you want to make an enemy of this palace?"

Not only the powerful men, but also the other three palace gods were forced to stand on the same front as Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Black Tooth God obviously had no choice but to sit back down again!

"Hehehehe, it's interesting, it's really interesting. A little person like you can actually influence the layout of my temple. It seems that all of us have underestimated you."

The person who spoke this time was a pretty boy with a shiny face.

He looked half male and half female, dressed in flashy, colorful clothes.

He is none other than the God of All Nature, one of the Eight Great Hall Gods, the yinmo who controls hundreds of women on the sun.

"Stop talking about these useless things, let's talk about it, what do you want to do?"

The one who spoke this time was the extremely calm God Tunyun.

"Yes, if you want to use the four of them to start a war with us, we will not be afraid to fight!"

The last one to speak was the only female of the eight temple gods, the Headless God.

She is said to be headless, but in fact she has a head, and she is extremely beautiful.

It just looked a little cold and gave people a weird feeling.

Having said this, Zhuo Bufan didn't need to beat around the bush.

So he began to speak seriously.

"First of all, I want to make one thing clear!"

"The reason I stole the organs of the four great temple gods was just to protect myself!"

"You temple gods want to eradicate me and my Kuangmen. I must fight for me and my Kuangmen. If you don't provoke me, I won't resort to this."

Zhuo Bufan must make it clear that he is no different from being an enemy of the temple gods.

"Humph, you Kuangmen violated the rules of this world!"

"Liberate slaves, you can think of it. Do you know what the thing on your forehead is? That thing is called a slave seal. All creatures in this world are slaves of the Father God. You are challenging the power of heaven. You are courting death!"

The Black Tooth God stood up again and roared.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan's actions violated the rules of this world.

"Rules are dead, people are alive!"

"I don't want to discuss any rules with you here!"

"Since your Father God has not appeared yet, it means that my actions have not challenged his bottom line!"

"I am just seeking a glimmer of hope for those lives at the bottom of this world!"

"These people often just want to live a stable and peaceful life, instead of fighting and killing, over and over again, life and death!"

"I didn't break the rules, I just changed the rules a little!"

The purpose of Zhuo Bufan's negotiation this time is to rescue the slaves of the entire South Country.

The slaves in Zhuo Bufan's mouth are those first-level Yan slaves.

They are treated like the lowest beasts in this world, and life is worse than death!

"You all climbed up from the bottom, you should know very well what kind of life the bottom lives."

"My Kuangmen did not challenge the power of heaven, we are just doing what we can."

"I believe that your father god must be watching in heaven now. He wants to see what kind of changes my revolution will bring to his world! Perhaps, he urgently needs such changes now."

Zhuo Bufan completely took the initiative in the negotiations.

Several temple gods were gradually convinced by him.

"So, let's make a treaty!"

Finally, Zhuo Bufan also stood up and formally proposed to the eight temple gods the decision to sign the treaty!


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