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Chapter 768: Forbidden God Treaty

Having said all that needed to be said, Zhuo Bufan finally stopped talking nonsense and issued an ultimatum to the temple gods.

Four of the eight temple gods now had to side with Zhuo Bufan.

The two sides have completely formed a state of containment.

The other four temple gods did not want to be manipulated by Zhuo Bufan, but if a war really broke out, both deacons would suffer losses.

After much thought, both parties finally decided to sign a treaty.

"Well, I only have three requests!"

Since you agree to sign a treaty, you must set out your respective conditions.

"First of all, the Southern Kingdom must immediately introduce the abolition of slavery! The first-class hell slaves will be exempted from death! In other words, no one is required to hunt and kill the first-class hell slaves at will. Anyone who disobeys the order will be punished with extreme punishment!"

Zhuo Bufan's first condition is to free the slaves.

It can be seen that he still has a sense of justice in his heart.

"Then, the temple must immediately lift the pursuit of my crazy sect. My crazy sect must obtain legal power."

The second point is that Zhuo Bufan must seek benefits for his crazy family. These brothers who have been following him cannot be allowed to suffer.

"The last one, I want you to help me find someone!"

The last one is also the most important one.

Zhuo Bufan wants to use the power of the temple to help him find Zifan!

It can be said that except for the first of the three treaties proposed by Zhuo Bufan, which is more difficult to handle, the others are very simple.

After the eight temple gods heard the request for cooperation, they looked at each other and finally said.

"We can agree to your conditions, but we also have our own conditions."

At this time, Black Teeth God stood up and put forward his conditions.

"Appreciate further details!"

Zhuo Bufan is not an unreasonable person. As long as the other party's conditions are not excessive, he can completely accept it.

"We also have three conditions!"

"First of all, we can agree with the legality of your Kuang Sect! But your Kuang Sect can only operate in the Northern Territory, and you can never go deep into our Temple City."

This first article is undoubtedly intended to limit the development of Kuangmen.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan felt that it was no big deal.

His current mad family has actually almost developed.

Zhuo Bufan was about to leave Nanguo soon. Before leaving, he wanted to leave Kuangmen to Xu Huang and the others.

If Kuangmen develops too much, they may not be able to manage it, so it would be better to be restricted.

"I agree with the first one!"

Zhuo Bufan happily agreed to the first item.

"Okay, second, you can no longer interfere with the decisions of my temple, let alone do anything secretly!"

This second article is not so much a treaty as it is that the people in the temple are cowarded. Afraid of being plotted by Zhuo Bufan

"Okay, I won't interfere with your temple's affairs."

So he happily agreed again.

"Then the third rule is to hand over the organs of the four temple gods!"

The last one is the most critical. The Black Tooth God actually wants to get back the organs of the four temple gods.

However, Zhuo Bufan seemed to have anticipated the other party's thoughts. He smiled and said.

"Do you think I would agree?"

"The third one is the most important. The first two can be considered. You must return the organs of the four gods!"

The Black Teeth God gritted his teeth and had a tough attitude.

However, Zhuo Bufan has always been a soft-spoken guy.

"It seems that you don't want to talk anymore? I can tell you clearly that I will not return the organs."

"If it were you, would you pay it back?"

"This is my life-saving charm. Do you really think I'm an idiot?"

The premise of Zhuo Bufan's treaty was that the organs would not be returned, but it turned out that these guys still harbored such small thoughts.

"Otherwise, I can return the organs to them."

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly compromised.

The eyes of the eight temple gods lit up, and they thought their little idea was about to succeed.

However, Zhuo Bufan's next words made them completely furious.

"I can return it to them. In exchange, the organs of the four of you will be handed over to me for safekeeping!"

In the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan will not return the organs.

It's okay to return it, then I'll exchange it for yours.

This is what Zhuo Feifan means.

"Boy, don't you know how to flatter me!"

Black Teeth God was so angry that his teeth itched, but he didn't dare to deal with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan spread his hands and smiled.

"Everyone, if you agree, let's sign the treaty!"

"If you don't agree, then we can only fight!"

"The God of Hao Wan, the God of Blood Demon, the God of Jiu Wu, and the God of Lamp Nightmare, the four of you will help me when the time comes, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked knowingly.

He is not afraid of war. Anyway, he has four trump cards in his hand. At worst, he will not hesitate to destroy the entire southern country.

At this tense moment, Hao Zhishen and others compromised.

"Okay, I'll leave the organs to you for safekeeping!"

"But remember, once something happens to one of the four of us, the other four temple gods will definitely hunt you to the ends of the earth until you die!"

The God of Hao Wan knows that Zhuo Bufan is now invincible.

Negotiating terms with him was obviously overthinking.

"Hao Wan, why do you have to compromise?"

Black Teeth God doesn’t understand!

"No need to say any more, let's sign the treaty! From now on, we will never offend each other."

It's not that the powerful god wants to compromise, it's that he has to make this decision.

It was almost noon, and if they didn't make a decision, they would surely die.

"Since Hao Wan has said so, what about the other three?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the other three people except Hao Wan.

The other three were angry and furious, but they could only compromise.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan took the initiative.

"I understand, since you have all decided so, then we will no longer fight for it!"

At this time, Tunyun God expressed his opinion.

"How about this! Add a sentence in the treaty that you must use your life to keep the organs of the four great hall gods, otherwise we will not let you go!"

Zhuo Bufan shrugged and agreed.

"No problem, I will definitely protect these organs with my life. Maybe one day, I will take the initiative to return them!"

Zhuo Bufan's last words undoubtedly gave Hao Wan Shen and others more hope.

After all, no one wants to be controlled by others.

"Well, sign the treaty!"

In the end, the stalemate negotiation finally ended.

Zhuo Bufan signed a treaty with the eight great hall gods.

This was called the Treaty of Forbidding Gods in the history of the Southern Kingdom!

Because this treaty completely imprisoned the majesty of these temple gods.

Zhuo Bufan challenged the sacred and solemn temple with the power of a mortal and restrained the eight temple gods.

This was an unprecedented victory for mortals.

Zhuo Bufan was also completely deified from this moment!

His believers began to spread throughout the Southern Kingdom.

Countless former slaves worshipped him as a god.

They spontaneously built statues for him and even placed them in their homes, worshiping him like a god every day.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's Treaty of Forbidding Gods completely liberated the slavery system in the Southern Kingdom.

Zhuo Bufan accomplished an unprecedented feat.

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