Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 769 Heading to the North

The affairs of the South Country have basically been settled.

The God-forbidden Treaty signed by Zhuo Bufan and the Temple God will maintain the peace of the South Country in the future.

A society without slaves, but still with bloodshed and killing.

The slave issue has basically been resolved, and Zhuo Bufan should also plan for himself.

He came to hell for two purposes. The first is to find a way to improve his cultivation.

The second is to find the missing Bai Zifan.

Now he has not done either of these two.

Among them, Zhuo Bufan asked the Temple City to mobilize forces to find Zifan.

The Temple mobilized the power of the entire continent, and then searched for a whole month, but still did not find Bai Zifan.

Obviously, Zifan is not in the South Country, which means that he was teleported to the North Country from the beginning.

The North Country is a larger country than the South Country.

Therefore, after discussing with Xuanyuan Hao, Zhuo Bufan prepared to go to the North Country.

After all, it is meaningless to stay in the South Country.

Of course, before going to the North Country, he must deal with the affairs of the Crazy Gate.

The current Kuangmen is at an important stage of development. It can be said that it is in its heyday and the largest force in the South.

It is a holy place that everyone in the world yearns for.

Although the Forbidden God Treaty stipulates that Kuangmen cannot continue to expand its territory and can only develop in the North.

But this can't stop the madness of the believers at all.

These believers simply ran to the North.

The development of the entire South began to migrate to the North.

It can be said that the rise of Kuangmen is simply unstoppable.

At this time, if Zhuo Bufan abandons Kuangmen, it will obviously be very detrimental to the development of Kuangmen.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is the core figure of Kuangmen, and his existence is the spiritual pillar of all believers.

However, Zhuo Bufan has to go to the North, and Zifan is still waiting for him!

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must think of a way, or an excuse, so that he can go to the North openly.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan really found an excuse.

Rather than an excuse, it is better to say it is an excuse.

Zhuo Bufan said that he wanted to develop the Kuangmen to the North Country and save all the slaves in the world.

Therefore, he had to go to the North Country in person to develop the power of the Kuangmen.

For this reason, Zhuo Bufan personally gave a speech, which aroused the carnival of all believers.

"It's great. The master of the sect is not only to save us southerners, he wants to save all the slaves in the world!"

"Master, we support you, we support you with all our strength!"

"Master, everything you say is right, you are the greatest man."

The believers are extremely crazy about Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's divine power has also reached an unprecedented height.

His divine power has almost reached the limit.

The so-called god is that when everyone praises him, worships him, and believes in him, that person naturally becomes a god.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood the true secret of believing in the way of cultivating gods.

The difference between gods and immortals is that gods are given by others, while immortals are obtained through their own practice.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has vaguely felt that his divine power is already communicating with some powerful power.

Perhaps, that is the power of the legendary godhead.

Zhuo Bufan is really about to become a god!


After a speech, the whole South Country supported him to go to the North Country and develop a new Kuangmen.

This is undoubtedly great news for the temple gods of the South Country.

"Great, great, this unlucky star is leaving!"

The Black Tooth God was obviously excited when he got the news for the first time.

However, the other temple gods seemed very calm.

"This guy is gone, what should we do? Should we take this opportunity to destroy his Kuangmen?"

Once Zhuo Bufan left, the Kuangmen would lose their master, and they could take this opportunity to make trouble.

However, the Haowan God said.

"Don't think too much of him. Since he has decided to leave, he will naturally expect us to take action!"

"I think we should just abide by the treaty and not interfere with each other!"

"Hao Wan, can you really swallow this breath?"

"Then what else can we do? Your organs are not in his hands, so of course it's easy to talk without any pain."

Hao Wan said with a sly look.

The organs of Hao Wan Shen and others are in Zhuo Bufan's hands. Zhuo Bufan obviously doesn't have to worry about the temple gods causing trouble after he leaves.

However, some people still don't give up!

Jiu Wu Shen, whose organs were also taken away by Zhuo Bufan, is obviously not so honest.

"Hao Wan, you don't want to be controlled by him forever, do you?"

"I think we should do something."

Jiu Wu Shen suggested.

After hearing this, the other two temple gods, Blood Demon God and Lamp Nightmare God, asked quickly.

"Jiu Wu, do you have any plans? Tell me quickly."

Jiu Wu Shen replied after hearing this.

"Isn't this kid going to the North Country? Since we can't do anything, why don't we let the North Country's temple gods deal with him?"

After hearing Jiu Wushen's proposal, the temple gods present all showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

"So that's it, I understand!"

"Jiu Wu, you are still smart!"

Other temple gods praised.

"We can't just do nothing, we must investigate clearly whether our organs are in the hands of that kid or he left them inside the Crazy Sect!"

"If they stay, we will find a way to steal them back."

Although these temple gods cannot be enemies with Zhuo Bufan on the surface, they will obviously make a lot of small moves behind the scenes.


On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan has decided to go to the North Country.

Finally, the day of departure has come.

Zhuo Bufan went to the North Country this time, not only with Xuanyuan Hao, but also with Yi Meng.

Yi Meng was one of the earliest disciples, so she knew the development process of the Crazy Sect better than anyone else.

The development of the Crazy Sect is centered on the sect leader Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is the spiritual leader.

However, Zhuo Bufan rarely intervened in the development of the Crazy Sect. It can be said that he was a hands-off boss, and all things were handled by Yi Meng and Xu Huang.

In order to quickly establish a new Crazy Sect in the North Country, Zhuo Bufan really needs a capable assistant.

In terms of developing disciples, he and Xuanyuan Hao are both good at it, so it is more appropriate to leave it to Yi Meng.

And Yi Meng is also happy to go with Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Except for Yi Meng, everyone else stayed.

The current Kuangmen has grown completely.

Not only does it have all-round talents like Xu Huang, but also Dugu Chong, a shrewd military advisor, and even Chu Fan, with his Dawn Organization, joined Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen.

It can be said that Kuangmen is now full of talents.

Zhuo Bufan handed Kuangmen over to Xu Huang and others, and he could leave with peace of mind.

Sect Master, you can go to the North Country with peace of mind, we will definitely protect this land for you.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan took Xuanyuan Hao and Yi Meng and boarded the spaceship to the North Country.

Standing on the deck of the spaceship, Zhuo Bufan looked at the north from afar, with a firm look in his eyes!

"Xiaofan, wait for me, Dad is coming!"


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