Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 770: The ignorant boy

The North Country of Hell is the place where this world first developed.

Its area is much larger than that of the South Country, and its resources and economic development are higher than those of the South Country.

There is a dangerous place in the North Country, called the Dark Night Jungle!

This place is full of peace and tranquility during the day.

But once it is night, its fangs will immediately show.

Various monsters shuttle through the forest, performing a life-and-death killing.

Another bloody night -

Under the bright moon, the terrifying monsters in the Dark Night Jungle began to stir.

A pair of scarlet eyes opened in the darkness, which was creepy.

But in such a dangerous and abnormal place, there was a small figure, like a clever monkey, shuttling through the jungle.


Suddenly, a roar shook the jungle.

I saw a tiger standing on a boulder and roaring to the sky.

The creatures within a radius of ten miles trembled.

With the moonlight, you can see that there is a 5th-level slave mark on the tiger's forehead.

This Howling Moon Demon Tiger is a 5th-level Yan slave. In this dark jungle, it is considered a small lord.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Suddenly, another howl spread.

On another boulder, a 4th-level Howling Moon Demon Wolf was also howling at the moon.

Under the moonlight, the hair of the Howling Moon Demon Wolf exudes a silver glow.

On its back, the young man is riding.

When the moonlight slowly illuminates his face, the familiar face appears again.

He is the precious son that Zhuo Bufan has been looking for, Bai Zifan!

Bai Zifan did fall into the North Country, not the South Country.

So, he had no idea that his father Zhuo Bufan had made a big fuss in the South Country.

It has been nearly a year and a half since he came to hell, and he has been looking for the whereabouts of his father and his master all the time.

But so far, there has been no news.

Not to mention, Bai Zifan has grown into a handsome young man now.

Facing the Howling Moon Demon Tiger on another mountain, Bai Zifan seemed very calm.

The night wind blew his bangs, revealing the slave mark on his forehead.

With the same fifth-level slave mark, Bai Zifan was not afraid of this Howling Moon Demon Tiger.

In fact, the purpose of his coming to the Dark Night Jungle today was to hunt this Howling Moon Demon Tiger.

"Beast, you killed the village chief, take your life!"

As soon as Bai Zifan finished speaking, he patted the Howling Moon Demon Wolf he was sitting on.

"Xiaoyin, jump over!"

The next second, the Howling Moon Demon Wolf he was riding gathered up his momentum, then suddenly jumped up, and flew into the sky under the moonlight.


The Howling Moon Demon Tiger saw the Howling Moon Demon Wolf jumping over, and was also unwilling to be outdone, so he jumped out.

"Come on, Blood Eye, open!"

Just as the Howling Moon Demon Tiger jumped up and was about to devour the fourth-level Demon Wolf that Bai Zifan was sitting on,

Suddenly, Bai Zifan took the first step.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red.

Bai Zifan's innate ability, Blood Eye, can actually be used in the hell world.

It turned out that after Bai Zifan came to this world, he found that he could not use either soul power or spiritual energy.

In another crisis, he unexpectedly discovered that his Blood Eye, the innate skill of his Blood Eye clan, could actually be used.

Blood Eye can see the most fearful things in other people's hearts, and then constantly magnify them in their hearts, triggering the inner demon.

This is an extremely heaven-defying ability. Bai Zifan used to rely on the ability of this blood eye to knock down a group of adults when he was still a child.

When the blood eye opened, the Howling Moon Demon Tiger immediately saw the most terrifying thing in itself.

At that moment, the Howling Moon Demon Tiger wailed and could not control his body at all.

"The opportunity is here!"

Seeing the moment when the Howling Moon Demon Tiger lost consciousness, Bai Zifan pulled out a bright scimitar from his waist and fell from the sky.


He chopped the Howling Moon Demon Tiger's head heavily with a knife.

The huge head was split in half on the spot!


Then, the Howling Moon Demon Tiger turned into a blood mist, turned into countless spirits, and disappeared.

And the fifth-level slave seal on Bai Zifan's forehead was upgraded to the sixth level after obtaining the slave seal of the Howling Moon Demon Tiger.


The precious sword returned to the sheath, Bai Zifan looked at the corpse of the Howling Moon Demon Tiger that had turned into ashes, and then patted the head of the Howling Moon Demon Wolf and said.

"The village chief's revenge has been avenged, Xiaoyin, let's go back!"

Bai Zifan is worthy of being Zhuo Bufan's son. This kid has grown to the sixth level in less than a year and a half.

Bai Zifan's talent is not inferior to Zhuo Bufan.

Then the Howling Moon Demon Wolf took Bai Zifan away from the Dark Night Jungle.

After all, the Dark Night Jungle is a place of right and wrong. Bai Zifan and his friends are just on the edge of the Dark Night Jungle.

I heard from the village chief of Hulu Village that there are even ninth-level monsters in the deepest part of the Dark Night Jungle.

So ordinary people don't dare to enter.

He has always warned the villagers not to go too deep into the Dark Night Jungle.

A few days ago, the village chief's dog was lost, so he went into the mountains to look for it, but was killed by the Howling Moon Demon Wolf.

Today, Bai Zifan came specifically to avenge the village chief.

After the matter was done, they returned to Hulu Village.

When Bai Zifan first came to this world, he landed in Hulu Village.

His slave seal level was able to be raised to this level, and he grew to this level by hunting creatures in the dark night jungle.

When Bai Zifan rode the Howling Moon Demon Wolf back to Hulu Village, the villagers stood at the entrance of the village and looked forward to it.

"Look, it's Xiaoyin and Brother Zifan, they are back."

A beautiful little girl ran over excitedly when she saw Bai Zifan coming back.

"Hahaha, Lin Xi's eyes lit up when she saw her brother Zifan."

"Lin Xi has grown up and is going to get married!"

"Hahaha, a girl can't be kept when she grows up, this girl just can't hide her thoughts!"

Lin Xi, an extremely beautiful little girl in Hulu Village.

It was she who fished Bai Zifan out of the Yellow Spring River.

When she saw Bai Zifan for the first time, she fell in love with this little brother.

And Lin Xi is a straightforward girl who will not hide her feelings.

Now everyone in the village knows that this girl likes Bai Zifan.

Of course, Bai Zifan, the person involved, also knew.

"Brother Zifan, you are back!"

Seeing Lin Xi coming to greet him, Bai Zifan was embarrassed.

"Well, is the village chief feeling better?"

"Much better, Brother Zifan, are you not injured?"

Lin Xi asked with concern.

"No, I have killed the Howling Moon Demon Tiger. It can be regarded as revenge for the village chief."

"Then, Brother Zifan, are you going to leave?"

Bai Zifan had said before that he would leave Hulu Village after helping the village chief to avenge.

If he stayed in Hulu Village, he would not be able to find his father.

And Zhuo Bufan would not be able to find him either.

So, leaving was inevitable.

"Yes, I will leave tomorrow!"

Bai Zifan's decisiveness in doing things was exactly the same as Zhuo Bufan's.

After hearing this, the little girl twisted the corner of her clothes.

After a long while, she said.

"Brother Zifan, can you take me with you?"

"I want to go out with you."

After hearing this, Bai Zifan decisively refused.

"No, the outside world is very dangerous. You should stay in Hulu Village, where there is no trouble."

"But I don't want to stay in Hulu Village anymore. I want to go out and find my father and mother!"

It turned out that Lin Xi, like Zifan, was alone in Hulu Village.

Bai Zifan wanted to find his father, and Lin Xi also wanted to find his parents.

At that moment, Bai Zifan suddenly felt sympathy for Lin Xi.

The two of them could understand each other.

"Young man, take the girl out with you!"

"She can't stay in our Hulu Village."

At this time, the villagers came out and started talking.

Seeing that everyone asked him to take Lin Xi away, Bai Zifan had no choice but to nod silently.

"Okay then!"

Lin Xi saw that Bai Zifan agreed and rushed to him.

"That's great, brother Zifan! Thank you."

Bai Zifan had never been rushed to by another girl since he was a child, except for his sister Bai Zinian.

It was the first time that another girl rushed to him like this.

More importantly, Lin Xi was already growing up. The little white rabbit on the chest bumped into Bai Zifan's chest.

At that moment, Bai Zifan's cheeks flushed with shame.

The ignorant boy fell in love for the first time!

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