Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 771 Northern Powers

The sun is shining brightly and the heat wave is rolling!

Zhuo Bufan's spaceship was heading towards the North Country slowly and unhurriedly according to the planned route.

There were only three people on board this spaceship.

Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao, and Yi Meng.

However, when Zhuo Bufan entered the cargo hold and was about to take a sip of wine from a jar with Xuanyuan Hao.

A little kid ran out of the cargo hold.

"Er, Ear, Ear, Ear, Ear, Ear..."

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Little Potato? Why are you here?"

It turns out that this little guy is the little gerbil who followed Zhuo Bufan in the first place!

Today's Little Potato has reached the seventh level.

Those who follow Zhuo Bufan will have meat to eat.

Xiaotuo followed, which really surprised Zhuo Bufan.

"You guys, you want to get on the boat first and then buy the ticket?"

Facing Xiaotuo's behavior, Zhuo Bufan couldn't laugh or cry.

Since everyone was already on the boat, Zhuo Bufan couldn't throw it off.

Moreover, this little thing is very spiritual.

In Kuangmen, it has become a symbol of mascot.

It even has a statue.

"In that case, then you can come with us!"

Zhuo Bufan took Xiaotuo with him and prepared to go to the North Country together.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan handed Xiaotuo into the care of Yi Meng.

He started discussing with Xuanyuan Hao about further actions after arriving in the Northern Kingdom.

"Since Zifan is in the Northern Kingdom, he must have been looking for us everywhere in the past two years."

"Well, after arriving in the Northern Kingdom, Yi Meng and I started to develop the Kuangmen. We should have the same idea as the Southern Kingdom, let the name Kuangmen spread as quickly as possible."

Zhuo Bufan felt that he should first establish the name of Kuangmen so that Bai Zifan could find them.

Xuanyuan Hao agreed.

"Then I'll go look for it in the market. Maybe he will leave some clues."

The development of Kuangmen does not need Xuanyuan Hao's help.

So he prefers to ask for information from the public.

Zifan is a smart man, he must know that his master Xuanyuan Hao and his father Zhuo Bufan are looking for him.

So he would also leave clues for Zhuo Bufan and the others to find.

"Before going to the Northern Kingdom, let's first understand the forces and situation in the Northern Kingdom!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out a map.

He got this from Dugu Chong.

Dugu Chong was once a temple god. He had been to the Northern Kingdom and knew the Northern Kingdom quite well.

"According to what Dugu Chong said, there are ten major gods in the Northern Kingdom."

"Unlike the Southern Kingdom, the eight temple gods of the Southern Kingdom are all concentrated in the central temple city."

"But the ten major temple gods of the Northern Kingdom are distributed in various territories of the Northern Kingdom and manage the entire Northern Kingdom."

"The end point of our route is a divine territory called Tiancan Temple."

"The organ of this Tiancan God is his right leg. His strength is not weaker than that of the powerful God of the Southern Kingdom."

Zhuo Bufan began to analyze the temple gods of the Northern Kingdom. They pay special attention to the issue of organs in particular.

After all, the internal organs are the Achilles heel of the temple god.

Zhuo Bufan relied on his organs to stabilize the situation in the Southern Kingdom.

"It is understood that this God of Heaven is cruel by nature. He has a strong desire to rule. In his own territory, he implements a tyrant's rule."

"He does not allow any resistance organizations to appear on his territory."

"So, it may be difficult for our Kuang Sect to develop in his territory."

The place where Zhuo Bufan studied Kuangmen was also his base.

"And next to the Tiancan God, there is a guy who is also cruel by nature, called the Licking God!"

"As the name suggests, his organ is the tongue."

"This guy is just like the God of Sex in the South. He is a lecher. His territory does not allow anyone to resist him."

"So, we'd better avoid this area south of the North Country."

Zhuo Bufan pointed to the crescent-shaped area in the south and said.

This place is a place of right and wrong.

"Dugu Chong's advice to me is to develop the Kuang Sect's power here."

Zhuo Bufan pointed to a piece of territory in the center and said.

"He told me that the temple god who manages this area is the Silver Dragon God!"

"This temple god is from the dragon tribe, and the temple god's organs are his own scales."

"Although he is from the dragon tribe, he is not as domineering as the God of Heaven."

"This Silver Dragon God doesn't like to manage his own territory and basically allows any force to develop in his territory."

"As long as he doesn't make too much noise, he usually won't take action."

"So the best way for our crazy sect is to develop in his territory. Then secretly expand."

Zhuo Bufan said.

Yi Meng and Xuanyuan Hao on the side nodded at the same time.

"Yimeng, you don't need to deliberately develop disciples when you develop a crazy family this time."

"I hope that the Kuangmen in the North Country will be an intelligence organization focusing on intelligence."

Zhuo Bufan began to hand over the task to Yi Meng.

The crazy gate they established in the North Country this time was mainly based on intelligence.

It is obvious that Zhuo Bufan attaches great importance to intelligence.

Intelligence is his most important means of understanding the world.

It would be even better if the information about the internal organs of the Northern Palace God could be discovered.

After hearing this, Yi Meng nodded and replied.

"I understand, don't worry, Master. The funds we brought this time are enough to quickly establish an intelligence organization."

"Well, the development of the intelligence organization should be kept low-key. I think the temple gods in the South must have informed the temple gods in the North."

"Unlike the high profile in the South, we should keep a low profile in the North."

Zhuo Bufan pointed out a path for the development of the North Country's Crazy Sect.

As for how to develop, this question will be handed over to Yi Meng.

Yi Meng has a talent for management that is different from ordinary people.

She once established the Dawn Organization, and later helped Zuo Bufan to establish the South Country Crazy Sect.

So, Zhuo Bufan was completely relieved to leave the development of the Crazy Sect to Yi Meng.

"Well, let's go directly to the territory of the Silver Dragon God."

"However, before that, we must go to the territory of the Tiancan God for a supply. The kinetic energy of the spacecraft is not enough."

After Zhuo Bufan arranged everything, Yi Meng also began to return to his cabin to formulate a development plan for the Crazy Sect.

According to Zhuo Bufan's requirements, the development of the North Country Crazy Sect is mainly based on intelligence.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to investigate the location of the organs of the major temple gods in the North Country.

As long as he knew where the organs of these gods were, Zhuo Bufan could use the same method to make the gods of the North compromise.

Of course, it seems a bit difficult at the moment.

After all, the same method is unlikely to succeed a second time.

Presumably, the gods of the South have communicated with the gods of the North.

Half a month later, their spaceship finally saw an oasis.

“Master, we are almost there! The territory of the God of Heavenly Residuals should be ahead.”

Yi Meng stood on the deck and looked at the green mountains at the end of the sky.

The little potato in his arms cried.

“Prepare to land!”

Zhuo Bufan controlled the spaceship and began to send a landing signal to the nearest Guocheng.

Finally, after nearly half a month of flying, they arrived at another world of hell - the North.

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