Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 772: Three-way division

Zhuo Bufan drove the spaceship and stopped in a city called Feisha City.

This city has an aerial port. After stopping the spaceship, Zhuo Bufan took Yi Meng and Xuanyuan Hao off the ship to inquire about information and buy supplies.

"Master, let's go to the tavern! Generally, there will be more information in the tavern."

During the period when Yi Meng was in charge of Kuangmen, the intelligence department was developed with the efforts of her and Xu Huang.

So Yi Meng also has a lot of experience in collecting and managing intelligence.

"Then let's go to the tavern!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan took Yi Meng to the tavern.

After ordering two dishes, Zhuo Bufan and Yi Meng began to observe the words and deeds of the guests in the tavern, as well as their every move.

"Hey, have you heard? Tian Can God is going to hold a brave competition recently and start selecting candidates for the reserve generals."

"Really? Tian Can God already has eight generals, right?"

"There's no such thing as too many generals. They are used to protect the temple anyway!"

"It's not bad to be a general of Tian Can God."

In front of the counter, the shopkeeper was chatting with several diners.

The topic they were talking about was about Tian Can God recruiting generals.

"Is Tian Can God going to recruit generals?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing the news in a corner.

Yi Meng saw Zhuo Bufan's eyes shining and immediately understood Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

"Sir, you don't want to..."

"Hush, don't say it for now. I have my own arrangements!"

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to become a general of Tian Can God.

He wanted to learn from Chu Fan's undercover method of Jiu Wushen, become a general, and then secretly inquire about the organs of the gods in each temple.

Zhuo Bufan was very confident, but Yi Meng was very worried.

She was extremely worried, but she didn't dare to say it.

Xuanyuan Hao also knew Zhuo Bufan's thoughts. He was the opposite of Yi Meng. He supported Zhuo Bufan.

After all, crisis and opportunity coexist.

Only by getting close to these temple gods can you have the opportunity to find out the information you want.

Zhuo Bufan continued to collect other information.

He found that in the corner of the tavern, two people were sneaking around and doing some kind of deal.

Zhuo Bufan used his divine power to strengthen his hearing and could clearly hear the conversation between the two.

"Help me kill someone, this is the deposit! After the matter is done, there will be double."

"Don't worry, I will give you an answer in ten days."

"That's good, I'm at ease with you doing things in the 'cemetery'."

It turned out that the two were secretly conducting a murder transaction.

The so-called cemetery is a killer organization. As long as you pay, you can kill anyone you want to kill.

There are many killer organizations like this in this world.

They are all developing in secret and dare not appear on the stage.

Killers are different from hunters.

Anyone can join the Hunter Guild in the Southland and accept missions freely.

The assassin organization is obviously specially trained, and each assassin has a strong assassination ability.

Zhuo Bufan once worked as an assassin for a period of time in the strongest assassin organization in the cultivation world, Four Seasons Mountain and River.

He also knew that the assassin organization had its own special intelligence agency.

Moreover, the intelligence ability of the general assassin organization is stronger than that of the professional intelligence organization.

"Xuanyuan, did you hear that?"

Zhuo Bufan gestured to Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao nodded slightly.

As the honorary leader of the Crazy Gate, Xuanyuan Hao also has a certain status in the Crazy Gate, and has fans like Lu Xue, Lu Yang, and Zhang Jian.

So Xuanyuan Hao also has a source of divine power in hell.

His divine power has now returned to its peak state.

"I heard it!"

When Zhuo Bufan noticed the two people in the corner just now, Xuanyuan Hao naturally noticed it.

"I'll go to the cemetery, and you go to the temple!"

Xuanyuan Hao directly said what Zhuo Bufan wanted to say.

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he heard it.

He and Xuanyuan Hao are in perfect sync.

"Well, Xiaofan is in your hands!"

Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao don't need to communicate much. Sometimes, they only need to look at each other to know each other's thoughts.

Xuanyuan Hao obviously wants to go to the cemetery and find Zifan's whereabouts through the cemetery's intelligence system.

Just as planned at the beginning, Xuanyuan Hao is responsible for actively looking for Bai Zifan in the market.

Zhuo Bufan and his team are responsible for developing the Kuangmen, passively waiting for Bai Zifan to come to them.

Actively and passively, they act together, and believe that they will find Bai Zifan soon.

"Well, see you at the base!"

Seeing that the killer in the cemetery had left, Xuanyuan Hao did not continue to chat with Zhuo Bufan and his team, but got up and chased after him.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Hao had already taken action, Zhuo Bufan turned to look at Yi Meng in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have to worry about Xuanyuan Hao at all.

What Zhuo Bufan was really worried about was Yi Meng.

"Yi Meng, from now on, we will split into three groups!"

"Xuanyuan will go to the cemetery, and I will go to the temple. And your task is more important. You have to go to the place we agreed on, to develop the Kuang Men. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan's decision to bring Yi Meng with him at the beginning was obviously correct.

With Yi Meng, Zhuo Bufan no longer has to worry about developing the Kuang Men.

However, Yi Meng is still a little worried about him.

"Sir, are you really going to the temple of Tiancan God?"

"Yes! The situation forces me to make plans for the future of our Kuangmen."

Zhuo Bufan's mission to investigate the organs of the Temple God is obviously the most important and the most dangerous.

But he must do this, otherwise once the Kuangmen develops in the future, it is likely to encounter the same situation as in the South Country.

The Temple God is their biggest hidden danger after all.

Zhuo Bufan must nip this hidden danger in the bud.

"I understand! Sir, don't worry, I will definitely develop Kuangmen well."

Yi Meng promised Zhuo Bufan firmly.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yi Meng, reached out and touched her face, revealing a godfather-like facial expression.

"I believe you."

Zhuo Bufan certainly believes in Yi Meng, and he also believes in Yi Meng's ability.

Moreover, Yi Meng is now an eighth-level Yan slave. Ordinary people can no longer threaten her.

Although Yi Meng rarely takes action, her strength is not weak.

After all, she was once a temple god and was named a Valkyrie.

Finally, Yi Meng, alone, took Little Potato and drove the spaceship to the territory of the Silver Dragon God.

Zhuo Bufan and his team had already studied the problem of the base in advance, so Zhuo Bufan didn't have to worry about not being able to find Yi Meng and her team in the future.

After watching Yi Meng leave Feisha City, Zhuo Bufan came to the City Lord's Mansion.

He officially signed up to participate in the God General Conference of Tiancan God!

Next, he, Xuanyuan Hao, and Yi Meng!

The three of them each took their own tasks and started to act.

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