Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 785: Absolute Sword Palace God

With the help of the glazed green fairy lamp, Zhuo Bufan finally passed the test of the King of Hell.

"Congratulations to your son, from now on, you will be the new generation of temple gods."

"You can give it a try, your new power."

"New power?"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hands and felt it.

He extracted the power of the curse of the King of Hell from the glazed green fairy lamp.

The next second, his nails began to grow rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the nails became longer than an ordinary sword and quite sharp.

"Such a girly ability?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He didn't expect that the cursed power he obtained was actually a nail sword!

"My father gave you an indestructible finger sword. He also gave you the title of God of the Absolute Sword Palace!"

"Your qualifications are not enough. Next, you will learn how to manage the temple and the world under Tiancan."

The King of Hell began to teach Zhuo Bufan earnestly.

"My child, please remember to protect your nails."

"He is related to your life. Once it is destroyed, your life may not be saved."

"As long as it lasts, you will be immortal."

The King of Hell warned Zhuo Bufan, and then returned Zhuo Bufan's nails to him.

Zhuo Bufan took the nails, then squinted and smiled.

For him, this nail is no longer a threat to his life.

However, for the sake of safety, Zhuo Bufan did not throw away his nails, but kept them himself. Maybe they would be useful in the future.

"Child, I look forward to the changes you will make in this world."

"My father is very satisfied with what you did in the South Country."

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that he was flawless and successfully undercover next to the King of Hell.

Unexpectedly, the King of Hell actually mentioned the affairs of the Southern Kingdom at this time.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned.

"You knew already?"

When the king of hell heard this, he laughed.

"What else in this world can be hidden from the eyes of Father God?"

"Son, what do you think is the purpose of holding this meeting of generals for your father?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened, and he suddenly realized that he had been trapped.

It turned out that the King of Hell had noticed Zhuo Bufan a long time ago.

He knew what Zhuo Bufan was going to do and what he needed.

So it asked God Tiancan to hold a conference of generals.

The reason why it is a conference of divine generals and not of palace gods is also to seduce Zhuo Bufan.

Sure enough, Zhuo Bufan fell into the trap of the King of Hell without realizing it.

Then step by step, we got to where we are now.

"Being plotted!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the King of Hell would be so clever.

It almost looked at Zhuo Bufan, the fish, and took the bait step by step.

Of course, the King of Hell never expected that Zhuo Bufan bit a fake bait.

"My child, you are a talent, stay with Father God, help Father God, and unify the world!"

"You have great leadership skills. The crazy family you established has won the respect of the people of the entire southern country."

"As long as you are loyal to Father God, Father God will make you the emperor of this world!"

This King of Hell was interested in Zhuo extraordinary talent.

Zhuo Bufan's actions in the Southern Kingdom obviously made the King of Hell recognize him.

Zhuo Bufan single-handedly established the Kuangmen, the largest force in the South today.

The King of Hell has been looking for a puppet emperor who can manage the entire hell world for him.

And now, he found it.

Zhuo Bufan is the most suitable candidate.

Therefore, the King of Hell set up many traps to guide Zhuo Bufan, step by step, into his trap.

Now, his purpose was achieved.

"See you soon, my child! Father God will be in heaven and protect you forever."

After the King of Hell finished speaking, the red sun in the sky began to slowly disappear.

Until the end, the dark world that Zhuo Bufan lived in began to slowly shatter.

When the darkness was completely shattered, Zhuo Bufan found himself back in the baptismal font.

Looking at the baptismal font again, I saw that there was no one there except him.

"I'm so careless. How could I be so naive?"

"He is also the God of the World after all. How could he not know my every move?"

Zhuo Bufan found out that he had been plotted and wanted to regret it, but it was too late.

But fortunately, he was not really controlled by the King of Hell.

The King of Hell, despite all his calculations, failed to take into account the glazed green fairy lamp in Zhuo Bufan's body.

This should be regarded as Zhuo Bufan's only means of counterattack.


After coming back to his senses, Zhuo Bufan felt his cheek being licked. Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched it and said.

"Xiaolin, it's okay, I'm back."

When Zhuo Bufan was undergoing a test in the dark space, Abi Beast kept guarding him until he passed the test.

Obviously, the King of Hell has not yet discovered the existence of the Abi beast. In other words, he was not paying attention to Zhuo Bufan all the time.

For Zhuo Bufan, this is obviously important information.

"Congratulations, you passed the Temple God Trial!"

At this moment, the previous Ghost Armored God General walked out.

Besides him, there was a man in purple robe standing next to him, who was the God of Tiancan Temple whom he had seen before.

"Haha, I thought I was selecting a divine general for me, but I didn't expect that a palace god was selected in the end."

"I don't know, should I call you the Master of the Kuang Sect, or the God of the Juejian Palace?"

Tian Jue Shen obviously didn't expect that the Father God would let Zhuo Bufan become the new Temple God in the end.

Just now, the King of Hell had told him all about Zhuo Bufan's situation.

So, he already knew Zhuo Bufan's true identity.

He was in the South Country, turning the entire South Country upside down.

"I am Jue Jian, and I meet the Lord of Tian Jue Palace!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly adapted to his title of Jue Jian Shen.

Jue Jian Shen, the title given to Zhuo Bufan by the Father God, the King of Hell.

"Haha, if the Father God hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that you came to investigate my organs."

Tian Jue Shen looked at Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan could only smile helplessly.

"Haha, I was sold out!"

Zhuo Bufan made a helpless gesture.

His purpose was completely known to the other party.

The undercover mission was a complete failure!

"Okay, now you have become the son of the Father God just like us. So, don't think about doing anything weird."

"Now our lives are in the hands of the Father God."

"The Father God only needs one thought, and we will be doomed."

"So, from now on, you should be honest, work with us, and be loyal to the Father God!"

The warning of the God of Heaven Jue obviously made Zhuo Bufan very uncomfortable.

However, Zhuo Bufan could not work for the King of Hell so honestly.

Now he is in a high position and obviously has more power.

"Okay, let's stop here today! There will be a temple god meeting in three days. Then you will go with me to meet the others!"

"Ghost Armor, take this new temple god down!"

After saying this, the God of Heaven Can turned around and left with his crutches.

Zhuo Bufan stood up wetly from the baptismal pool.

Then, under the leadership of the God of Ghost Armor, he came to his palace.


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