Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 786 Zifan's whereabouts

I wanted to go undercover under the temple gods and collect secrets about their organs.

I didn't expect that now, I would become a temple god and a lackey of the King of Hell.

"Palace Master, please come in!"

The Ghost Armor God General invited Zhuo Bufan to the temple that had been prepared in advance.

Zhuo Bufan sighed, what should he do next?

The development of things was somewhat beyond his expectations.


The Avici Beast licked his face, and Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized.

"Maybe I don't need to worry about this."

"The purpose of being an undercover agent was actually to find out the secrets of the organs of other hall masters."

"The fundamental reason is that I am worried that these guys will cause trouble to me in the future, so I can deal with them."

"And now, I am the hall god, with power that is not weaker than theirs, so I am not afraid of them at all."

"Moreover, the development of the Kuangmen can now be legitimately included in my governance."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and finally realized that he had thought too much at the beginning.

"In this case, I will contact Yi Meng now."

After Zhuo Bufan figured it out, he felt that as a hall master, he would have greater control in this world.

He is now a veritable tenth-level hall master with combat power that is not weaker than other hall masters.

"The most urgent task now is to find Zifan."

"I don't know if Xuanyuan and Yi Meng have any news. If not, then I need to use my power to quickly develop the Kuangmen."

Zhuo Bufan immediately left the temple and came to the exchange location agreed with Yi Meng before.

That is the tavern in Feisha City.

Zhuo Bufan came to the tavern and saw the mark left by Yi Meng on the corner of the wall.

"Yi Meng has been here. It seems that she should have some news."

Then, Zhuo Bufan rushed into the tavern and found the boss.

"Boss, has anyone left anything here recently? Or asked you to tell someone?"

This is the contact method Zhuo Bufan made with Yi Meng in advance.

If Yi Meng has information, she will ask the boss to pass it to Zhuo Bufan.

The boss nodded repeatedly when he heard it.

"Really, there is a girl who gave me a lot of money and asked me to pass it to someone who can answer the code."

"Old friend?"

The boss asked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan answered when he heard it.

"Like a dream!"

Old friend like a dream, this is the code Yi Meng told Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing it, the boss quickly took out a letter from under the counter and handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the letter and found that there was nothing written inside.

These intelligence letters from the Crazy Gate Intelligence Department require specific things to see the contents of the letter.

As the leader of the Kuang Men, Zhuo Bufan certainly knew how to use it.

He touched an obsidian ring on his finger, and then scanned it on the letter paper.

Then, lines of content appeared on the letter paper.

Yi Meng's letter mainly talked about three things.

First, the Kuang Men has taken root in Yinlong City. Yi Meng has developed a lot of believers with her own ability. It is already a well-known intelligence organization in the local area.

Then, the development of the Kuang Men encountered considerable resistance, and many other forces were eyeing the Kuang Men. And the Kuang Men has attracted the attention of the gods of the Silver Dragon Palace.

Finally, the most important thing. Xuanyuan Hao sent back the news that he had found Bai Zifan's whereabouts.


Zhuo Bufan was very surprised. Xuanyuan Hao finally found Bai Zifan's whereabouts.

However, the letter did not say whether Bai Zifan had been found. It just told Zhuo Bufan not to worry.

Zhuo Bufan is now unable to split himself up and can only hope in Xuanyuan Hao.

Zhuo Bufan believed that Xuanyuan Hao would be able to bring Zifan back safely.

"Next, just find Zifan."

For Zhuo Bufan, finding Zifan is the top priority.

In this way, he will have no worries.

Then, Zhuo Bufan left a letter and put it with the tavern owner.

The content was very simple, asking Yi Meng to slow down the development of Kuangmen.

With the news of Bai Zifan, he would not have to call for the development of Kuangmen.

As for the news that he became a temple god, Zhuo Bufan has not told Yi Meng yet.

Then, Zhuo Bufan left the tavern and returned to the palace of Tiancan City.

Next, he will confront the temple gods of the North Country head-on.


Zhuo Bufan has basically no worries.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan Hao went through thousands of dangers in order to find Bai Zifan.

Xuanyuan Hao found information about Bai Zifan in the intelligence system of the cemetery.

Bai Zifan killed someone in the Poison Dragon City, the territory of the Demonic Serpent God. Now many assassin organizations are hunting him.

After Xuanyuan Hao learned the news, he rushed to the Poison Dragon City as soon as possible.

However, Bai Zifan seemed to have disappeared from the world and disappeared.

Finally, Xuanyuan Hao learned that Bai Zifan was killed in the Blood Demon City by a killer organization called Xuejiang.

In anger, Xuanyuan Hao came to the Blood Demon City with raging anger and burning murderous aura.

The Blood Demon City is one of the thirty-six cities under the rule of the Demonic Serpent God.

The Demonic Serpent God is one of the ten original gods of the Northern Kingdom.

And the Blood Demon City is said to be the city where he rose to power.

Blood Demon City is the cradle of assassin organizations. There is not only the Blood Border assassin organization here, but also many other powerful assassin organizations.

And this Blood Border ranks second in the list of assassin organizations in the North, second only to the Fangs ruled by the God of the Demon Snake Temple.

On this day, Blood Demon City was drizzling as usual.

It rains in this city for more than half of the year.

Rain is the most natural disguise for assassins.

Killing people in the rainy night is silent.

As the saying goes, sneaking into the night with the rain, killing people silently.

Under this dark city, there are hidden killer organizations that are frightening one after another.

On this day, Xuanyuan Hao came to Blood Demon City with a bamboo hat and a straw raincoat.

The tavern on the roadside is not closed yet!

There are several guests drinking in the rain in the middle of the night.

The drunk people walked out of the tavern in the rain, shoulder to shoulder.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning lit up the sky.

The two drunkards stared and saw a man suddenly appear in front of them.

They thought they saw a ghost and were so scared that they sat down on the ground and fell into a puddle.

"Who are you, kid?"

"You scared me to death. I think you are looking for death."

Without saying a word, the two drew their swords and killed Xuanyuan Hao in front of them.

However, at the moment they attacked, Xuanyuan waved his right hand.

In an instant, two heads flew up.

Blood was splattered all over the ground.

Under the thunder and lightning, Xuanyuan Hao's cold eyes startled the people in the tavern.

Xuanyuan Hao came with murderous intent. Anyone who dared to stop him would definitely die without a burial place.


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