Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 787 Xuanyuan Massacre

As soon as Xuanyuan Hao arrived at Blood Demon City, he started killing people and killed two assassins.

It didn't matter whether they were from Blood Border or not.

Xuanyuan Hao was here to massacre the city.

After seeing Xuanyuan Hao killing people, the people in the tavern stood up and drew their knives.

"Who are you? Tell me your name. If you dare to kill my Black Knife Gang, you will never leave here alive tonight."

The people in the tavern were obviously from the same assassin organization, the Black Knife Gang.

Facing their inquiries, Xuanyuan Hao ignored them completely.

"I think you are looking for death, go!"

In the dark night, no one saw what realm Xuanyuan Hao, who was wearing a bamboo hat, was in.

If they saw the ninth-level slave mark on Xuanyuan Hao's forehead, they would have been scared and fled.

However, they had no chance to see it again.

Just as they were about to rush out of the tavern and kill people.

Suddenly, all the raindrops in the sky were fixed in the air.

The next second, all the raindrops shot towards the tavern.

Like thousands of bullets, with annihilating killing intent.

Puff puff puff...

For a moment, everything in the tavern turned into a sieve.

And those people in the Black Knife Gang, whether it was the black knives in their hands or their flesh, had already been riddled with holes, and blood flowed like a river.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

The bodies fell to the ground one by one.

Finally, Xuanyuan Hao walked into the tavern, and then looked at the only survivor behind the counter, the shopkeeper, and asked.

"Where is Xuejiang?"

Facing the terrifying man in front of him, the boss didn't think much at all and answered immediately.

"In the south of the city, the Xueyu Casino in the south of the city is a stronghold of Xuejiang."

The boss's desire to survive was very strong.

He answered Xuanyuan Hao's question honestly.

After Xuanyuan Hao learned about Xuejiang's whereabouts, he took out a gold ingot from his arms and put it on the counter.

"Hot pot of wine!"

Then, Xuanyuan Hao turned and left the tavern.

The boss didn't know what Xuanyuan Hao meant, but he didn't dare to disobey, and quickly heated a pot of wine for Xuanyuan Hao.

After Xuanyuan Hao walked out of the tavern, he disappeared instantly.

He turned into wind and rain, and quickly appeared in the south of Blood Demon City, and found the so-called Blood Rain Casino.

Outside the Blood Rain Casino, there were two guards on sentry.

They hid under the eaves and saw Xuanyuan Hao suddenly appear.

"Who is it?"

The two rushed out, drew their swords, and looked at Xuanyuan Hao.

However, Xuanyuan Hao did not say a word, and operated the power of the seal, and an unattainable water giant stood up from behind him.

In the heavy rain, the water giant rose from the ground, and a series of violent storms and vortices were generated around his body.

Looking at the water giant behind Xuanyuan Hao, the two were frightened and fell to the ground.

"Not good, hurry up, go and inform the hall master, someone is coming to mess up the place."

One of them shouted, but the other person next to him was so scared that he couldn't move at all.

"Destroy the place? No, I'm here to massacre the city!"

Under the thunder and rain, Xuanyuan Hao's murderous aura can be said to linger over the entire Blood Demon City.

Xuanyuan Hao, what a gentle and indifferent handsome man he looks like on weekdays.

But this time, he was really angry.

When he learned that Bai Zifan was killed, his anger was enough to burn the sky.

Xuanyuan Hao had never been so angry before.

His feelings for Bai Zifan were no less than Zhuo Bufan's.

When Bai Zifan was arrested, he had already felt sorry for Zhuo Bufan.

Now that Bai Zifan was killed, it was an unbearable bad news for Xuanyuan Hao.

He didn't know how to trust Zhuo Bufan and how to face his own heart.

So, Xuanyuan Hao came.

He wanted to massacre this city, to sacrifice to the sky, the earth, and his injured heart.

The water giant behind him condensed his anger.

I saw him raise his foot and kick the door of the Blood Rain Casino fiercely.


With just one kick, the entire Blood Rain Casino was razed to the ground in an instant.

I don’t know how many people died tragically under this thunderous kick.

Xuanyuan Hao used this kick to start his massacre.

This kick shocked the entire Blood Demon City.

Everyone in the city was shocked.

The big men who were rarely seen on weekdays flew out of their nests to check the situation outside.

In the rainstorm and thunder, there was a huge water giant destroying the buildings in the south city.

"Who is it? Dare to destroy my Blood Rain Casino!"

Suddenly, a big man in a black robe appeared out of nowhere.

He appeared in the air with a ghost face mask.

At this time, Xuanyuan Hao, who was standing on the ground, slowly raised his head and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in the sky.

When they saw the man coming out, the people who had escaped from the casino began to wail.

"It's the Lord of the Territory, the Lord of the Territory is here."

The Lord of the Blood Territory, the leader of this killer organization, the legendary eighth-level Yan Nu.

He is the leader of the Blood Territory and also its spiritual leader.

His appearance made everyone excited.

"The Lord of Territory is here, we are saved."

"Lord of Territory, please save us, save us."

Below, the cries for help were endless.

The Lord of Blood Territory stood with his arms folded, suspended in the air.

Under the mask, a pair of bloody eyes looked coldly at Xuanyuan Hao, who was wearing a bamboo hat below.

"Who are you? You dare to come to my blood territory to cause trouble. Don't you want to live?"

The leader of the Blood Territory, his domineering power is boundless.

He roared, his whole body burned with fire, and a huge flame giant rose from behind him.

It instantly reflected half of the sky.

The Blood Border disciples below saw this scene and exclaimed in surprise.

"The Lord of the Blood Territory has boundless magical power. His unparalleled martial arts skills move the earth and shake the heavens."

"The Lord of the Blood Territory has boundless magical power. His unparalleled martial arts skills move the earth and shake the heavens."

Seeing the boundless magic power displayed by the leader of the Blood Territory, these disciples were almost climaxing.

Obviously, in their eyes, their Blood Territory Lord is the embodiment of invincibility.

His appearance made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that Xuanyuan Hao's death will come next.

However, just when everyone began to sing a song of victory for their Blood Territory Lord.


A bolt of thunder passed through the night sky.

Xuanyuan Hao suddenly took off the bamboo hat on his head, revealing his gloomy face and the ninth-level slave mark on his forehead.

In the flash of lightning, everyone saw the mark on Xuanyuan Hao's forehead.

At that moment, their hearts felt cold.

"Nine, ninth level?"

"Damn it, escape!"

After seeing Xuanyuan Hao's slave mark, the leader of the Blood Territory in the sky immediately made the most correct decision and decided to run away.

However, it was obviously too late to run away now.

Xuanyuan Hao stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.


Suddenly, the entire sky, with all its gravity, fell suddenly.

What followed was a huge hand that covered the sky and slapped it down from the sky.

In an instant, half of the Demon City was destroyed...

Preview: This volume is coming to an end soon, so try to update it next month! I want to finish it as soon as possible and start a new book. There should be a final volume in this book, so I try not to end it unfinished.

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