Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 788: A teacher should be like a father

Xuanyuan Hao destroyed half of the Blood Demon City as soon as he took action.

The arrogant anger, blood flowed like a river.

The Lord of the Blood Territory was crippled by Xuanyuan Hao's slap, lying in a pit of blood, torn apart.

However, he was not dead yet and still had some breath left.

Xuanyuan Hao did it deliberately. He would not let the culprit die easily.

In this world, death is easy, after all, you can still be resurrected after death.

The hard part is that life is worse than death.

The disciples of Blood Frontier were full of hope just a moment ago, but the next second, they were all shrouded in despair.

The leader of the Blood Territory that they were so proud of was deposed.

It's like rubbish, wasted to the point of being useless.

"Here, who is this guy?"

"Ninth level, how come a ninth level master comes to my Blood Territory?"

"Have I, the Blood Territory, ever offended such a powerful person?"

Xuanyuan Hao is so strong that it makes people tremble.

The disciples of Xuejiang had no idea that they had ever offended such a big shot.

But seeing Xuanyuan Hao, he fished the Lord of Blood Territory out of the blood pit.

Then, Xuanyuan Hao took out a portrait.

On that portrait, there was a handsome young man, who was Xuanyuan Hao's disciple, Bai Zifan.

"Do you know him?"

Xuanyuan Hao held the portrait and asked the dying Lord of Blood Territory to identify it.

The Lord of Blood Territory looked at Bai Zifan's portrait and shook his head slowly.

He couldn't even speak now, his entire face was completely disabled, and Zhi En could vaguely see the figure in the portrait.

"He was harmed by your bloody frontier, and you don't know him? I'll ask again if you know him?"

Xuanyuan Hao's anger was not over, but the Lord of Blood Territory basically understood after hearing Xuanyuan Hao's words.

Xuanyuan Hao came to take revenge.

"Blood Clothes Hall, No. 9's mission."

The Lord of Blood Territory looked at the character nine on the portrait and recognized who owned this mission.

Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao asked coldly.

"Where is this person now?"

The Lord of Blood Territory shook his head repeatedly.

"I don't know? What's the use of keeping you?"

As soon as Xuanyuan Hao finished speaking, he punched down and exploded the head of the Lord of Blood Territory on the spot.

Then, he stood up, looked around, and shouted.

"Xue Yi Tang, where is No. 9?"

After hearing this, the surrounding Blood Border disciples retreated one after another.

They looked at Xuanyuan Hao in disbelief. This man, with just one punch, blew off their leader's head.

"You don't want to say that? Then don't blame me for going on a killing spree."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense to these people. With a wave of his hand, countless raindrops penetrated the bodies of the row of disciples in front of him like bullets.

Blood, wailing, death, darkness...

Blood Frontier, this powerful killer organization, ushered in their catastrophe today.

Xuanyuan Hao completely vented his anger on these killers.

"No. 9 is in the Blood Clothes Hall, in the Blood Clothes Hall."

The disciples of Xuejiang began to beg for mercy. In order to survive, they had to betray the Nine.

"Where is the Blood Clothes Hall?"

"He who leads the way, I will spare your life."

As soon as Xuanyuan Hao finished speaking, everyone stood up and wanted to lead the way.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed in the sky.

Someone stepped on the flying sword and prepared to escape.

"That's him, he's Number Nine."

Someone pointed at the man in the air who was about to escape and shouted.

When Xuanyuan Hao heard this, he frowned.

"Want to escape?"

The next second, Xuanyuan Hao stretched out his hand and shook it in the air.


In an instant, the sky trembled.

Immediately afterwards, No. 9, who was about to escape, was caught by Xuanyuan Hao.

Apparently, he got the message and prepared to escape.

However, Xuanyuan Hao came just for him, how could he let him escape so easily.


Xuanyuan Hao squeezed hard, and No. 9 screamed.

"Sir, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!"

The other party begged Xuanyuan Hao for mercy.

However, Xuanyuan Hao was not moved at all.

"Tell me, where is the young man you are chasing now?"

Xuanyuan Hao must find out the whereabouts of Bai Zifan from his mouth.

When No. 9 heard this, he quickly replied.

"My lord, I really don't know. I only killed him once."

"Later, when I rushed to the nearest Resurrection Spring, I didn't find him."

"Kill him once? You really deserve to die. Do you dare to kill my apprentice?"

"Who instructed you to kill?"

Xuanyuan Hao was so furious that he kept lashing out at the other party.

The killer, who seemed to be ravaged by Xuanyuan Hao, felt worse than death, and finally had to reveal the identity of his employer.

"Head of the Xue family, head of the Xue family in Huanlin City. Your apprentice provoked the Xue family and ruined the life of the eldest son of the Xue family. The Xue family is very aggressive in our Blood Clothes Hall."

This No. 9 revealed the identity of his employer.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao was in unbearable pain.

"Zifan, where are you? Where are you?"

Bai Zifan's whereabouts were unknown again. Xuanyuan Hao was furious and went on a killing spree.

This night was a disaster and catastrophe in the Blood Demon City.

Xuanyuan Hao took action without mercy. Blood Frontier, a huge killer organization, was taken over by Xuanyuan Hao alone.

Kill people and massacre the city.

Xuanyuan Hao returned to the tavern at the city gate.

The owner of the tavern gingerly brought warm wine to Xuanyuan Hao.

After drinking and paying, Xuanyuan Hao turned and left.

This killing journey has just officially begun.


"What? Blood Demon City was massacred?"

At this moment, in the Demon Snake Temple of the Great Snake City, the temple master Demon Snake heard the urgent report just received and could not help but be furious.

The God of the Demon Snake Temple, just like his name.

He wore a revealing black armor, with a huge black python coiled on his body.

His skin was as smooth as jade, and his hair was as black as ink.

He looked unusually young and evil.

"Who is blind? Come to my Demon Snake's territory to make trouble?"

Although the Demon Snake rarely manages the territory under his rule, the Blood Demon City is his territory after all.

The Blood Demon City was massacred, which was not giving him face.

"Bi Ya, Hong Xin, Tun Wu, the three of you, go and catch that guy for me."

"If you resist, kill without mercy."

"This temple wants to see what kind of character dares to seek death in my territory."

Three days later, the Demon Snake will participate in the Temple God Conference. So he must kill Xuanyuan Hao in the territory before that.

But, is Xuanyuan Hao really as simple as he imagined?

Xuanyuan Hao didn't know that the Temple God Snake had sent three gods to encircle him.

Xuanyuan Hao now has only one task, which is to find Bai Zifan as soon as possible.

He can feel that he is very close to Bai Zifan.

As a master, he must send Zifan back to Zhuo Bufan safely.

This is his responsibility and obligation as a master.

From the mouth of No. 9, Xuanyuan Hao learned that Bai Zifan seemed to have provoked the Xue family in Huanlin City and suffered a fatal disaster.

Xuanyuan Hao first rushed to the resurrection pool closest to Bai Zifan's murder to look for clues, but found nothing.

Then, Xuanyuan Hao got up and moved to the Xue family in Huanlin City.

This trip is destined to be another road of killing!

But, where is the Bai Zifan that Xuanyuan Hao is looking for?

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