Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 789: The Devil Resurrects

Phantom Scale City, a dreamlike, intoxicating, and luxurious city.

It is the richest city in the territory of the Demon Snake Temple.

However, behind the bright and beautiful, prosperous and powerful, there is always an ugly, dirty, dark and turbulent scene.

Phantom Scale City is such a polarized city.

Here, there are palaces made of pure gold, and there are refugees begging on the ground.

The rich are drunk and feasting, and there are frozen bones on the road, which is the portrayal of Phantom Scale City.

And under the Phantom Scale City, there is a place for the poor and slaves to survive.

This is the most famous bandit street in Phantom Scale City.

The bandit street is located under Phantom Scale City and belongs to an underground world.

Here, gambling houses, brothels, slave houses, arenas, underground black boxing, and all kinds of things that cannot be seen in the light are here.

Of course, the most people in the bandit street are slaves and poor people.

Slaves and poor people work here to make money, and sometimes they lose their lives, but they are ignored.

There is a blacksmith shop on the South Street of Bandit Street.

The blacksmith shop is run by a grandfather and grandson, and next to it is a black boxing gym, so the business has always been good.

However, the blacksmith shop has been closed in recent days.

"What happened to this old Li? Is he not doing business anymore?"

"He said two days ago that he would make me a fire poison sword, but now he is gone."

Every day, several customers come to the blacksmith shop.

Seeing that the shop is not open, they often leave in disappointment.

There is a reason why this blacksmith shop is not open.

The reason is that in the blacksmith shop, there is a wanted criminal recently by the Xue family - Bai Zifan!

That's right, Bai Zifan, who Xuanyuan Hao has been looking for with great difficulty, is hiding in the blacksmith shop.


In the dim cellar, a weak oil lamp is lit.

In the corner, there is a dirt bed, and a weak boy is lying on the bed, who is exactly Bai Zifan that Xuanyuan Hao is looking for.

Next to the bed, there sat a little girl and a gray-black Howling Moon Wolf.

The little girl was Lin Xi, the orphan who had left the Dark Night Jungle with Bai Zifan.

"Brother Zifan, why haven't you woken up yet? Brother Zifan."

Lin Xi secretly wiped tears.

Bai Zifan's situation was too special.

Others could be resurrected in three hours at most after death.

But Bai Zifan had been sleeping for three days and still had no movement.

Moreover, Bai Zifan's face was sometimes black and sometimes pale, which was terrifying.

Looking back, Lin Xi blamed herself.

Bai Zifan had fallen to this point because of her.

At the beginning, she went down the mountain with Bai Zifan to find her parents.

They were chivalrous and righteous along the way, saving many people in distress.

Even the grandfather and grandson in the blacksmith shop were saved by them.

But Lin Xi was too proud of himself.

After arriving at Huanlin City, Lin Xi met Xue Fu, the eldest son of the Xue family, who was domineering!

At that time, Bai Zifan was not around, so Lin Xi took the Howling Moon Demon Wolf and taught Xue Fu a lesson.

Who knew that it was because of her reckless behavior that she was captured by Xue Fu.

Xue Fu was attracted by Lin Xi's beauty and planned to marry Lin Xi as a concubine and take her for himself.

The Howling Moon Demon Wolf escaped and came back to report to Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan, who learned the news, rushed into the Xue family in anger, rescued Lin Xi, and castrated Xue Fu.

That's how Bai Zifan caused a big disaster and caused the Xue family to hire a killer to kill.

Later, the killer organization "Xuejiang" took over this task, and the weapon Bai Zifan was besieged by many parties and was finally killed.

Before his death, Bai Zifan arranged a plan.

He knew that he could not escape this disaster and had to die to escape the pursuit of Xuejiang.

Therefore, Bai Zifan committed suicide in advance and asked Lin Xi to wait for him to be resurrected at the resurrection spring.

Bai Zifan, who committed suicide in advance, pretended to be caught by No. 9 of Xuejiang.

In fact, when No. 9 caught Bai Zifan, he was already dead.

Bai Zifan had been dead for nearly two hours while waiting for No. 9 to kill Bai Zifan in front of the Xue family.

When the Xue family arrived at the resurrection spring, Lin Xi had already taken the resurrected Bai Zifan away from that troubled place.

If he didn't do this, Bai Zifan would definitely be killed again and again by the Xue family until he was killed back to the first level and became a slave.

Bai Zifan sat like this just to preserve his memory.

Dying once is the most he can bear at this time.

However, Bai Zifan never expected that the price this time would be quite high.

It's true that he died once, but after death, he hasn't woken up yet.

Bai Zifan's situation is very special. Before he planned to die, he forgot a very important thing.

He, Bai Zifan, is a demon species!

His death will bring about the resurrection of the demon.

Bai Zifan never expected that it was his death that caused a huge change in the world of cultivation.

The demon that would not be resurrected was resurrected because of Bai Zifan's death.

The demon obtained all the power of the three demon species.

The legendary demon was resurrected...

The resurrection of the demon will be a great disaster for the world of cultivation.

Of course, this time, Bai Zifan didn't know, and he didn't think about it at all.

He thought that death in hell was not a real death.

After all, after death in hell, people will be resurrected.

However, the rules of hell are not as simple as he thought.

If you die here, you may really die.

His death has contributed to the revival of the demon.


Of course, Bai Zifan cannot be blamed for all this.

Bai Zifan certainly will not release the demon seed on his own initiative.

However, all this is unavoidable. What should happen will happen naturally.

Not to mention the resurrection of the demon, the current situation is that after the demon took away the demon power in Bai Zifan's body, Bai Zifan fell into a deep sleep.

He couldn't wake up for a while.

This made Lin Xi feel extremely guilty.

This little girl, her love for Bai Zifan is beyond words.

Bai Zifan was injured, and she was more heartbroken than anyone else.

"Why, haven't you woken up yet?"

At this time, an old man and a young man walked into the cellar. The old man was already on crutches, and the young man looked only about seven or eight years old.

"Grandpa Li, why hasn't Brother Zifan woken up yet?"

This old man Li was the blacksmith in the blacksmith shop.

Bai Zifan had saved their lives outside the city.

So he saved Bai Zifan now, which was also a way of repaying his gratitude.

After hearing this, Old Man Li shook his head and said.

"The old man doesn't know either. Logically, he should have woken up a long time ago. Perhaps, there is something wrong with his own body."

Old Man Li stroked his goatee and said uncertainly.

"Sister Lin, don't worry. Brother Bai is a good man. He will definitely wake up."

The little boy next to him said with a clenched fist.

His name is Li Tie, and he is Old Man Li's grandson.

His parents had long been captured and taken to rich families as slaves, and now Li Tie's memory has been completely lost.

"Xiao Tie!"

Lin Xi didn't know what to do, she touched Li Tie's head, trying to seek comfort.

At this moment, Bai Zifan on the bed suddenly coughed twice.

"Cough cough cough!"

Hearing the cough, the three of them immediately turned their heads.

"Brother Zifan!"

Lin Xi quickly looked at Bai Zifan with wide eyes.

Bai Zifan, wake up!


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