Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 790: Xuanyuan's Wrath

Bai Zifan opened his eyes and looked at Lin Xi and Old Man Li in front of him.

"Brother Zifan!"

Lin Xi was undoubtedly the happiest to see Bai Zifan awake.

"Where is this? Have I been asleep for a long time?"

When Bai Zifan woke up, he immediately asked how long he had slept.

He planned for three hours at most. After waking up, he should take Lin Xi away from this land of right and wrong.

Bai Zifan actually didn't expect that he would provoke such a powerful killer organization as Xuejiang.

It can only be said that his current strength is not enough. He is not as awesome as his father and his master.

"Brother Zifan, this is Xiaotie's blacksmith shop. You have been sleeping all day."

When Lin Xi told the time when Bai Zifan was unconscious, Bai Zifan couldn't help but be stunned.

"One day? How could it be!"

"Damn, I just seemed to see a devil. A devil is about to be born."

Bai Zifan recalled, and then his eyes suddenly widened.

"Could it be a demon?"

Bai Zifan was very worried, would the demon species in his body revive because of his death?

"Brother Zifan, just wake up. Let's leave Huanlin City! Leave this land of right and wrong."

Lin Xi didn't know what Bai Zifan was talking about.

Lin Xi now just wants to leave here with Bai Zifan.

"Yes, little brother, now the whole city of the Xue family is looking for your whereabouts. I think it is best for you to leave Huanlin City first."

Blacksmith Old Man Li also said seriously.

"Leave? The world is so big, where is my home?"

"Besides, I seem to have forgotten the most important memory."


When Bai Zifan said these words, Lin Xi couldn't help but be surprised.

"Brother Zifan, what have you forgotten? Do you still remember me?"

People in this world will never really die.

But every time he is killed, part of his memory is lost. The more important a memory is, the more likely it is to be lost.

Lin Xi quickly asked Bai Zifan, fearing that Bai Zifan would forget her.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan shook his head and said.

"It's not you. The memory I lost is another, very important part of my memory."

"I seem to have forgotten who my parents are and who my relatives are!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xi frowned.

She knew that brother Zifan went out to the mountains this time just to find his father.

And now, he forgot who his father was.

For Bai Zifan, this is nothing short of an extremely sad thing.

Therefore, Lin Xi felt sad and sad for Bai Zifan.

"Lin Xi, do you know who my parents are? Ah?"

Bai Zifan looked at Lin Xi with an expectant look.

However, Lin Xi slowly shook his head, unable to speak.

"Brother Zifan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Lin Xi covered her mouth and cried silently.

Bai Zifan lowered his head helplessly. He forgot the most important memory.

He forgot his master Xuanyuan Hao, his father Bai Zifan, his mother Bai Su, and his favorite sister Bai Zinian.

Bai Zifan lost the most important memory in his life.


Bai Zifan looked up to the sky and roared, feeling extremely painful inside.

Meanwhile, on land.

Bai Zifan didn't know yet that his forgotten master, Xuanyuan Hao, had already arrived in Huanlin City.

Xuanyuan Hao had just destroyed half of the Blood Demon City, and now that he had arrived at the Fantasy Scale City, he was obviously about to go on a killing spree.

The Xue family is one of the five major families in Huanlin City.

The family is rich and the land is filled with gold.

In Huanlin City, there is nothing that the Xue family cannot do.

If so, it must be because the money was not given enough.

The Xue family is the richest man in Huanlin City, and everything can be solved with money.

After what happened to Bai Zifan, the Xue family spent a lot of money to invite five seventh-level and two eighth-level masters to take charge.

But what's the use?

Xuanyuan Hao is here, destined to destroy this family that has stood for thousands of years.

On this day, Xuanyuan Hao suddenly appeared outside the gate of Xue Mansion.

However, without saying a word, he broke in through the door.

"It's not good, sir, sir, someone came in."

The housekeeper hurriedly rushed into the hall.

After hearing this, the head of the Xue family quickly took the masters he hired and went out to fight.

Seeing Xuanyuan Hao standing in the courtyard, the head of the Xue family looked at Xuanyuan Hao coldly. Several masters beside him had already surrounded Xuanyuan Hao.

When Xuanyuan Hao saw this, he was calm and composed, looking around with a pair of cold eyes.

"Did you bribe the Blood Frontier killer to hunt down my disciple Zifan?"

When Xuanyuan Hao arrived, he went straight to the point and revealed his origins.

When the head of the Xue family heard this, his eyes widened.

Then he burst out laughing.

"So, you are that little beast's master?"

"Hahahaha, yes, I asked the Blood Frontier Killer to behead your precious apprentice."

"Even so, I still don't feel relieved."

"As the saying goes, a son pays his debt to his father. You are his master, so it is up to you to pay for him with your life."

"Kill him for me."

Unexpectedly, the head of the Xue family actually beat him up, and the evildoer complained first.

As soon as he finished speaking, the experts around him who had been preparing for a long time jumped up and headed towards Xuanyuan Hao to kill him.

They didn't notice at all that Xuanyuan Hao was already on the verge of exploding at this moment.


The sky and earth shook with a thunderclap, and everything was quiet.

Xuanyuan Hao held the thunder in his left hand and controlled the fire with his right hand.

The boundless and overwhelming energy blasted away in all directions.


The masters invited by the Xue family master were simply vulnerable. Two of them were directly killed by Xuanyuan Hao on the spot.

This scene made the Xue family master dumbfounded.

"Not good, housekeeper, go to the Blood Demon City quickly and ask the Blood Territory Lord."

The Xue family master quickly asked the housekeeper to go to the Blood Territory to ask the Lord for help.

However, the next second, Xuanyuan Hao suddenly grabbed his neck.


He pressed the Xue family master to the ground and blasted the ground.

"Blood Territory Lord? He has been killed by me."

Xuanyuan Hao's cold eyes moved, and he killed all the masters around him with a thought.

In the end, only the Xue family master was left on the scene.

The Lord of Blood Frontier was killed by the man in front of him.

The head of Xue Family seemed to be thrown into the abyss.

"How is it possible? The Lord of Blood Frontier was killed?"

Xuanyuan Hao did not give him time to reminisce.

He twisted him up from the gravel with one hand, then narrowed his eyes, full of murderous intent.

"Tell me, where is my disciple Zifan now?"

"If you don't tell me, I will exterminate the clan."

Xuanyuan Hao's thunderous means were not soft at all.

He said to exterminate the clan, and that was extermination.

"You only have one chance, tell me, where is my disciple Zifan now?"

Xuanyuan Hao would not say anything, he was eager to save his disciple.

But, how could the head of Xue Family know the whereabouts of Bai Zifan?

If he knew, he would have cut Bai Zifan into pieces long ago.

"I don't know, I don't know! Spare my life, hero, spare my life."

"Then go to hell!"

Xuanyuan Hao did not hear the answer he wanted to hear, and he was furious.


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the sky.

Xuanyuan Hao looked up and saw three men in armor flying towards him.

"People from the temple?"

Xuanyuan Hao smiled mysteriously.

Then he ignored the three gods and crushed the head in his hand.

By the way, he punched the ground, tearing the earth apart and shattering the entire Xue Mansion into dust...

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