Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 804 The Conference Ends

Zhuo Bufan showed his divine power in front of all the temple gods.

When the Demonic Snake Temple God saw this, he immediately thought of Xuanyuan Hao whom he had captured.

Now Xuanyuan Hao is still in the belly of his demon snake.

Of course, it was impossible for the Demonic Snake to expose Xuanyuan Hao at this time.

And Tiancan continued to announce things about the Gate of Infinity.

"Father God has spent a thousand years and is finally about to open the passage to the Yang Realm."

"And in this expedition, Father God is bound to win."

“So, everyone here must not let down Father God’s expectations.”

"I also ask you to prepare your troops and train elite troops after you return. They will be ready for the expedition in a few months."

Through Wang Xinghe Dao, the King of Hell learned about the current situation in the world of cultivation.

Obviously, the world of cultivation is no longer what it used to be. There is no existence in the world of cultivation that makes the King of Hell fear.

So he wants to attack the world of cultivation and become the god of both worlds.

This hell king wants to unify the three realms!

"No, we must find Zifan, the old profiteer and Xuanyuan Hao as soon as possible, and we must discuss it carefully."

Zhuo Bufan felt that he needed to do something, otherwise once the King of Hell invaded the real world, it would probably bring catastrophe to the world of cultivation.

"Juejian, you have just become the Temple God, and Father God is also looking forward to your performance."

"The crazy sect you established in the Southern Kingdom has now developed into an extremely powerful force."

"So when the time comes, not only you, but your Kuangmen will also be an important focus of this expedition."

After listening to Tiancan's words, Zhuo Bufan finally understood why the King of Hell took a fancy to him.

This King of Hell was not interested in Zhuo Bufan's talent, but Zhuo Bufan's crazy family.

Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen can be said to be the most powerful and united force in the world now.

The expedition of the King of Hell requires such a united force.

No wonder the King of Hell was able to turn a blind eye when Zhuo Bufan did whatever he wanted in the Southern Kingdom.

Watching his mad family grow into a powerful force.

It turns out that the King of Hell did this on purpose.

The slavery system set up by the King of Hell is obviously to continuously strengthen the power of this world.

But in this way, everyone is fighting on their own, and the world is full of intrigues.

It can be said that the overall strength of hell has indeed become stronger, but relatively, it has become more difficult to control and rule.

Zhuo Bufan appeared at this time, allowing the King of Hell to see a new way to rule these slaves.

Zhuo Bufan's crazy family inadvertently helped the King of Hell solve the biggest problem.

Then, the King of Hell only needs to design and turn Zhuo Bufan into a chess piece under his control.

Zhuo Bufan controls Kuangmen, while the King of Hell controls Zhuo Bufan.

Then it is equivalent to the mad gate being controlled by the King of Hell.

This is also the reason why the King of Hell allowed the Kuangmen to continue to grow stronger.

It is to make Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen the most powerful force in the expeditionary force.

Zhuo Bufan, who had figured out all this, felt inexplicably angry inside.

"This bastard has tricked me."

"Jue Jian, according to Father God's wishes. You can develop your crazy sect in the North Kingdom without any scruples."

"Anyone who dares to stop you can be killed without mercy."

"Father God hopes that in three months, your Kuangmen in the North will be as strong as the South."

The last words Tian Can said gave Zhuo Bufan hope, the hope of saving the world of cultivation.

Develop the Kuangmen and make the Kuangmen the most powerful force in the world, enough to resist the power of the King of Hell.

"Haha, the only variable is that the King of Hell, I don't know that he is not controlling me."

Zhuo Bufan is not under the control of the King of Hell. In this way, the Kuang Sect from now on will only be at the mercy of Zhuo Bufan.

"Can I develop Kuangmen at will? Very good, it is an opportunity for me."

In order to make Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen strong enough, the King of Hell gave him a lot of power.

You can develop the power of the mad family without any worries.

After that, the temple god meeting ended and all the temple gods left.

The God of the Demonic Snake Temple came the last and ran the fastest.

He wanted to rush back to the temple and find a way to get the divine power from Xuanyuan Hao.

The other temple gods followed closely and left one by one.

"Jue Jian, you are free now. The land of the North is free for you to roam and build your crazy clan!"

Finally, the God of Tiancan Temple also left.

However, there are still three temple gods left, namely Inorganic, Xie Gu, and Rumor.

The three of them wanted to leave but didn't dare.

Their organs are still in Zhuo Bufan, waiting for Zhuo Bufan to give orders!

"Three of you, aren't you leaving?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the three of them and smiled.

After Na Wuji heard this, he quickly said with a smile on his face.

"God of the Juejian Palace, why don't you go sit in my Inorganic Palace?"

"You are also welcome to the Evil Bone Temple."

"It's better to go to my Rumor Temple. Our Rumor Temple is built on the sea of ​​flowers. It is the most beautiful temple."

The three palace gods all wanted to invite Zhuo Bufan to their place.

Obviously, they were trying their best to please Zhuo Bufan, and at the same time, they were trying to find a way to cheat their organs from Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know the intentions of the three of them.

He just smiled and said.

"Three of you, everyone! As you just heard, I still have a mission. I need to establish the Northern Wild Gate before the expedition."

"If it's delayed, I'll say that you three are too kind..."

"Stop talking, stop talking, okay, let's go, let's go."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to throw the pot to the three of them, but after hearing this, the three of them didn't dare to invite Zhuo Bufan again and left quickly.

"Juejian, if you need my help in the future, just tell me. As for my organs, I hope you can keep your promise and protect them well."

Xie Gu finally said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Yes, there is also me. Now my life depends on you, so you don't have to be polite to us."

Wu Ji and Fei Yu also said.

The three of them are very clear about their situation, and now they have completely become Zhuo Bufan's younger brothers.

Whatever Zhuo Bufan said, they could only listen honestly.

"Go back, don't worry, I always do things according to principles."

"It will be safer to keep your organs with me than with you."

Zhuo Bufan finally did not return the organs to the three of them.

Afterwards, he left the Yunshang Palace.

After leaving the Cloud Palace, Zhuo Bufan rushed to the territory of the Silver Dragon Palace God as soon as possible.

Yi Meng was still developing the Crazy Gate in the territory of the Silver Dragon Palace God, so Zhuo Bufan had to go there quickly.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to know if there was any news about his son Fan.

Did Xuanyuan Hao bring Zifan back?

When Zhuo Bufan arrived in Silver Dragon City, he found the location of the Crazy Gate according to the contact information left by Yi Meng.

The Crazy Gate developed by Yi Meng in the North Country was not as grand and huge as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

According to Zhuo Bufan's requirements, the Crazy Gate of the North Country was positioned as an intelligence organization from the beginning.

The development of an intelligence organization naturally cannot be open and aboveboard.

So Yi Meng developed the Crazy Gate in the Beggar Street of Silver Dragon City.

Here, there are all kinds of people, including black and white, all kinds of people, beggars, celebrities and profiteers.

It must be said that Yi Meng has a talent for management.

It is obviously the right decision for her to establish the Crazy Gate in Beggar Street.

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