Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 805: Crazy Escort Agency

"Crazy escort agency?"

When Zhuo Bufan stood in front of an archway called Kuangmen Escort, he couldn't help but smile.

"Thankfully she thought of it, it was called Kuangmen Escort Agency."

Obviously, this Kuangmen Escort Agency is the Kuangmen Intelligence Department that Zhuo Bufan asked Yi Meng to develop in the North Country.

It must be said that using the escort agency to conceal the true identity of the intelligence organization is a very good strategy.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the door, he was immediately greeted by two doormen, a man and a woman.

The two doormen blocked Zhuo Bufan out without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, sir, our escort agency is not accepting escorts today."

This pair of male and female doormen obviously regarded Zhuo Bufan as a guest.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not immediately tell his true identity, but asked interestingly.

"If you open an escort agency, why don't you accept escorts? Isn't it that you are not an escort agency, but are doing other things behind the scenes?"

Zhuo Bufan asked this deliberately, just to see how they would answer.

He himself naturally knows that Kuangmen Escort Agency is not a real escort agency.

After hearing this, the boy hummed.

"Don't mind your own business. If you say you won't accept the escort, you won't accept the escort."

When the girl heard this, she quickly said.

"Ling Qi, don't be rude to your guests."

Then she looked at Zhuo Bufan and said quickly.

"I'm sorry, sir, the head of our escort agency is not here today. Please come back another day!"

"We have other important matters, so we won't invite you in."

After the girl finished speaking, she immediately closed the door.

However, when they closed the door with only a crack left, Zhuo Bufan jammed his palm in.

He didn't intend to show off anymore, and he felt that something was wrong with the pair of doormen.

"Wait a minute."

Zhuo Bufan's hand threw out a token.

The pair of doormen were inside the door. When they looked at the token, their eyes suddenly widened.

The token in Zhuo Bufan's hand is a Mithril token specially made by Kuangmen. The patterns and lines on it were all designed by him himself.

And the font in the middle is a wild cursive handwritten by him himself.

The two doormen quickly opened the door and said in unison.

"How come you have this token?"

They are the grassroots disciples of Kuangmen and know what this token means.

In their crazy sect, only the deputy sect master has it.

Yi Meng told them that if one day, a man comes with the same token.

Then that man is the head of the Kuang Sect.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Why, didn't your deputy sect leader tell you that besides her, there is another person in the world who has this token?"

When the two of them heard this, they were both startled.

Then, they quickly knelt down to Zhuo Bufan.

"I've met the master of the door."

The two of them didn't know if Zhuo Bufan was the real sect leader, but they only recognized the token.

Zhuo Bufan holds the token, so he is the sect leader.

"Get up!"

Zhuo Bufan said as he walked into the courtyard.

Then the two hurriedly closed the door and followed Zhuo Bufan cautiously.

The two of them had just offended Zhuo Bufan and were afraid that Zhuo Bufan would be blamed.

The boy in particular was extremely nervous at the moment.

He quickly walked to Zhuo Bufan and apologized.

"Master, I'm sorry just now. I don't know your true identity. I..."

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and smiled.

"It's okay. Those who don't know are not guilty."

Zhuo Bufan is more easy-going than they thought.

"Did something happen here? Where is Yi Meng?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yimeng?" The two of them were stunned for a moment.

"Oh, it's your deputy sect leader."

Zhuo Bufan accidentally exposed Yi Meng's real name.

In fact, when Yi Meng was working in the Development Intelligence Department, he never used his real name, nor did he let any of his disciples use their real names. Everyone only had code names.

After hearing this, the two people immediately said.

"Back to the sect master, we don't know the details. You'd better go into the Mad God Hall and let the hall masters tell you in person!"

Afterwards, the two children quickly took their beloved Zhuo Bufan into the hall, then activated the mechanism in the hall and entered the underground Mad God Hall.

When they came underground, in the underground hall, a group of people in black robes were attending some kind of meeting.

"Ling Qi, Ling Jiu, who is he?"

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan's arrival attracted the attention of everyone present.

There were six men in black robes present, and they were all the hall masters of the Kuang Sect.

The level of slave seals is almost around level five or six.

Although these people are the masters of the Kuang Sect, they have never met Zhuo Bufan himself.

After hearing this, the two doormen quickly answered.

"Master Huo, this, this is the sect master."

Ling Jiuzhan introduced cautiously.

The Fire Hall Master still had a scar on his face.

He glanced at Zhuo Bufan and narrowed his eyes.

"Master? What are you talking about?"

"Master Huo, I didn't lie to you. He, he has the Mad God Order in his hand!"

"Crazy God's Order?"

After hearing this, everyone present could not help but be surprised.

Zhuo Bufan had no intention of continuing to lie, so he took out the Mad God Token, then stepped onto the conference stage and said calmly.

"Yimeng is your deputy sect leader. Where is she? Just ask her to explain my identity to you."

Rather than saying so much, it would be better to just call Yi Meng.

However, after hearing this, the six people present did not answer Zhuo Bufan's words.

They said in disbelief.

"The deputy sect master is not here, are you really the sect master of our crazy sect?"

"The deputy sect leader did tell us that apart from her, the only one holding the Mad God Token is the sect leader."

"But the person holding the Mad God Order may not necessarily be the sect master himself."

Those who work in intelligence cannot easily trust others.

Faced with this situation, Zhuo Bufan was not angry, but was very satisfied with Yi Meng's training.

"Not bad, very good."

"Yimeng has trained you well."

"In that case, I will wait here for her to come back!"

"You go and do your work and don't worry about me."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he found a stool and prepared to sit down.

But at this time, one of the female hall masters quickly stepped forward and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"You, are you really the master?"

"If you are serious, you can come with us to find the deputy sect leader."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Searching? What happened to Yi Meng?"

Only then did Zhuo Bufan feel that something might have happened to Yi Meng.

Otherwise, it's impossible for her to show up if she comes back.

After hearing this, the water hall master nodded immediately.

"The deputy sect leader went to attend the Six Kings Meeting in Silver Dragon City and has not returned yet."

"The news just came that this Six Kings Association is a trap. The deputy sect master and the others were deceived."

"We are about to rush over to rescue the deputy sect master and the others."

Zhuo Bufan learned about the situation from the mouth of the water hall master.

He immediately frowned and shouted.

"Take me there, I want to see who dares to plot against my crazy family!"

Zhuo Bufan's crazy family now has the permission of the King of Hell. It can be developed without any scruples.

Not even the other temple gods dared to stop him.

Unexpectedly, something happened to Yi Meng before this mad family started to develop.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan took the six hall masters and rushed to the so-called Six Kings Association.

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