Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 816: Expedition to Yang Realm

With the coming of the King of Hell, the world is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The speech of the King of Hell aroused everyone's emotions.

The people living in this world have only now realized that the world they live in is just a world in the cracks.

And it is constantly being deprived by the other two worlds.

Imagine that their homes are threatened, what kind of actions will people take?

Naturally, they will decide to take up their weapons without hesitation to defend their homes.

This King of Hell described a conquest as protection.

In this way, more people support him.

In the next few days, the gate of the world is still constantly forming.

And the King of Hell is also tirelessly brainwashing the people of this world.

The content of brainwashing is nothing more than protecting the homeland and resisting oppression.

Anyway, they are positioned as the persecuted as conquerors, which arouses all kinds of public anger.

More and more people voluntarily join this war.

Faced with this situation, Zhuo Bufan is completely powerless.

In the hall, Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao and others are discussing matters.

"The situation has changed now. I didn't expect that Yan Wang's brainwashing ability is so strong. Many people in the Crazy Sect have been bewitched by him."

"The plan has changed. I will ask Yan Wang to take the lead and take the people of the Crazy Sect back to the cultivation world first."

"We must be one step ahead of him."

Zhuo Bufan knows what they will face next. The task of saving the cultivation world may be on these few people.

"Master, the eight gods of the Southern Kingdom want to see you."

Just at this time, Xu Huang came with the eight gods of the Southern Kingdom.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand.

"Please let them in."

Soon, Hao Wan, Jiu Wu and other eight gods entered the hall.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhuo Bufan smiled playfully.

"Everyone, how are you!"

"Haha, Jue Jian Palace God, how are you."

Now Zhuo Bufan is the Jue Jian Palace God appointed by Yan Wang.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan also controls their organs.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"Father God is affectionate!"

Zhuo Bufan got up quickly after hearing this.

Finally, he was going to meet the King of Hell again. Zhuo Bufan had been waiting for this moment for too long.

The expedition was imminent, and the King of Hell obviously had to summon all the temple gods again to explain the final matters.

"Xuanyuan, Yimeng, the rest of the things are left to you, I'll be back soon."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and left with Hao Wan and others.

Soon, they came to the Yunshang Palace.

This was an unprecedented meeting, and all the temple gods from the north and south gathered here.

Zhuo Bufan saw Chu Mubai among the temple gods.

Obviously, the other party also noticed him.

Zhuo Bufan, obviously became the most dazzling existence among the temple gods.

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on him.

He now controlled the organs of seven temple gods, and after the battle with the demon snake, Zhuo Bufan's overwhelming strength had made all the temple gods tremble.

Now the demon snake saw Zhuo Bufan and avoided him.


There was a loud noise in the sky.

Along with the opening of a space vortex gate, the holy light fell, and the world god Yan Wang came out of nowhere.

"Welcome Father God."

A group of temple gods came to welcome the arrival of the world god.

As soon as Yan Wang fell, the air pressure around him increased dozens of times.

Even Zhuo Bufan could feel the pressure.

"My children, are you ready?"

"The gate of Wujian is about to open. Your father needs you to expand the territory for me."

Yan Wang dreams of conquering the world of cultivation.

Now, the opportunity has come!

"Father God, I would like to take the initiative to ask for the lead."

The God of the Golden Horn Temple in the North took the initiative to stand up.

"Father God, I am also willing to accompany the God of the Golden Horn Temple to attack the first battle."

Following closely was the Black Tooth God of the South.

"Father God, let me go, I will definitely open up a road to heaven for you."

The Swallowing Cloud God of the South also appeared, scrambling to take the lead and make the first contribution.

Seeing this, the King of Hell closed his eyes and shook his head slowly.

"No, no, no, the person who will attack the front line, my father has already chosen someone he likes."

"Who, Father God?"

The King of Hell raised his hand and pointed at Zhuo Bufan, who was standing there without saying anything.

"Juejian, are you willing to lead your Kuangmen to attack the front line?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the King of Hell pointing at him, and his heart was calm.

In fact, he was very happy at this moment.

Originally, it was like taking the lead, so that they would have more room to maneuver.

So, Zhuo Bufan clenched his fists, took a step forward, and said.

"Listen to the orders of the Father God."

"Very good, raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a moment. Juejian, your Kuangmen is my father's trump card, a sharp sword."

"I hope you can lead your Kuangmen to sweep across the Yang world and open up a bright road for me."

The King of Hell placed high hopes on Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"No problem, I won't let you down."

"Tian Can and Hao Wan, you two will lead your respective expeditionary forces to support Jue Jian."

"The rest of you are the main force, responsible for the full-scale invasion of the Yang Realm."

"Go and fight with confidence, Father God has the Fountain of Immortality, you will not die."

"This time, I will lead the expedition myself. Set off in three days!"

After the King of Hell arranged the order of the expeditionary army, all the gods of the temples returned to their respective territories.

Then they led their large forces and began to head towards the space vortex in their respective territories.

After returning to his territory, Zhuo Bufan also summoned the Crazy Gate Legion as soon as possible to prepare to return to the world of cultivation.

"Get ready to go!"

Today, Zhuo Bufan wore a silver armor and looked extremely wise and powerful.

He brought his son, brothers, friends, and disciples to the vortex.

The huge blue vortex seemed to be a big mouth that could swallow everything.

Standing in front of the gate of the world, Zhuo Bufan reached out and grabbed his son Bai Zifan's arm.

"I feel it, I feel the spiritual energy."

Zhuo Bufan found that the breath of spiritual energy came from the other side of the gate of the world.

Not only that, his soul was slowly recovering, and the life and death power could be felt again.

Even his Xuan bone ring began to emit a black light.

The spiritual power from the world of cultivation is awakening the power in Zhuo Bufan's body.

"Father, I feel it too. There is such a strong spiritual energy behind this door."

Bai Zifan also felt the existence of spiritual energy.

And around Xuanyuan Hao's body, the spiritual energy leaking from behind the door was surging crazily.

"Let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan no longer hesitated. He gave an order and Xu Huang beside him raised the flag of the Crazy Gate.

Then, they all entered the mysterious world-crossing gate.

And behind the door, a bizarre world was waiting for them.

"We are back in the world of cultivation!"


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