Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 817 The World of Horror

Step into the door of infinity——

The sun, moon, stars, birds and animals, flowers, birds, fish and insects...

All things in the world are included, and Zhuo Bufan seems to be in a big world.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his soul was being torn apart by a powerful and irresistible force.

Wisp after wisp, peeling off the cocoon, being swallowed up continuously.

Whirring whirring!

The wind is hot, like a knife cutting and spitting fire.

The air is dry, poisonous, dusty, and suffocating.

Here, there is a river flowing with venom.

Here, there are volcanoes erupting everywhere.

The rain here may corrode everything.

The thunder here may also strike wildly across the earth.

Here, the smallest snake is the python, and the smallest bird is the falcon.

A hill, possibly a monster turtle. A vast ocean, maybe just a pool of water monsters.

One moment a saber-toothed tiger devoured a two-headed wild wolf, and the next moment it would be the prey of a mountain rat.

A hundred-mile forest, lush and green. The next second, a sky-covering roc flew from the sky, and the forest, like grass, was instantly destroyed and turned into mud.

A thousand-meter peak towers into the clouds. The next second, a group of ground-stamping demonic bulls rushed over from the far distance of the earth. They were unstoppable, breaking their waists and razing them to the ground.

This is a wild land where survival is the only rule.

God will not help you, but will make it worse when you are in trouble.

It was cloudless one moment, and endless thunder sea the next.

The heavy rain cannot be described as pouring, it is completely pouring into the sea.

Once it falls, the flood overflows and sweeps away everything.

Human beings, in this world, are at the bottom of the food chain.

Even one ant can easily kill a person.

This is not hell, not the real world, but a terrible and terrifying new world that Zhuo Bufan and the others can't imagine at all.

Here, there are every opportunity you can think of.

But at the same time, there are also disasters that you can't even imagine.

Life and death are always at stake, life is at stake, dignity is not.

Sometimes, living is a kind of happiness.

In a desolate forest, a huge space vortex is slowly rotating.

Nine days ago, this vortex suddenly appeared in this forest.

However, this forest is relatively secluded. Within a radius of thousands of miles, there is no human being and only some ferocious beasts are running rampant.

From time to time, some birds and animals flew past the whirlpool, seemingly unaffected.

At this moment, a white light flashed through the blue vortex.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing silver armor suddenly jumped out of the whirlpool.

"Cultivation World, I'm back."

This excited guy was Zhuo Bufan who hurried back.

Zhuo Bufan stood there, closed his eyes silently, and then took a deep breath.

Suddenly, he felt that his whole body was wrapped by a spiritual wind, which was refreshing.

"It's back, everything's back."

Zhuo Bufan felt that his cultivation of the real person realm, his soul of the six realms, and the loading space hidden deep in the soul were all back.

Not only that, but his Mysterious Bone Ring can also be opened. In the Mysterious Bone Ring, there is also the Qingxian Palace-Tianxing Tomb given to him by the Qing Emperor.

Everything is back.

Following Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao and Bai Zifan came out.

Xuanyuan Hao's cultivation also returned to the Tao realm immediately.

The current Xuanyuan Hao can easily kill the temple gods.


At this moment, Xuanyuan Hao suddenly widened his eyes and questioned.

"What's wrong?"

Zhuo Bufan looked back at him and asked.

"This is not the world of cultivation."

Zhuo Bufan was immediately stunned by Xuanyuan Hao's words.

"No way, there is obviously strong spiritual energy here, and our cultivation has also recovered."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't see anything unusual at all.

"It's a matter of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in this world is hundreds of times more powerful than that in the world of cultivation."

Xuanyuan Hao is a Taoist cultivator, and his sensitivity to spiritual energy is much stronger than Zhuo Bufan's.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was immediately shocked.

"Really, how can the spiritual energy in this world be so huge?"

"Also, what is this place? Why have I never seen it before?"

Zhuo Bufan once traveled all over the world of cultivation in search of Bai Su. He has been to both the southeast and the northwest.

"Father, Master may be right. I can't feel the existence of Yunmeng Realm anymore."

Just now, Bai Zifan tried to contact Yunmeng Realm with his soul.

As a result, he discovered that the Yunmeng Realm disappeared, or in other words, it did not exist in this world at all.

"How could this happen? This is not the world of cultivation?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

At this time, Yimeng, Xuhuang and the others also walked out of the boundary gate.

Looking at this brand new world, everyone was at a loss.

"What do we do now?"

Yi Meng took Lin Xi and looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Yi Meng knew that this was the world that belonged to Zhuo Bufan and the others.

However, now Zhuo Bufan and the others also looked at a loss.

"That's right, this is not the world of cultivation. I just used the secret method of the ancient temple to contact my sister, but I found that I couldn't contact her at all."

Xuanyuan Hao once again confirmed that this world is not their world of cultivation.

"Damn it, did the King of Hell make a mistake? We are not coming to the Yang Realm, but to the Yin Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan said doubtfully.

"Master, be careful!"

At this moment, Xu Huang suddenly shouted.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw a dragon python attacking towards them.

It was a giant python that looked like both a dragon and a snake.

The moment it opened its mouth, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to realize that this guy was scarier than they imagined.

From the mouth of the dragon python, a violent hurricane spewed out.

This is no ordinary hurricane, the wind actually carries the power to corrode the soul.

What's even more terrifying is that the surging power actually destroyed the world-crossing gate opened by the King of Hell.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?"

Zhuo Bufan finally understood that this was really not a world of cultivation.

In the world of cultivation, there has never been such a terrifying monster.

The Mad Sect legion that had just walked out of the boundary-piercing gate fell down one by one like leeks under the soul-eating wind.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but think too much, and his thoughts moved.

"Donghuang, come out!"


A long-lost bell rang in the air.

"Boy, long time no see!"

Zhuo Bufan has never used the Donghuang Bell since he entered hell.

Now that he is back, Zhuo Bufan's journey to hell is finally over. Naturally, he can summon the Donghuang Bell again.

I saw the Donghuang Bell hitting the dragon python.


This collision caused another wave of turmoil in the world. The souls of the crazy disciples who followed from hell were once again hit hard, and they fell down one by one.

However, the dragon python was also knocked to pieces by this collision.

"You take them away and leave this place to me."

At this moment, Xuanyuan Hao rushed towards the dragon python.

I saw him reaching out and making a move in the air.

"Di Yin, come out!"

Xuanyuan Hao's Imperial Musical Qin reappears in the world of mortals.

I saw him undulating the strings of his harp, and the mighty Emperor's bosom friend rolled away.

One sound sword after another, the dragon python was cut into pieces with thousands of swords.

However, the dragon-bearing python is truly terrifying, and its scales are invulnerable.

Xuanyuan Hao's sound sword only caused minor injuries.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan didn't think much.

If the boundary crossing gate is destroyed, they will definitely not be able to return to hell.

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand in the air, and a huge floating city suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Open Emperor Xuan's door!"

Zhuo Bufan was heard shouting loudly, and the Xuan Emperor's Gate in Meicheng was opened.

"Everyone, follow me into the city!"

Later, Zhuo Bufan took his disciples of the Hell Mad Sect and entered the Plum City.

"Xuanyuan, just hold on for a while and I will come to help you right away."

Zhuo Bufan sent all his disciples into Mei City.

Then Bai Zifan was asked to stay in Meicheng and be responsible for arranging and leading these disciples.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, took Meicheng into the Mysterious Bone Ring, and then took the Donghuang Bell to help Xuanyuan Hao.

In this terrifying new world, a new war breaks out.

The new volume should also be the last volume. Start finishing and fill in the holes!

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