Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 819: Unsuccessful Mission

After the dragon soul got into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Feifan's body began to grow crazily.

Blood vessels burst, muscles swelled, and the entire body began to grow uncontrollably.

"Quickly use your divine soul to suppress the dragon soul."

Xuanyuan Hao shouted from the side.

If it continues to expand like this, Zhuo Bufan will explode and die.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was so frightened that he gathered his soul immediately, and then felt the dragon soul that penetrated its body.

"Use your soul to refine it."

Xuanyuan Hao commanded from the side.

"Your soul at the Sixth Level is enough to refine it. This dragon soul is at least ten generations old, so it's nothing to be afraid of."

After listening to Xuanyuan Hao's words, Zhuo Bufan calmed down. His soul began to wrap up the dragon soul, and then began to slowly refine it.

At this time, his body also stopped growing wildly, but slowly began to shrink, slowly returning to its original appearance.

However, his body looked stronger and full of a sense of power and beauty.


When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he couldn't help but let out a breath.

Then he clenched his fists and twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It seems like my body has become stronger!"

"What you absorbed should only be a tenth generation dragon soul."

"The Tenth Generation Dragon Soul, what is that?"

"That is the tenth generation of dragon species that has been passed down from the real dragon. The further down it is passed, the weaker the power of the dragon soul becomes."

Xuanyuan Hao said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"I understand, I'm sorry, I will absorb the dragon soul this time, and it will be yours next time."

Zhuo Bufan accidentally absorbed the dragon soul.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't have any other ideas, but said.

"In addition to dragon souls, there are also phoenix souls and unicorn souls. The descendants of the three ancient beasts are all over the world."

"Kill them, and you can absorb the souls of the beasts carried in their bodies. This will give you powerful power."

"Now, I am more and more certain that this world definitely has some kind of connection with our world of cultivation."

Xuanyuan Hao's words reminded Zhuo Bufan.

"Could it be that this is the virtual world?"

Zhuo Bufan made a bold guess.

Xuanyuan Hao shook his head. He had never been to the virtual world, so he didn't know much about the virtual world.

"Perhaps, even the King of Hell doesn't know that he entered the wrong channel."

Xuanyuan Hao said so.

In fact, it was exactly as he guessed.

They are different from Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan and the others' space gate fell deep in the mountains.

But the door to other people's spaces fell in front of the natives of this world.

The legion led by Black Tooth God, after passing through the space gate.

They were attacked immediately.

What's terrible is that they have no power to fight back when faced with the opponent's surprise attack.

The millions of warriors brought by the Black Tooth God were wiped out by a group of troops wearing golden armor before they even stepped out of the gate of space.

This group of mysterious warriors wearing golden armor hold weapons with extremely terrifying abilities.

Once injured by a weapon, the human soul will be devoured.

Even the Black Teeth Temple God, who was said to be immortal, was under siege, his soul was torn apart, and he died tragically on the spot.

Before he died, the Black-Toothed God only saw a man wearing a devil's horned helmet walking towards him, and then stepped on his chest, crushing his chest on the spot.

"Report to the general, these guys don't seem to be creatures within the forbidden wall. Their soul power is too weak."

"Haha, you are so rubbish, do you still dare to invade my Daxu?"

After the demon ram-horned man finished speaking, he retreated with less than a thousand golden-armored warriors.

Millions of Black Tooth God's elite soldiers, including himself, were buried in this grassland.

Not only the Black Teeth God, but also the Cloud Swallowing God of the Southern Kingdom of Hell, was even more miserable.

Swallowing Cloud God and the 800,000 warriors under his command were not attacked immediately after they walked out of the gate of space.

In order to perform meritorious deeds, the God of Tunyun was ready to go on a killing spree.

As a result, they came to a small and peaceful village.

After arriving at the village, they prepared to massacre the village without saying a word, hoping to leave no chickens or dogs behind wherever they went.

However, all the 800,000 warriors of the God of Swallowing Clouds died tragically in this small village.

The Cloud Swallowing God never expected that this village called Changsheng Village could swallow up even a three-year-old baby. An old man who has almost lost his teeth can still move mountains and reclaim seas.

In the end, the God of Tunnyun was beaten to death by a woman wearing a white shirt.

After that battle, corpses lay everywhere.

Everyone's souls have been drained, and they don't even have a chance to be reborn.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

At this moment, there are huge floating islands floating on the vast ocean.

Taking a closer look, there are a total of twelve.

This floating island is the general headquarters of this hell expedition.

It is guarded and commanded by the King of Hell himself.

On each floating island, there are ten huge resurrection springs. All the hell warriors who originally died in the battle can be resurrected immediately, and then regroup and fight again.

In this way, the king of hell will have an endless supply of troops.

However, just now, the King of Hell suddenly sensed that the Black Teeth God and the Cloud Swallowing God under his hands were dead.

And he was completely dead, with no possibility of resurrection.

"Father God, what's wrong?"

The God of Tiancan Temple looked at the King of Hell and asked furiously.

The King of Hell did not respond to him, but shook his head.

"No, it's very wrong. This world is not the Yang World I imagined."

Even the King of Hell found that this world was a little weird.

"Tiancan, you guys guard the base camp. I'll go see if this world is the Yang World."

After the King of Hell finished speaking, he disappeared from the throne with a whoosh.

As soon as the King of Hell left, his subordinates came to report.

"Report, Lord of the Temple, it's not good. A large number of sea monsters are rushing towards the base camp."

Tiancan shouted when he heard it.

"Immediately notify the three gods of Tiantong, Haowan, and Xiegu to prepare for the battle."

Tiancan intuitively felt that something was wrong.

So he had to take this battle seriously.


And at this moment, on one of the floating islands.

The God of Tiantong Temple, that is, the Evil Emperor Chu Mubai, floated in the air and stood with his hands behind his back.

Chu Mubai is not only the temple god of hell, but also the peerless master of the cultivation world, the evil emperor Chu Mubai.

His soul has recovered to the Yang God realm, his cultivation has recovered to the pseudo-holy realm, his artifacts, his fighting spirit, his aura, everything, has been restored.

It can be said that in the base camp of this hell, except for the King of Hell, other people are not his opponents at all.

However, seeing a group of sea monsters flying in the distance, Chu Mubai frowned.

He shook his head slowly and said.

"It seems that this is not the cultivation world! This world is much more terrible than the cultivation world."

"This, can't be that world!"

From Chu Mubai's mouth, he seemed to understand what kind of world this world is.

"Go find my wife and daughter first!"

Chu Mubai was worried about the safety of Yi Meng and Lin Xi. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared on the floating island.


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