Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 820 Goodbye Xiaomei

The King of Hell failed in his mission.

The expeditionary forces were destroyed one after another, which made the King of Hell anxious.

He now seriously suspected that he had come to the wrong world, which was completely different from the Yang world he knew.

On the other side, after Zhuo Bufan and his team killed the dragon python, they also had a preliminary understanding of this world.

The Yin beast that devoured the dragon python seemed to be even more powerful.

However, the most important dragon soul of the dragon python had been absorbed by Zhuo Bufan, so the Yin beast only got a body of the dragon python.

"Donghuang continues to suppress it. He will definitely have other wonderful uses in the future."

Zhuo Bufan continued to suppress the Yin beast in the Donghuang Bell.

Then he took Zhuo Bufan and the Avici Beast out of the Donghuang Bell, and then entered Meicheng.

"I hope you keep the Avici Beast's affairs confidential. Since this guy chose to follow me, I must protect its safety."

Zhuo Bufan said to Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

After meeting Xuanyuan Hao, the Avici Beast returned to its own folding space.

When Zhuo Bufan and his companions returned to Meicheng, they found that the entire Meicheng was already overcrowded.

Zhuo Bufan's Meicheng was not as big as imagined. Five hundred thousand people was almost the maximum capacity.

"Father, Master, you are back!"

Bai Zifan saw Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao return, and hurried forward to ask with concern.

"Well, is everyone okay?"

Zhuo Bufan patted Zifan on the shoulder and said.

"It's okay, father. The disciples who just fainted were seriously injured in the soul."

"I have cast a concentration spell on them all. It won't be long before they wake up."

Bai Zifan tried to stabilize the situation in Meicheng when Zhuo Bufan and his companions were away.

Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction.

"Zifan, you did a good job."

"Leave the rest to us!"

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and took them to the central square.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, everyone immediately made way for him, and then stood on both sides, standing in awe.

"The Sect Master is here!"

"What on earth is this place? It's so magical."

Seeing this situation, Zhuo Bufan stood on the podium calmly.

"Everyone, welcome to my royal city!"

Zhuo Bufan told everyone in a very low-key manner that he was the Lord of Meicheng.

After hearing this, everyone was amazed.

"Is this the Sect Master's city?"

"I didn't expect the Sect Master to have such a royal city."

"From now on, everyone will live in this city."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone was a little confused.

"What's going on? Aren't we going to conquer the Yang Realm?"

"Yes, why did we stop before we even reached the battlefield?"

Many people expressed doubts, after all, they were the first expeditionary force of the King of Hell.

Unexpectedly, now, Zhuo Bufan asked all of them to stop.

"The situation has changed now. The world we live in is not a normal Yang world."

"You just saw that just a beast in this world made you helpless. Do you think you can attack this world with your current abilities?"

Zhuo Bufan was not attacking these people. What he said was true.

"Your current task is to cultivate the soul."

"There is no cultivation of the soul in hell, so your soul is too weak. If you encounter a powerful cultivator, you can be wiped out with the power of the soul."

Zhuo Bufan was not joking. The warriors of hell might be very powerful in the power of the seal, and they also mastered various magical props.

However, compared with the spiritual cultivators who cultivated the soul, their soul power was too weak.

"Zifan, from now on, you will teach them the method of cultivating the soul."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that if the soul power of these people could not be improved, any battle they faced next would be useless.

The power of the seal in hell is very strong. If it can be combined with the powerful soul power, then the future battles will be invincible.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan asked Yi Meng and Xu Huang to cooperate with Zifan to settle everyone.

Zhuo Bufan took the time to go to the Plum Garden in the center of Plum City.

"Xiaomei, long time no see!"

When Zhuo Bufan came to the Plum Garden, he saw a huge plum tree in the center of the Plum Garden.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan entered the Plum Garden, the plum tree shook off bursts of plum rain, as if welcoming Zhuo Bufan's return.

"Chou Bufan, Chou Bufan, where have you been for so long?"

Xiaomei has not yet recovered her human form.

According to the Green Emperor, Xiaomei needs seven years to transform back into a human.

During these seven years, every year, she will increase her demonic power by a thousand years.

Seven years later, Xiaomei will become a great demon with seven thousand years of demonic power. At that time, she will become Zhuo Bufan's greatest helper.

"Well, you went on a trip in the past two years."

"Xiaomei, I decided to transplant you to the fifth floor of Tianxuan Tower. In less than two months, you will be able to transform into a human."

Zhuo Bufan left in a hurry and did not have time to transplant Xiaomei to Tianxuan Tower.

After hearing this, Xiaomei laughed happily.

"Okay, okay, Chou Bufan, send me to Tianxuan Tower quickly. I haven't seen Zifan and Zinian for a long time. I miss them so much."

"Haha, okay!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he transplanted Xiaomei to the fifth floor of the Tianxuan Tower in the City Lord's Mansion.

The time flow rate of the fifth floor is thirty-six times that of the outside world.

In other words, one month is equivalent to three years.

In two months, Xiaomei can transform into a human.

"Stinky Bufan, why is the city so lively! Suddenly there are so many people?"

Along the way, Xiaomei found that there were quite a few people.

They were all disciples brought by Zhuo Bufan from hell.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"These are all my little brothers. How about it, am I very powerful now?"

Xiaomei snorted after hearing this.

"Tsk, little brothers!"

"Hahaha, just stay here with peace of mind! I will let Zifan take time to see you."

"By the way, you have to help me take care of these little brothers of mine. They are my most important resources."

The reason why Zhuo Bufan took a fancy to these disciples was not only because they were followers, but more importantly, Zhuo Bufan also needed to rely on them to provide divine power.

After leaving hell, Zhuo Bufan found that the growth rate of his divine power was significantly reduced.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan will no longer be able to obtain divine power from hell. And the divine power of the cultivation world cannot be felt.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan can only rely on these believers who came with him to provide him with divine power.

They are his important resources, and Zhuo Bufan must protect them with all his strength.

After saying goodbye to Xiaomei, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao left Meicheng.

Next, the two of them planned to understand this world first before making plans.

No matter what, this expedition of the King of Hell is doomed to fail.

Zhuo Bufan is like a kite with a broken string, no longer under the control of the King of Hell.

And the King of Hell has no energy to care about Zhuo Bufan now.

Because the King of Hell has encountered an unprecedented crisis...

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