Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 823 Dare to threaten me

The sharp arrow that suddenly appeared killed the black armored army instantly.

Then a man in white appeared out of nowhere and picked up the little girl from the ground.

"Little sister, are you okay?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xiaoya. The little girl looked about five or six years old. She had a bun and looked very much like Zi Nian when she was little.

Zhuo Bufan loves his daughter very much, and fatherly love emerges, so he protects Xiaoya.

Xiaoya raised her head and looked at Zhuo Bufan's warm smiling face, with a smile on her face.

"Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome. Seeing you reminds me of my daughter. I don't know if the little girl is doing well now."

Strictly speaking, Bai Zinian is Zhuo Bufan's only relative in this world.

Because she was the only one who had the same blood as Zhuo Bufan.

"Who? Dare to stop our Black Feather Army from catching the traitor?"

"No need to talk to him, just kill him."

Several black-armored soldiers behind him saw Zhuo Bufan appear, and without saying a word, they raised their swords and struck.

Zhuo Bufan waved his backhand, and more than a dozen flame hounds rushed towards them.


Amidst a burst of wailing, the black-armored soldiers were bitten to death by the flame hounds released by Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, the black armored army that was chasing these women and children was completely wiped out.

Seeing this scene, the Shashan shouted gratefully.

"Brother, thank you for coming to the rescue."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and smiled.

"Haha, it's nothing. It's easy to do, just leave it to me!"

Zhuo Bufan took action, but this did not mean that he wanted to intervene in the grudges between these people.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of helping Brother Shashan.

He just couldn't bear to see his little sister die in front of him.

Therefore, his action this time was limited to protecting these women and children.

"Uncle, can you help me again?"

The little girl Xiaoya raised her hand, pointed at Shashan who had become a mountain man and said.

After Shashan transformed into a mountain man, his movements were slow and he could only be beaten blindly.

He was retreating steadily under the attacks of He Yuan and the others, and was already somewhat unable to resist.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he shook his head ruthlessly and said.

"I'm sorry, girl. I was just passing by here and didn't want to interfere in the grudge between you."

"I can only guarantee your safety."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at the group of women and children behind him.

He Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhuo Bufan's words.

He Yuan was indeed frightened when he saw Zhuo Bufan suddenly coming out.

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and instantly killed his Black Feather Army.

It was obvious that the man in white was an unworldly expert. And there is another person beside him who looks equally untouchable.

If they join forces, He Yuan might be buried here today.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan did not agree to help Shashan.

"It seems that today we can only kill this silly mountain first."

"It's impossible for these two people to protect them for the rest of their lives. Let's talk about it later when we find an opportunity!"

He Yuan thought to himself.

He changed his plan and gave up hunting down the He family today. As long as he killed Sha Shan, the remnants of the He family would no longer have anyone to protect them.

"Everyone, use all your strength to kill Silshan."

He Yuan shouted loudly, and his whole body was enveloped by a powerful spiritual power.

The next second, he transformed into a demon ape as big as the mountain man in Silshan.

Two giant beasts tens of meters tall were fighting each other, shattering the surrounding earth.

After the battle, Shashan found an opportunity and shouted at Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you, brother. I understand what you mean. Can I trouble you one more thing and take them out of here?"

"After they are all loyal ministers, they don't deserve to die here."

"I'm here to stop you, you go quickly."

Shashan did not beg Zhuo Bufan. For him, the most important thing was their safety.

If they could leave here safely, it would be a shame for him to die.

Shashan's loyalty, to be honest, moved Zhuo Bufan.

"No, we won't leave. General, if you want to die, we will die together."

He Xiaoling and the less than ten members of the He family suddenly knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Please benefactor, please benefactor, please save the general, please save us."

At this time, He Xiaoya, who was holding Zhuo Bufan's hand, also knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Uncle, can I be your daughter? Can you save the stupid one?"

Looking at He Xiaoya kneeling at his feet, tears filled his eyes, as if they were about to burst at any moment.

At that moment, he seemed to be really looking at his daughter begging him.

A feeling of heartbreak came over me.

But He Yuan was panicked when he saw this scene.

If Zhuo Bufan and the others take action, something bad will happen.

"Friend, this matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better not get involved."

"I can assure you that we will let them go today and only kill Shashan."

"You have to know that they are the sons of traitors, that is, rebels against the party. There is no hiding place for them in the Xu Dynasty within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles."

"My friend, if you just stop here, I will never report it to you."

"If brother gives them to me, I can guarantee that you will be rich and prosperous in the future and enjoy endless enjoyment."

"But if your friends insist on intervening, then from now on you will be just like them, rebelling against the party. The Xu Dynasty will hunt you to the ends of the earth."

He Yuan used coercion and inducement to make Zhuo Bufan give up.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not feel any inducement, only intimidation.

"Haha, are you threatening me?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly glowed with golden light, followed by murderous intent.

"Xuanyuan, help me take care of them. I'm going to do some exercise."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pinched his knuckles, then shook his head, and walked step by step towards the two giant beasts fighting in the distance.

"Damn it, do you want to make an enemy of the Xu Dynasty?"

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan coming, He Yuan panicked.

In the panic, he was punched hard by Shashan.

"You still dare to threaten me?"

When Zhuo Bufan stepped out, the ground was shaken.

"You, okay! Generals, listen to the order and leave this to me. You go and kill him for me."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan rent, He Yuan had no choice but to fight.

He could only kill Silshan as quickly as possible.

Seeing a large group of black-armored troops rushing towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Uncle, be careful!"

Xiaoya shouted behind him.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this.

But when he reached out and swung his hand, all the black-armored soldiers in front of them lost control of their bodies and smashed heavily towards the mountain to Zhuo Bufan's left.

Bang bang bang bang!

The mountain collapsed directly, suppressing all the black-armored troops at the foot of the mountain.

Zhuo Bufan suppressed He Yuan as soon as he took action.

Instant kill!

To these black-armored troops, Zhuo Bufan is a terrifying existence that they cannot understand.

"Damn, no good!"

Zhuo Bufan's power exceeded his imagination.

Zhuo Bufan took a quick step and rushed towards He Yuan who was fighting with Shashan.

Then, he kicked hard on the head of the demon ape.


On the spot, the head of the demon ape flew directly from its neck.

However, at the same time that Zhuo Bufan mentioned the head, a gray light emerged from the demon ape's body, and then ran away quickly.

"Did you run away?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that it must be He Yuan's soul.

Before He Yuan was killed, his soul escaped from his body.


Zhuo Bufan didn't say much, just smiled helplessly.

But this kick means that Zhuo Bufan is in the same boat as these traitors from now on.

"Hey! I have such a girlish heart!"

Zhuo Bufan looked back at He Xiaoya. The cute little loli became the motive for Zhuo Bufan's crime.

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