Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 824: Hometown of the Four Emperors

After saving the He family, Zhuo Bufan did not plan to stay any longer.

But just as they were about to leave, everyone knelt in front of them.

"Thank you for saving me."

Shashan regained his human form and knelt with everyone.

He Xiaoya also looked at Zhuo Bufan with gratitude. At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's fatherly love began to overflow.

"Learn about this world from them!"

Xuanyuan Hao suggested staying so that they could learn from them what kind of world this world is.

Zhuo Bufan shrugged helplessly after hearing this.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan and the He family embarked on the road of escape together.


Zhuo Bufan learned from He Xiaoling that this world is very big and no one knows what kind of world it is.

In their cognition, they only know that the Great Xu Dynasty where they are is one of the best empires in this world.

Zhuo Bufan later learned that the Great Xu Dynasty alone has an area equivalent to the cultivation world.

"How is it possible? Is this the fairyland?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xuanyuan Hao puzzled.

Xuanyuan Hao shook his head.

"It shouldn't be. The fairyland is the home of the immortals. But there are no immortals in this world."

"That's right, is this the virtual world?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the opposite of the cultivation world was actually the virtual world.

However, Xuanyuan Hao shook his head after hearing this.

"It shouldn't be the virtual world either. According to our ancient books, the virtual world is as big as the real world."

According to this, the virtual world is completely wrong.

This world is neither the real world nor the virtual world. Is it a world beyond the real world and the virtual world?

"It seems that we must find the King of Hell to know what kind of world this is."

"That's right. Only by finding him can we know the way back."

Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao think that they should find the King of Hell first.

After all, it was the King of Hell who brought them to this world. Perhaps he should know what kind of world this is.

Moreover, if Zhuo Bufan and others want to return to the cultivation world, they must go through the King of Hell.

However, they don't know that the King of Hell now is more like a headless fly than them.

The King of Hell is now looking for his gate to cross the world.

If all the gates to cross the world are destroyed, he can only hide and dig a new passage back to hell.

Later, Zhuo Bufan learned about the practitioners in this world from Shashan and others.

They are also spiritual practitioners, and their cultivation system is similar to that of the cultivation world.

They are also practicing both soul and body.

The cultivation of soul power includes Yin Shen, transformation, entering Yang, spiritual travel, Yuan Shen, possession, possession, six channels, Yang Shen, robbery, holy soul, heaven's will, and twelve major heavenly gates.

And the cultivation of body refining includes refining essence, refining qi, refining spirit, returning to the origin, stepping into the void, seeking truth, understanding the mystery, entering the saint, combining the way, super saint Daluo, Fengtian emperor, and eternal immortal, which are also twelve major heavenly gates.

"Xuanyuan, have you discovered that the cultivation of soul power in this world is the same as that in our cultivation world. In addition to Yang Shen, there are robbery, holy soul, and heaven's will."

Zhuo Bufan said to Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao nodded.

"Indeed, the cultivation system of this world seems to be more perfect than our cultivation world. In our cultivation world, Yang Shen is already the strongest existence."

"And the physical training of this world seems to be similar to our cultivation world."

"Among them, Buxu should correspond to the virtual realm in our cultivation world. Qiuzhen should correspond to the true realm. Could it be that Tongxuan corresponds to the Dao realm?"

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Rusheng is easy to explain, which corresponds to the pseudo-saint realm in our cultivation world. I think Hedao should correspond to the saint."

"As for the super saint Daluo above the Dao realm, there is no such existence in our cultivation world."

"Indeed, the super saint Daluo has never been heard of, and the Fengtian Emperor has not been recorded. As for the immortal immortal, is he an immortal?"

According to Zhuo Bufan and others, the strongest mother in this world may be the super saint Daluo, and the Fengtian Emperor once existed.

At present, there are only a handful of people who have the super saint Daluo.

Among them, the emperor of the Daxu Dynasty, the Tianlong Emperor, is the super saint Daluo.

He is a Daluo and calls himself an emperor. Obviously, this Tianlong Emperor is not far from the realm of Fengtian Emperor.

"Fengtian Emperor, Fengtian Emperor. Xuanyuan, do you think that Emperor Xuan and others will reach the realm of Emperor Fengtian?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard the word Fengtian, he immediately thought of Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing.

The legend of Emperor Xuan Fengtian is well known in the world of cultivation.

If Zhuo Bufan is not wrong, Emperor Xuan is likely to be the legendary Emperor Fengtian.

"I have a bold guess now. Do you think Emperor Xuan and others originally came from this world?"

Zhuo Bufan's brain was full of ideas.

Xuanyuan Hao did not answer, because he also agreed with Zhuo Bufan's idea.

"You are the successor of Emperor Xuan, your feeling should be correct."

Zhuo Bufan is the successor of Emperor Xuan, and Xuanyuan Hao has known about this for a long time.

"I don't know the details, I just suspect it."

"After all, the origins of the four emperors are very mysterious. I only know that Emperor Qing came to the world of cultivation by riding the Tianxing Tomb."

"In other words, the four emperors are probably not originally from our world of cultivation."

"A large part of the cultivation system in our cultivation world now comes from the inheritance of the Four Emperors. So I suspect that they may come from this world."

After coming to this world, Zhuo Bufan and his friends discovered that the cultivation system in this world is obviously more complete than the cultivation system in their cultivation world.

The cultivation system in their cultivation world is incomplete and very chaotic.

Zhuo Bufan's words made Xuanyuan Hao suddenly realize.

"It makes sense. If this is really the case, then this is the hometown of the Four Emperors."

"Do you think we can find the Four Emperors here?"

Xuanyuan Hao's words made Zhuo Bufan stunned.

What is certain is that the Four Emperors are not in the cultivation world now.

So it is very likely that the Four Emperors are now in their hometown, which is this world.

"The Green Emperor said that the Black Emperor and his friends are in Jingyuan. Could it be that this world is Jingyuan?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused.

"Don't speculate yet. I think your previous speculation is correct. As for whether the Four Emperors are in this world, we are not sure yet."

"But you are right about one thing. This world must be the hometown of the Four Emperors."

"Since the Four Emperors can go to our cultivation world from their hometown, then we can too."

"As long as we can find this passage."

After Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao analyzed each other, they quickly deduced a crucial piece of information.

That is, this world is definitely connected to the cultivation world they came from.

Moreover, the Four Emperors are likely to come from this world.

After listening to Xuanyuan Hao's words, Zhuo Bufan was encouraged.

"You are right."

"Since the Four Emperors can go to our cultivation world from this world, then we can too."

"Maybe we can go home without the King of Hell."

Before, Zhuo Bufan and his friends were going to use the power of the King of Hell to return to hell first, and then find a way to return to the cultivation world.

Now it seems that there may be a more convenient way to return to the cultivation world directly from this world.

But before that, they must practice hard.

Because after coming to this world, they found that they were the top combat power in the cultivation world.

In this world, he is not even a second-tier fighter.

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