Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 830 Seven Transformations of Life and Death

Sitting under the Xi tree, thousands of ways are entwined around me.

This tree is the world tree of the true world, and all the rules of the true world originate from it.

However, Zhuo Bufan is not in the real world now. The rules of this world originate from another avenue tree.

Therefore, even if Zhuo Bufan understands the power of Taoism in Xishu, he cannot use it in this world.

This goes against the rules and prohibitions of both worlds.

In other words, the rules of the world of cultivation may not be useful here.

Now, the power of rules in Xishu has been awakened. Of course, Zhuo Bufan does not have the right to use these rules.

His power is limited and his cultivation is not enough.

He could only look at this tree and do nothing.

At this time, the old drunkard had returned from Tiandao Mountain.

When he returned, he found that Zhuo Bufan was still sitting on the road mill, seeming to be sensing something.

"Master, you are back."

Xiao Tiao Biao and the others came up to them, and the old drunkard took a sip of wine and said.

"Aren't you awake yet?"

Zhuo Bufan sat on the avenue mill, spinning slowly.

The old drunkard looked at it very seriously.

He carefully examined Zhuo Bufan's appearance, hoping to find a trace of familiarity in Zhuo Bufan's appearance.

"Not to mention, this kid really has the master's look between his eyebrows."

The old drunkard guessed that Zhuo Bufan was the reincarnation of his master, so he had this preconceived view.

As time passed, Zhuo Bufan remained motionless on the stone mill.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had an alternative aura flowing around him.

The two profound energies of life and death began to intertwine with each other, and then began to flow down from the grinding groove of the stone mill.

"He is going to become a saint."

The old drunkard who saw this scene suddenly shouted.

The two most important stages of spiritual cultivation are to gain enlightenment and become a saint.

Tongxuan, the great avenue he cultivated, began to take shape.

However, Zhuo Bufan's situation is obviously more complicated than the old drunkard guessed.

Zhuo Bufan is not only a master of martial arts, but his physique is also showing signs of breakthrough.

The seventh turn of the mysterious body of life and death began to resonate with his body.

With the appearance of the little golden man, the chaotic profound energy of life and death in Zhuo Bufan's body began to intertwine into one yin and one yang, life and death, two grinding wheels.

Ever since the sixth stage broke through and stood, Zhuo Bufan's profound energy of life and death has once again been regularly distinguished.

When it was even more mysterious, all of this happened automatically, and Zhuo Bufan didn't react at all.

His spirit was still in Xishu World, completely unaware that his body was undergoing earth-shattering changes.

The seventh turn of the nine-turn life and death battle, the rules of life and death.

It is also the most important stage of the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

Because, by the seventh turn of the rules of life and death, his physique will begin to change drastically towards the power of the rules.

Zhuo Bufan never thought about what avenue he wanted to practice.

However, his physique has helped him decide that the path he will take in the future is the road of life and death.

This time, Zhuo Bufan didn't have any time to react. He didn't even have time to save the file.

Because his physique has reached this stage, it can naturally undergo drastic changes.

However, Zhuo Bufan's path to life and death is somewhat special. To be precise, his physique is now developing towards the path of reincarnation.

The rules of reincarnation of life and death have one more reincarnation than the rules of life and death.

The power of the Tao of reincarnation is a power that defies heaven.

And this kind of Tao power will only appear in reincarnated people.

Jiang Taiyi was right, Zhuo Bufan was a reincarnation.

Therefore, the great path he cultivated has the power of reincarnation.

With the operation of the technique, the two profound energies of life and death in Zhuo Bufan's body began to form the millstone of the cycle of life and death.

"Master, what kind of Tao does he practice? He is so powerful."

Little Broom and others who were watching on the side were shocked by the huge reaction around Zhuo Bufan.

The old drunkard watched Zhuo Bufan's physique begin to evolve, but he frowned.

"I don't know either, but one thing is certain. The avenue he cultivates has the power of reincarnation."

"Senior Brother Head is right, he is a reincarnation who has deceived the secrets of heaven. He is not among the six paths and destiny."

"So, it's not surprising that the path he cultivates has the principles of reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan's principles of life and death, because of his status as a reincarnation, became the principles of reincarnation.

There are only two more words, but the meaning is completely different.

The principle of reincarnation means that extraordinary people can deceive the heavens and allow anyone to reincarnate.

This is the truly terrifying aspect of the law of reincarnation.

According to the Taoist theory of gaining one palace, there are thousands of ways in the world, and the way of heaven is the greatest.

The rule of heaven is that death means complete disappearance, and there will be no reincarnation.

But the emergence of the Tao of Reincarnation has redefined the way of death in Heaven.

Death is not really death, but entering the next reincarnation.

Therefore, the way of reincarnation is also called the way against heaven.

As time passed, Zhuo Bufan's soul slowly sensed the changes in his body from the Xishu space.

"No, why did you start practicing automatically in the seventh round of the Nine-Revolution Life-and-Death Jue?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously didn't react.

When he came to his senses, he found that it was already too late to save the file.

"Damn it, I forgot to save the game after so long."

"It's too late to save the game now. I can only bear it."

Zhuo Bufan hasn't used the save game for a long time.

After all, in the hell world, he couldn't sense the existence of the soul at all. So he didn't save the game during his trip to hell.

After leaving hell, he had no chance to save the game even after all the thrilling journey to the present.

Now, Zhuo Bufan's three save games are -

The Great Whirlpool, Meicheng, and Mass Grave

The save game of the Great Whirlpool was saved before they went to rescue Bai Zifan and entered hell.

The save game of Meicheng was saved after Qingdi took his daughter away.

As for the save game of the Mass Grave, it has not changed.

That is to say, of these three save games, the one with the closest timeline is the Great Whirlpool.

Now the seventh turn of the Nine Turns of Life and Death has started automatically, and it is obviously too late to save the game.

So Zhuo Bufan finally chose to face this difficulty alone.

"Come on!"

Feeling the slow formation of the two grinding wheels of life and death in his body, Zhuo Bufan felt that his body was being constantly pulled and twisted.


Suddenly, there was a roar.

Zhuo Bufan was pulled into a cycle of life and death.

His body was on the verge of death, and then full of vitality.

Life and death, the cycle never stops.

Decay and vitality are constantly changing.

"Is this the road of reincarnation?"

In a trance, Zhuo Bufan came to a bright starry sky.

He stood on a golden sand boat, and there was a dazzling river under his feet.

"What is this place?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly raised his eyes and saw a white-haired old man on the golden sand boat where he was.

His white hair was like the Milky Way, and he was meticulous.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, he squinted and smiled slightly.

"Young man, welcome to the road of reincarnation."


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