Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 831 The Long River of Time

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old man who had been in the same boat with him, and was shocked.

He had never seen this old man before, but Zhuo Bufan felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Old man, have we met somewhere before?"

Zhuo Bufan did not ask where this place was, but asked if he knew the other party.

After hearing this, the old man smiled slightly.

"I have seen him, and I haven't seen him. Whether I have seen him depends on you now, you in the past, or you in the future."

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled by the old man's words.

The other party was deliberately mysterious, and Zhuo Bufan didn't want to ask more.

Then, he asked again.

"The Great Road of Samsara, what is this place?"

Zhuo Bufan remembered that he was clearly in the process of cultivation and was clearly at the critical moment of life and death, so how did he suddenly come to this strange world.

"Here is the Great Road of Samsara. The long river under your feet is the long river of time that the world cannot transcend."

"The long river of time?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Then he lay on the bow, and then reached out to fish in the river, and in his hand, there were a few more black sands.

When he saw the black sand, Zhuo Bufan widened his eyes.

"Sand of Time? Is this really the Long River of Time?"

The Long River of Time, Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would come to the Long River of Time.

You know, the Tianxuan Tower left by Emperor Xuan was made of the black sand of time fished out from the Long River of Time.

And the archive door in Zhuo Bufan's soul was also made of the sand of time in the Long River of Time.

Zhuo Bufan has heard too many legends about the Long River of Time, and he didn't expect that one day he would come to this world.

"Here, is this the world where the Long River of Time is?"

Zhuo Bufan heard from the Chaos Bell that the Long River of Time is a super-innate artifact, and its existence has always been a secret.

There are even fewer people who know the Long River of Time.

Only big figures like Emperor Xuan, who are great and powerful, can know where the Long River of Time is.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that one day he would come here.

Looking at the handful of time sand in his hand, Zhuo Bufan showed a proud smile on his face.

This small handful of time sand is the material of a powerful artifact!

Just add a grain of time sand to the weapon, and it will have unimaginable power.

"Old man, you said this is the reincarnation road. Is it true that only those who have the law of reincarnation are qualified to enter here?"

Zhuo Bufan did not get carried away. He had too many questions to ask the white-haired old man.

After hearing this, the white-haired old man smiled faintly and replied.

"Yes, this is the world of reincarnationists. Here, as long as you have the ability, you can enter any time node and reincarnate."

"Do you see the sand boat under your feet? This is the time you are in now. If you go against the current, you will go to the past and the time you are in will change."

"Reincarnationists can go to any time plane to change the past and the future."

"And I am the regulator of the reincarnation road. My existence is to stop you reincarnationists from doing whatever you want."


Zhuo Bufan suddenly became embarrassed. It turned out that the other party was an enemy.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's bitter face, the old man suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, I'm teasing you! There is no regulator in this world. I am just a reincarnationist."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled with his face but not his heart. He didn't expect that the old man was a little naughty.

"Are you also a reincarnationist? You are on the same boat with me. Are you and I from the same era?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the long river of time flows with time.

Since the old man and he were in the same boat, it meant that they were from the same era.

After hearing this, the old man just squinted and smiled, and said nothing more.

"Young man, you don't have much time left. I look forward to seeing you next time."

Before Zhuo Bufan could continue, the long river in front of Zhuo Bufan suddenly began to disillusion.

The sand boat under his feet began to collapse.

Then, he felt dizzy and his eyes went black. The brilliant world suddenly disappeared.


When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the Fudo Mountain behind the Buer Martial Arts Hall.

Looking at his body again, he found that his physique had reached the seventh turn steadily.

The two grinding wheels of life and death in his body, one rotating clockwise and the other rotating counterclockwise.


Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he didn't survive this time and passed the seventh turn of physical evolution so easily.

"Was that a dream just now?"

Zhuo Bufan felt a little dreamy. The reincarnation world just now seemed to be right in front of him.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan suddenly raised his right hand and opened his palm.

The next second, his eyes widened.

In Zhuo Bufan's palm, there was a handful of black sand.

"Sand of Time?"

"It's real, that reincarnation world is real."

Zhuo Bufan was overjoyed.

He didn't expect that he could bring back the sand of time from the long river of time. This was incredible.

"Master, he woke up, he reached the realm of Tongxuan."

At this time, the little broom next to him saw Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes, and shouted to the old drunkard excitedly.

After hearing this, the old drunkard drank a bottle of wine, then looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, good, good."

"You passed the test. From tomorrow on, you will be my apprentice at the Fuji Martial Arts School."

"Two months later, you will represent my Fuji Martial Arts Academy in the Martial Arts Conference."

"If you get the top ten in the conference, you will directly enter the first palace. If you get the top three, you will directly enter the inner gate of the first palace."

After the old drunkard finished speaking, he drank heavily and left laughing.

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused, but since he passed the test, he didn't say much.

What Zhuo Bufan cares more about is the world of reincarnation.

"How can I go there again?"

"I didn't expect that the Sands of Time could be brought out from that place. If I had known, I would have dug more."

Zhuo Bufan regretted a little. For such a precious material as the Sand of Time, if he could get one more grain, he would get one.

"The archive door in the archive space is slowly peeling off. Maybe I can get some more Sands of Time to see if I can patch up the peeling areas."

Zhuo Bufan's archive door has shown signs of peeling off a long time ago.

Obviously, one day, this save door will collapse.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan wants to go to the river of time again and dig some sand of time to complete the archive door.

However, what the save door needs is the White Sands of Time.

White sand is more precious than black sand, and it is hidden under the black sand and is extremely difficult to collect.

The handful in Zhuo Bufan's palm didn't even contain a grain of white sand, which shows how difficult it is to collect white sand.

The white sand required for the three save doors is at least thirty tons.

I really don’t know how powerful the person who created this save door was.

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