Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 839: Shisha's Might

After leaving the world of reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan returned to Shenhou Mansion.

Gao Zhan was still sleeping on the table. It seemed that he would not be able to wake up after being drunk for a while.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Chaos Clock and found that the sand of time he dug out this time weighed more than a hundred kilograms.

Among them, he also saw scattered white sand.

"Old Zhong, can you still bear it?"

Zhuo Bufan asked about the Chaos Clock.

After hearing this, Chaos Clock responded.

"It's okay, this is nothing."

The Chaos Clock is an innate artifact after all, and it can still withstand the corrosion of the Sands of Time.

"In this way, Tianxuan Tower can be repaired."

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten his purpose of fishing for the Sands of Time.

From now on, every time he goes to the world of reincarnation, he will make a fortune from the Sands of Time.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower.

One day he will be able to repair the Tianxuan Tower and the save door.

Later, Zhuo Bufan carefully collected the white sand of time.

After this hour, the final white sand obtained was less than a hundred grains.

Put it in the palm of your hand, and don't even dare to breathe loudly, for fear that breathing harder will blow away all the white sand in the palm of your hand.

As a last resort, Zhuo Bufan could only treasure this bit of white sand.

The white sand of the time is more precious than the black sand and should not be wasted.

After that, Zhuo Bufan stayed in Shenhou Mansion for a night.

The next day, Gao Zhan personally sent Zhuo Bufan away from the Hou Mansion.

"Brother Zhuo, you are about to attend the martial arts competition of your first palace, so I won't delay you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely come to see you during the conference."

"By the way, it's our first time meeting, so I don't have anything to give you."

"These two jars of wine are given to you as a gift. These are also my last two jars."

After Gao Zhan finished speaking, he gave the last two jars of Wenwen wine to Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Too expensive!"

"Hey, take it, a thousand cups are too little to drink with a close friend. Good wine should also be given to heroes."

"But you only have two altars."

After hearing this, Gao Zhan replied.

"Don't worry, my master still has some. If I want to drink it, I'll go steal it from him."

Gao Zhan laughed.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, and finally Gao Zhan stuffed him into his arms, and he had no choice but to follow him.

Wendao wine is a good thing. With it, Zhuo Bufan can more easily go to the world of reincarnation and fish out sand.

After receiving a gift, of course you must return the gift.

Zhuo Bufan still understands this etiquette.

But he had nothing to give away. After thinking about it, Zhuo Bufan took out a jar of Black Sand of Time from the Chaos Clock and gave it to Gao Zhan.

"Brother Gao, this is for you."

Gao Zhan took the fist-sized glass jar and said.

Zhuo Bufan uses glass to contain the sands of time. It is obvious that glass is not afraid of the corrosion of time.

"Brother Zhuo, what is this?"

Gao Zhan took the small sand jar and glanced at the sun.

He didn't know why Zhuo Bufan gave him a jar of black sand.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly, then he opened the jar and used his spiritual power to take out two grains of black sand.

"Give me a normal bow and arrow!"

Zhuo Bufan said to Gao Zhan.

Gao Zhan ordered the guards on the left and right and gave Zhuo Bufan a bow and arrow.

Then I saw Zhuo Bufan holding two sands of time and merging them with the bow and arrow respectively.

After the fusion was completed, Zhuo Bufan returned the bow and arrow to the guard.

"Now, give it a try and shoot down the flying eagle from the sky."

Zhuo Bufan pointed at the group of flying eagles hovering thousands of meters high in the sky and said.

"Don't use spiritual power."

"No need for spiritual power?" The guard was stunned for a moment.

"Don't be ridiculous, even with spiritual power, this ordinary bow and arrow can't shoot that far!"

The guard expressed some doubts.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly.

"You'll know after you try it."

Gao Zhan on the side kicked the guard in the butt and said.

"Just give it a try and pull the bow!"

The guard drew his bowstring with suspicion.

This is an ordinary strong bow that can only shoot at a height of more than two hundred meters. If you use spiritual power, it may reach eight hundred or even one thousand meters.

If the load is exceeded, the bow will break.

In other words, one thousand meters is almost the limit that this bow can shoot. Even if Gao Zhan shoots it, it will be the same.

However, the group of eagles in the sky is at least two to three thousand meters high. It is basically impossible to shoot at this height.

Not only the guard was suspicious, but everyone present was also suspicious.

"Ba He, if you can shoot it down, I will eat shit."

"Ba He, if you can shoot it down, I will recognize you as my big brother from now on."

"Ba He, if you can shoot it down, I will make you the captain of the bodyguard."

Even Gao Zhan followed his men and booed.

This time, the guard named Ba He was inspired to fight.

"Master Marquis, this is what you said. If I shoot you, you can't go back on your word."

When Gao Zhan heard this, he kicked him in the butt.

"When did the Marquis ever regret what he said?"

Nabahe stopped talking nonsense, he drew the bow string, and then aimed at the goshawk in the sky.

call out!

The moment Ba He loosened his bow string, almost a ray of light shot through the sky.

The speed was as fast as lightning, even Gao Zhan had not yet reacted.

The arrow fused with the Sands of Time hit the flying eagle three thousand meters high.

The eagle fell from the sky on the spot, shocking everyone in the audience.

"This, this, this guy, you really shot it down?"

Gao Zhan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ba He to really shoot the eagle down.

"I just heard someone say that he was going to eat shit?"

Ba He couldn't believe it himself, but he was very calm and started a joke.

"This is impossible. This strong bow can't shoot that far even if the Marquis shoots it."

The guy who ate shit was very unconvinced.

The others nodded.

They all knew the range of this kind of bow and arrow and the spiritual power it could withstand.

"It's the two grains of sand, right?"

Gao Zhan saw the meaning and immediately told Zhuo Bufan.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan smiled and nodded.

He picked up the box of black sand again and said.

"Yes, it's this kind of black sand."

"It's called the Sand of Time, a very precious refining material. It can not only strengthen the material properties, but also increase the power of time."

"The reason why the arrow is as fast as lightning is because of that tiny grain of sand."

Zhuo Bufan's words stunned Gao Zhan and everyone in the audience.

A tiny grain of sand actually has such divine power.

"Sand of Time? I think I've heard of it somewhere."

Gao Zhan said with some surprise.

"No, Brother Zhuo, your gift is too expensive."

Gao Zhan was a little embarrassed.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"Compared to your wine of asking questions, I think my gift is shabby."

In Zhuo Bufan's opinion, it was because of the wine of asking questions that he could dig the Sand of Time.

With these two jars of wine of asking questions, he didn't know how many times he could go to the reincarnation world and how much sand he could dig.

"It's incredible, a tiny grain of sand actually has such divine power."

Gao Zhan said with his eyes fixed on the jar of Sand of Time.

Seeing Gao Zhan was very hopeful, Zhuo Bufan naturally accepted the wine with peace of mind.

"Well, Brother Gao, we'll meet again later."

Zhuo Bufan said, and put the wine into the Xuangu Ring.

"Brother Zhuo, goodbye!"

Then, Gao Zhan sent Zhuo Bufan away.

However, his mind was now completely attracted by Zhuo Bufan's jar of childhood sand.

This small jar had at least seven or eight thousand grains of time sand. This was an unimaginable fortune!


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