For Zhuo Bufan, a small jar of childhood sand is nothing.

But for Gao Zhan, it is too precious.

Even in this world, few people know about the sand of time.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that his sand of time would soon become the most sought-after thing in this world.

Many people would fight for his sand of time.


After leaving the Shenwu Marquis Mansion, Zhuo Bufan returned to the Buer Martial Arts Hall.

In the next two days, he continued to study the wine of Taoism.

Taoism wine is very precious, and its brewing method is only known by the head of Guiyi Sect in the world today.

So after drinking a pot, there will be one less pot.

Zhuo Bufan must drink sparingly.

Now he has to rely on Taoism wine to go to the reincarnation world.

Every time he has to get drunk before he can go, the consumption is too high. Two pots of wine may be gone after four drinks.

So Zhuo Bufan wants to study and see if he can find a way to study the brewing method of Taoism wine.

In terms of brewing, Zhuo Bufan has no talent at all.

There is one person who is born to make wine.

That is Xiaomei who is about to return.

Xiaomei was transplanted into the Tianxuan Tower by Zhuo Bufan. Soon, two months passed and Xiaomei welcomed her rebirth day.

"Stinky Bufan, I feel that I can transform."

Xiaomei shook the plum blossoms on her body and sprayed Zhuo Bufan with fragrance.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and quickly stepped aside.

Countless plum blossoms fell and formed a flower curtain.

A graceful woman walked out of the flower curtain.


The bell rang softly, and a flower bell was tied on her ankle.

Her jade feet poked out from the flower curtain, and the petals slid down her smooth skin, and then condensed into a pink long skirt.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes kept moving upwards.

The little person who used to be has now grown up and become a beautiful and moving girl.

She has fair skin and beautiful looks, with towering jade peaks, and a few red ropes are entangled on her black hair.

It is hard to imagine that she is the little Lolita, Xiaomei.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned at first sight, mostly out of surprise.

The 1.2-meter-tall little Lolita has become a 1.7-meter-tall girl.

"Hey, Chou Bufan, are you stunned? Is my aunt beautiful?"

Xiaomei looked shy, and her hands were running along the hair in front of her chest.

The little girl is no longer the little Lolita she used to be. Now she is so beautiful.

"Haha, beautiful, conceited beauty!"

"You are looking for a fight, Chou Bufan!"

Zhuo Bufan was naturally very happy that Xiaomei was reborn.

This girl was the first to follow him. Apart from his family, she was the closest person to Zhuo Bufan in this world.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also regarded Xiaomei as his family and sister.

Otherwise, Zhuo Bufan would not have risked his life to run to the South China Sea to find the Tianxing Tomb and rescue the Green Emperor.

The purpose of his doing this was to revive Xiaomei.

"Chou Bufan, there is something I have always wanted to say to you face to face."

Xiaomei opened her red lips slightly, her small lips were like peaches.

"Thank you for saving me."

Xiaomei knew that Zhuo Bufan had gone through life and death to save her, and had worked hard.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and said.

"Why are you thanking me? If I hadn't taken the disaster for you, you wouldn't have suffered this disaster."

Because Zhuo Bufan helped Xiaomei to take the thousand-year disaster, Xiaomei's subsequent thousand-year disaster would be even more powerful, so much so that it would take his life.

"No, it's not like that. If you hadn't helped me to resist the disaster, I might have died on the spot."

"Chou Bufan, thank you."

Xiaomei rarely spoke so gently to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw the girl's shy look and had to agree.

"Okay, I accept your thanks. Then how do you want to thank me?"

When Xiaomei heard this, her face turned red and she was shy.

She bit her lower lip and said shyly.

"You, how do you want me to thank you? You won't let me marry you, right?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Then he flicked Xiaomei's forehead with his finger.

"What are you thinking, girl!"

"I am a man of family, are you doing this to Zi Nian and Zi Fan?"

When Xiaomei heard this, she immediately became angry.

"Stinky Bufan, you big bad guy, what nonsense are you talking about? How could my aunt like a guy like you."

"I will beat you to death, you bad guy."

Xiaomei didn't actually have that kind of love for Zhuo Bufan, at most it was just a kind of dependence.

Seeing Xiaomei's pink fists coming at him, Zhuo Bufan had to admit defeat, okay, okay, I admit defeat, I admit defeat.

"Actually, I really want you to help me with something."

After hearing this, Xiaomei raised her head coquettishly and said.

"What is it?"

Then, Zhuo Bufan took out the wine he got from Gao Zhan.

Xiaomei looked at the wine Zhuo Bufan gave her and opened the cap.

After a careful question, it was refreshing.

Xiaomei immediately asked in surprise: "What kind of wine is this? It smells so good!"

"Hehe, try it!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

After hearing this, Xiaomei raised her charming eyes and said in disbelief.

"Is it okay?"

In Xiaomei's opinion, this pot of wine is not simple, and it must be hard for Zhuo Bufan to get it.

"Of course, what's mine is yours, why are you being polite to me."

Zhuo Bufan naturally wouldn't feel sorry for this wine.

Moreover, the purpose of giving Xiaomei Wenwen Wine was to see if Xiaomei could replicate this Wenwen Wine.

Xiaomei took a taste, and her whole body suddenly shook.

Then, Xiaomei's eyes lit up.

"Wow, good wine. I feel like my demon power has improved for decades."

With just one sip of Wenwen wine, Xiaomei's demonic power increased for decades. This effect was truly shocking.

After taking one gulp, Xiaomei's face was already blushing and she was a little tipsy.

"Xiaomei, aren't you very good at making wine? Now, can you make wine?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Xiaomei frowned after hearing this.

"Smelly, you want me to brew this kind of wine?"

Xiaomei also immediately knew Zhuo Bufan's intention.

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"This kind of wine is not simple, and I might not be able to do it."

It wasn't that Xiaomei didn't have confidence, but after just one taste, she knew that this wine was unusual.

"But I can give it a try. You can give this jar of wine to my aunt."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said.

"No problem, this jar of wine is yours."

"Well, I want to stay in Tianxuan Tower and study it carefully. You are not allowed to disturb my aunt."

Xiaomei said extremely seriously.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and responded.

"No problem. By the way! This is for you, maybe you will find it useful."

Zhuo Bufan said as he placed the Sand of Time in the Chaos Bell in the Tianxuan Tower.

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that the sand of time must be one of the ingredients for brewing Wenwen wine.

He felt this way when he was drinking.

Later, Zhuo Bufan told Xiaomei the role of the Sands of Time.

"I know, Xiang Bufan, you are so verbose."

Xiaomei thought Zhuo Bufan was too verbose and kicked him out of Tianxuan Tower.

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan turned around and touched his little sister's head, then smiled slightly.

"Has grown tall!"

"Welcome home!"

These few words were very useful and made Xiaomei deeply moved.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan already treats Xiaomei as a family member.

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