Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 841 Secret Martial Arts School

After leaving Tianxuan Tower, Zhuo Bufan returned to Fuji Martial Arts School.

Then Xiao Tiao Zhu ran to him and told him that the martial arts competition was about to start.

If Zhuo Bufan can get into the top ten, he can enter the first palace. And if you get in the top three, you can become an inner disciple.

This martial arts conference brought together all the Deyi Palace martial arts schools in the world, and the number of people reached more than 500,000.

Note that these 500,000 people are just contestants, not spectators.

Ten people must be selected from 500,000 people to join the First Palace, which shows how strict the selection for the First Palace is.

Many people have participated more than ten times, but still have not entered the first palace.

"Don't worry, I will definitely enter the first palace."

Zhuo Bufan is very confident, of course he has the capital to be confident.

"Boy, don't be too confident. I know you are very powerful, but the contestants every year are not weak."

"Especially this year, the younger generation of masters can be said to be emerging in endlessly. There are even apprentices who have reached the saint level."

"Becoming a saint?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

Entering the Saint level, that is the pseudo-Saint level!

"You really don't dare to accept anyone in the first palace. Aren't you afraid of meeting spies from other factions?"

You must know that people who have reached the saint level must have their own master, or even their own sect.

With such a mission, would you still be willing to become a disciple of another sect?

"You're overthinking it. Having a palace is the highest level in the Taoist sect in the world. Many monks spend their whole lives trying to join the palace."

"There are many monks who have encountered a bottleneck in their lifelong practice and are unable to make further progress. They will also enter the First Palace to seek new avenues."

"To tell you the truth, we have to accept those with the highest cultivation level in the first palace, including the Great Sage."

"And he is also an elder from other sects."

The old drunkard's words surprised Zhuo Bufan.

The elders of other sects will also participate in this conference, just to join De Yi Gong and become the disciples of De Yi Gong.

There is no end to learning and there is no end to martial arts.

Zhuo Bufan began to understand the thoughts of these big guys.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan followed the old drunkard south to participate in the martial arts conference.

This time, in addition to Zhuo Bufan at the Fuji Martial Arts School, Xiao Tiao Biao will also participate.

Zhuo Bufan has understood the strength of Xiao Tiao Biao. This Xiao Tiao Biao is not simple, at least he has the cultivation level of seeking truth.

Seeking the true scriptures is equivalent to the realm of real people.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't imagine it.

You must know that in the world of cultivation, the real state is quite rare.

Before Zhuo Bufan unlocked the virtual realm, there were very few real people in the world of cultivation.

But in this world, real people are everywhere.

"Little Table, if you and Little Broom both enter the first palace, you have to take good care of her. She is your senior sister!"

The old drunkard said this to Zhuo Bufan.

It can be seen that the old drunkard takes good care of the little broomstick.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Of course, she is my senior sister."

"But Old Nose, I have a question I really want to ask you. Is Little Broomstick your illegitimate child?"

When asked by Zhuo Bufan, the old drunkard was stunned for a moment.

"What the hell?"

"Hahaha, do you still want to hide it from me? You and the little broom have the same aura."

"Besides, don't look too much alike."

Zhuo Bufan had already noticed that Little Broomstick was no ordinary person.

The old drunkard's feelings towards the little broomstick are not ordinary.

What's more, the two of them look so much alike.

"you caught me."

The old drunkard obviously couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only admit it in the end.

"Haha, I think it's someone who has discovered it!"

Zhuo Bufan believed that not only he had discovered the relationship between the old drunkard and Little Broomstick, but also Little Spoon and the others, and even Little Broomstick himself.

But everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything.

"Boy, don't go outside and talk nonsense."

"The little broom thing was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life."

"Don't ask if there are too many, I won't tell you."

The old drunkard didn't say much, and Zhuo Bufan didn't ask any more questions.

Seven days later, they arrived at Tianyi City, the venue for the martial arts conference.

Tianyi City was one of the few super-large cities in the Xu Dynasty, able to accommodate tens of millions of people.

Tianyi City has been preparing for this martial arts conference for a long time.

Even the battlefield has been opened up in twelve places.

In addition to the sky battlefield, there are also inland sea battlefields, mountain battlefields, and stone forest battlefields.

They are also serious about selecting talents.

When Zhuo Bufan and the others arrived at Tianyi City, the old drunkard took them to the venue martial arts hall and checked in.

"Okay, everyone will participate in the first knockout match tomorrow. Half of the players will be eliminated in this knockout match."

"We don't know the rules yet, so you should go back and prepare!"

"Little broom, come with me."

After the old drunkard arranged a place for Zhuo Bufan and the others, he left with the little broom.

Zhuo Bufan, Little Spoon and Little Hooves were left behind.

"Then where are we going?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two ghosts and said.

Zhuo Bufan likes to call them ghosts because they appear and disappear.

Moreover, they rarely speak and have no expression, just like ghosts.

"The museum owner said he would monitor you."

Little Spoon said bluntly.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely speechless.

"Okay, then you can monitor me!"

"Now, I'm going to go out and have some fun."

Zhuo Bufan had nothing to do, so he left the club.

He found that the streets were full of contestants from all over the world.

Some of these people were more reserved, some were more unrestrained, some were very arrogant, and some were very low-key.

Zhuo Bufan took two ghosts and entered a club called the Secret Realm Hall.

This Secret Realm Hall is very interesting. There are many teleportation arrays in it, which will teleport people to various secret realms and then start adventures.

Many people will come here to hone their skills.

Zhuo Bufan entered the Secret Realm Hall and found that there were many people coming and going inside.

At this time, two women in palace costumes walked towards them, and then said to Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

"Sir, are you here to find a secret realm adventure?"

Zhuo Bufan shrugged and said when he heard it.

"Secret realm adventure, it sounds good."

"Sir, please come in, let's talk while walking."

One of the tall women led Zhuo Bufan and the others into the hall.

"Sir, our secret realm pavilion has a total of teleportation arrays leading to 128 secret realms."

"These teleportation arrays were placed in the secret realms by the masters in our pavilion at the risk of their lives."

"Some teleportation arrays are placed directly in the deepest part of the secret realm."

"The secret realms in this pavilion are divided into four levels according to A, B, C, and D."

"Among them, A is the highest and D is the lowest. To enter a secret realm of A, you need ten Dao Yuan coins. To enter a secret realm of B, you need five Dao Yuan coins. To enter a secret realm of C, you need two Dao Yuan coins. And to enter a secret realm of D, you only need one Dao Yuan coin."


After listening to the story of the leading woman, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood what this secret realm pavilion was all about.

This secret realm pavilion, in fact, strictly speaking, is just a teleportation array pavilion.

He can teleport to one hundred and twenty-eight secret realms and send others to the secret realm they want to adventure.

The Dao Yuan coins they collect are equivalent to tolls.

These secret realms are all thousands of miles away. Some of them require you to overcome many difficulties along the way, and this teleportation array can teleport you to the deepest part of the secret realm and get what you want.

"Secret realm martial arts hall, it sounds good."

"Okay, choose a first-class secret realm for me, and I will go and try it."

Zhuo Bufan took out ten Daoyuan coins and gave them to the woman.

Then, the woman led Zhuo Bufan and the others to the fourth floor.

Zhuo Bufan planned to go to the secret realm to play before the conference...

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