Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 842: Infinite Sword Domain

There are three first-class secret realm portals on the fourth floor of the Secret Realm Pavilion.

Zhuo Bufan paid ten Dao Yuan coins, and as for Xiao Shaozi and Xiao Hoof, they could only watch Zhuo Bufan.

"What should we do?"

They were ordered to monitor Zhuo Bufan. If Zhuo Bufan entered the secret realm, he would be out of their surveillance.

"That's none of my business."

Zhuo Bufan would naturally not be kind enough to pay the Dao Yuan coins to the two of them. He was just trying to take this opportunity to get rid of them.

"Lend us twenty Dao Yuan coins."

The two shamelessly asked Zhuo Bufan to borrow Dao Yuan coins.

However, Zhuo Bufan was also shameless and didn't give a penny.

"I don't have any more. The rest were given to the owner of the pavilion. These ten Dao Yuan coins are my only property."

In this way, Xiao Shaozi and the others could only watch Zhuo Bufan enter the fourth floor, the first-class secret realm.

Following the guide beauty to the fourth floor.

The guide beauty said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Sir, here are the three first-class secret gates of our secret hall, namely the Changsheng Daochang, the Ghost Beast Mountain Range, and the Wuliang Sword Domain."

"Which secret realm are you going to?"

The three first-class secret realms are all adventure holy places in this world.

"Please introduce the characteristics of these three first-class secret realms."

Zhuo Bufan doesn't know much about the secret realms of this world, but he knows that there are many rich resources in these secret realms.

These secret realms are mysterious barriers created by many powerful people in ancient times, specifically for the younger generation to adventure.

The creatures in the secret realm will constantly refresh every morning.

It is equivalent to the advanced dungeons in the game. Many people will enter these dungeons to adventure, brush wild monsters, and fight bosses.

The secret realm is also unique to this world. There is no such magical place in the world of cultivation.

"Sir, the Changsheng Daochang is a secret place under the Fudao Mountain of the Great Xu Dynasty, which is rich in Changsheng Dao Fruit. After completing the trial, you can get a complete Changsheng Dao Fruit. In this secret place, there are three kinds of creatures: Dao Heroic Soul, Steel Puppet, and Stone Guardian. It is recommended that cultivators above the True Person Realm enter the adventure."

"The Ghost Beast Mountain Range is located in the Wanshou Mountain of Daliang State. This secret place is rich in ghost beast hearts. Ghost beast hearts are important materials for refining elixirs. This secret place has creatures such as ghost beasts, corrosive beasts, corpse ghosts, and beast ghost kings. Jian It is recommended that cultivators above the True Person Realm enter the adventure. "

"As for the Infinite Sword Realm, it is located under the Tianjian Gorge of the Dayin Dynasty. It is said that it is a secret realm opened up by the ancient sword god with one sword. It is a holy place that sword cultivators yearn for. There are no special creatures in the Infinite Sword Realm, only the thousands of sword souls and sword qi left by the ancient sword god. This secret realm is rich in sword seal stones. It is recommended that cultivators above the True Person Realm enter the adventure. "

After the guide woman introduced the three secret realms to Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, and then walked to the gate of the teleportation array of the Infinite Sword Realm.

"I'm going to the Infinite Sword Realm."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and decided to go to the Infinite Sword Realm.

There was no other reason, Zhuo Bufan just wanted to see how this legendary ancient sword god opened up a secret realm of swordsmanship with one sword.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has always longed for the sword, but fate is playing tricks on him. Zhuo Bufan has not made any powerful achievements in the sword. So he wants to try the sword secret realm to see if he can gain anything.

When Zhuo Bufan passed through the gate of the secret realm, he felt a strong sword energy before entering the gate.

Zhuo Bufan felt that the scenery in front of him had changed, and he came to a huge square.

For a moment, the sword energy was as sharp as a rainbow, attacking from all directions, and Zhuo Bufan had no way to avoid it.

The powerful sword energy surpassed any swordsman Zhuo Bufan knew.

In a hurry, Zhuo Bufan summoned the Chaos Bell as soon as possible.


The sound of chaos exploded, and all the sword energy was blocked outside the bell.

Zhuo Bufan hung the magic bell on his head and looked around. He found that there were many people fighting on this circular square.

All kinds of fantastic sword energy were entangled around them.

There were human-shaped sword energy, beast-shaped sword energy, and tree-shaped sword energy.

Flowers, birds, fish, insects, beasts, all things in the world, all kinds of sword energy, everything is available.

Zhuo Bufan walked on the road with a Chaos Bell on his head.

Many sword energies rushed over to attack him, but were wiped out by his Chaos Bell.

Soon, some people noticed Zhuo Bufan, an alternative existence.

They saw Zhuo Bufan walking recklessly on the Sword Qi Square, which was obviously a bit unbalanced.

They were all struggling with the sword energy, but Zhuo Bufan was walking in the crowd without any injury.

"Hey, look, what's wrong with that kid?"

"The sword energy here can't hurt him. It should be the bell hanging above his head."

"That bell is not simple. It has powerful energy flowing through it."

Many people noticed Zhuo Bufan and his Chaos Bell, and some even had the intention of stealing it.

"Where should I go now?"

Zhuo Bufan stood in place and looked around.

He found that there was a staircase hundreds of meters high in the north of the Sword Qi Square.

The trail was very wide, with a platform every hundred steps.

On the platform, sword energy was also overflowing, and the higher you go, the stronger the sword energy is.

At the top of the stairway, there was a huge sword piercing the ground.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the sword, he felt countless sword energy reverberating in his soul, which was very moving.

"Go up!"

Zhuo Bufan's intuition told him to go up and get under the big sword.

Then, he held the Chaos Bell and stepped up the stairs step by step.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan thought they were enemies and prepared to fight back.

But the other party quickly raised his hand and said.

"Brother, don't do it, don't do it."

The people who came were a man and a woman.

The man was dressed in blue and handsome. The woman was dressed in green and dignified and beautiful.

"I am Zhuge Lan, this is my sister, Zhuge Jin!"

The other party revealed their identities as soon as they came up.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw this.

"You don't know me, why are you looking for me?"

Zhuo Bufan would not easily trust others.

Zhuge Lan hurriedly said after hearing this.

"It's like this, brother, my sister and I are from the Taichu Sword Sect. Can we form a team?"


Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and asked in confusion.

"Yes, I think this is your first time in the Wuliang Sword Domain! I can lead the way and take you to find the Sword Yuan Soul!"

"Sword Yuan Soul? What is that?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

When the other party heard this, he was delighted. Zhuo Bufan didn't know the Sword Yuan Soul, so they had a chance to team up with him.

"It's like this, a Sword Yuan Soul is born every year in the Wuliang Sword Domain. After obtaining the Sword Yuan Soul, you can understand the true meaning of the sword."

"But it's not easy to find this Sword Yuan Soul, because the refresh birth location of the Sword Yuan Soul is random."

"But, although it seems random, there are actually traces to be found. I have studied it and found the law of the birth of the Sword Yuan Soul."

Zhuge Lan's words made Zhuo Bufan's eyes narrowed.

However, he did not refuse Zhuge Lan.

Zhuo Bufan was indeed aroused by the Sword Yuan Soul.

"Okay, I can accept the team, but you have to take me to find the Sword Soul."

"If you dare to lie to me, I guarantee that you will not be able to leave the Wuliang Sword Domain safely."

Zhuo Bufan's tone changed, with a bit of threatening momentum.

After hearing this, Zhuge Lan hurriedly nodded timidly.


"Okay, let's go!"

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan took the Zhuge brothers and sisters and began to walk towards the Tianjian Stage.

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