Zhuo Bufan went on a killing spree, ignoring the rules.

But the rules can only stipulate that he will not get the bet points, but they do not say that he cannot kill people at all.

When he kills people, he kills chickens to scare monkeys, and gives a good look to the flies who want to cause trouble for him.

The crowd hurriedly shouted, "Kill people, kill people."

The referee saw this and finally blamed Zhuo Bufan.

"Why did you kill?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan responded.


"Didn't I ask you to order until you finish?"

"Hey, the opponent was too weak. I tried my best to suppress my cultivation and strength, but I still crushed him to death. As you, the referee, saw, I didn't use much power at all."

"You can't say that if I stepped on an ant while walking on the road, you blame me for being the murderer, right?"

Arrogant, extremely arrogant.

Zhuo Bufan regards his opponent as an ant, and challenging him is like an ant shaking a tree.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan does have his abilities.

When everyone heard this, they were furious.

"It's too rampant. Who do you think you are? You ignored the rules and killed people like crazy. The referee disqualified him from the game."

"Yes, disqualify him. How can such a person be qualified to join the First Palace?"

"He's just scum, scum!"

These people can't be beaten, they can only talk.

It's a pity that Zhuo Bufan doesn't do this at all.

"Referee, please enforce the law impartially. I did miss just now. Who made me too strong?"

Zhuo Bufan is still rampant and unscrupulous.

When the referee saw this scene, he had to ask for instructions from the deputy head, Beiming Xuanji.

Beiming Xuanji had seen this scene a long time ago, so he announced it himself.

"Zhuo Bufan accidentally killed someone. According to the rules, the bet points for this game are zero and the results are invalid. I think Zhuo Bufan made an honest mistake and the game continues."

Beiming Xuanji's verdict made everyone feel incredible.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, smiled faintly.

"Now it's fun, I've become the villain!"

Although the verdict of Beiming Xuanji helped Zhuo Bufan, it also meant that Zhuo Bufan was pushed to the forefront and became a villain-like figure.

"A villain is a villain. I have never claimed to be a decent person anyway."

Zhuo Bufan quickly admitted his setting.

"Please stay tuned for the next competition. Also, for those who are not strong enough, don't commit suicide and challenge the strong. Otherwise, you will die in vain, and I will not be held responsible."

Beiming Xuanji's words meant a killing spree for Zhuo Bufan.

Now who dares to challenge Zhuo Bufan regardless of life or death?

"Hey, you guys, come here! Aren't you going to challenge me?"

"Try to take it easy this time, so as not to accidentally shoot you to death."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the group of challengers next to him, raised the corners of his mouth, and revealed a sinister smile.

When everyone saw this, they were trembling with fear.

They obviously didn't dare to commit suicide again.

I used to think that there were rules in the game and you couldn't kill people easily. But Zhuo Bufan didn't care about these regulations at all, and killed people like crazy.

Now, who dares to provoke Zhuo Bufan? Wouldn't that be courting death?

They came to challenge Zhuo Bufan because they were instigated by others.

That person gave them a lot of benefits and asked them to challenge Zhuo Bufan.

But now, Zhuo Bufan started killing people.

When a person dies, all the benefits are in vain.

Therefore, these challengers are now beginning to back down.

"What, where did the arrogance go? Aren't you going to challenge me? Come on!"

Zhuo Bufan challenged the challengers in front of him with his eyes closed.

"You're not coming, are you? I'll go over then."

After he finished speaking, he started walking in the direction of where the challengers were.

When everyone saw this, they were so frightened that they quickly fled the battlefield.

"Where to escape!"

Zhuo Bufan used a move to cover the sky with his big hand seal, and directly captured one of them.

"My hero, please forgive me, please forgive me! I will never challenge you again, please spare me, please spare me."

The guy caught by Zhuo Bufan begged for mercy again and again.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed him in front of him and shouted angrily.

"Tell me, who instructed you to cause trouble for me?"

Zhuo Bufan was not a fool. He could tell at a glance that someone was behind it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these people to be so careless and challenge him one after another.

Someone must have secretly instigated them to do this.

After hearing this, the man was frightened and frightened. He wanted to say something but dared not say it.

"You won't tell me, right? Okay, look at me, I'll crush you to death."

Zhuo Bufan began to threaten the other party.

When the man heard this, he was so frightened that he immediately spoke.

"It's Luo Yi. It's Luo Yi who asked us to do this. It's Luo Yi!"

"Luo Yi?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

Then he looked at the sky list above the sky. The third person on the list was Luo Yi.

"Luo Yi, who is he?"

Zhuo Bufan was angry. He had no grievances with this guy, but he didn't expect that this guy named Yu would dare to secretly plot against him.

"Luo Yi, the seventh prince of Emperor Tianlong of Xu Dynasty."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Damn it, you are teasing me! Luo Yi, prince!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would be targeted by a prince.

"It's Luo Yi, His Highness the Seventh Prince. Is he going to confront Zhuo Bufan?"

"This is interesting. I didn't expect that the one who provoked Zhuo Bufan was the seventh prince. He has the emperor as his backer!"

"I don't know what they will do next. Luo Yi has also been exposed. Is Zhuo Bufan angry or is he forbearing?"

Many people want to see whether a fight will break out between Zhuo Bufan and Luo Yi.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan did not make any strange moves, but became very calm.

Zhuo Bufan is not a fool. He knows that everyone is watching the show and wants to see his ignorant side, but Zhuo Bufan is not that stupid.

Luo Yi is not scary. What is scary is the Emperor of Da Xu behind Luo Yi.

With Zhuo Bufan's cultivation, he is not qualified to fight the emperor now.

However, Zhuo Bufan can't just admit his weakness.

Otherwise, Luo Yi will definitely go further.

So, Zhuo Bufan kicked the guy assigned by Luo Yi away, then stood in the void and shouted.

"Luo Yi, right? If you have the guts, come and challenge me."

"I am Zhuo Bufan, and I am not afraid of anyone's challenge."

Zhuo Bufan did not lose his momentum.

If Luo Yi was not a prince, he might have been crushed to death by Zhuo Bufan now.

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone present was stunned.

"This guy, is he blatantly challenging the prince?"

"Is he crazy? Does he know what he is saying?"

"Luo Yi is the prince of the Great Xu Dynasty, and his father is the Emperor Tianlong. With such a strong backer, who dares to challenge him?"

"I think he is just talking big. If Luo Yi really comes out, I am afraid he will be scared to death."

These people are not optimistic about Zhuo Bufan, thinking that he is just talking big.

Everyone is waiting for the appearance of Prince Luo Yi.

However, just as Zhuo Bufan guessed, Luo Yi did not appear.

Luo Yi himself can feel Zhuo Bufan's murderous intent towards him.

If he really appears, it will be embarrassing, I am afraid he will be the one.

Just like that, Zhuo Bufan dominated the sky, and no one dared to provoke him.

Killing one person warns thousands of monkeys.

Even the prince Luo Yi was scared.

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