Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 861 Little Saint First

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's challenge, Luo Yi did not show up in the end.

So far, Zhuo Bufan's disturbance on the battlefield has come to an end. No one dared to challenge Zhuo Bufan again.

Zhuo Bufan, who had nothing to do, returned to his residence.

As a result, he saw two soldiers in front of the door.

Seeing their clothes, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Are you soldiers of Shenwu Hou Gao Zhan?"

"Mr. Zhuo, you are back. Our master invites you."

Shenwu Hou Gao Zhan sent someone to invite Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan naturally did not hesitate and followed them.

They came to a small courtyard.

Gao Zhan said he wanted to watch Zhuo Bufan's battle, but he didn't expect him to really come.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Gao Zhan playing chess with a white-haired young man. The guard led Zhuo Bufan outside the pavilion and then stepped forward to announce.

"My lord, Mr. Zhuo is here."

After hearing this, Gao Zhan immediately stood up and came out to greet him in person.

"Brother Zhuo, we meet again."

Since drinking with Gao Zhan once, Zhuo Bufan and him have become close friends.

"My Lord, how are you?"

"Brother Zhuo, please come in and let me introduce you to Yu Baifei, my senior brother. He is also my master's most proud disciple."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the white-haired young man. From him, Zhuo Bufan felt an incomparable aura.

This aura is even stronger than that of a peerless genius like Xuanyuan Hao.

Yu Baifei, the chief disciple of Guiyi Sect and the proudest disciple of the head Chu Zhongtian.

He is the leader of the Ten Little Saints and even more powerful than Jiang Shaohan, the senior disciple of Deyi Palace.

"Senior brother, this is the brother Zhuo I mentioned to you. You should have seen his performance in the Cangqiong battlefield today!"

Yu Baifei gave people the feeling of a gentleman who was elegant and modest.

He stood up and nodded slightly to Zhuo Bufan, then smiled.

"Mr. Zhuo is so domineering. I admire him."

Obviously, Gao Zhan and Yu Baifei saw Zhuo Bufan's performance in the Sky Battlefield today.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed and said.

"Excuse me, both of you. But when someone bullies you, even a sick cat will show off its power."

Gao Zhan patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Zhuo, what you did today is right."

"Luo Yi, that idiot, likes to do these conspiracies and tricks. You don't have to take it to heart at all."

"He was just born in the royal family. If he wasn't a prince, I would have chopped him off long ago."

"Junior brother, be careful that there are ears on the other side of the wall."

Yu Baifei quickly stopped him.

He knew that his junior brother was outspoken and bold.

But criticizing the royal family would eventually give people a reason to criticize him. Some things can't be said casually.

"Tsk, that idiot Luo Yi will be killed by me sooner or later. Forget it, let's not talk about him. I specially invited Brother Zhuo to come here today, but I have something important to discuss."

"Is it important?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Gao Zhan.

"That's right, Brother Zhuo, I asked you to come here today because my senior brother Yu Baifei wanted to find you. I'm just acting as a middleman."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yu Baifei.

He didn't know him at all, why did Yu Baifei suddenly look for him?

After hearing this, Yu Baifei smiled faintly and said.

"It's true that I wanted to see Brother Zhuo, it seems that my trip this time is really worthwhile."

"I didn't expect Brother Zhuo to even have the Chaos Bell, so it's not surprising if he has the Sand of Time."

After hearing Yu Baifei's words, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and became alert.

Yu Baifei felt Zhuo Bufan's alertness and said immediately.

"Brother Zhuo, don't be nervous. I came here with no hostility. I just want to make a deal with you."


Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Yu Baifei stretched out his hand and waved it on the table.

Five jars of Dao wine appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Dao wine?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and he was slightly surprised.

"Yes, this is the Dao wine I stole from my master. I just want to exchange some time sand with Brother Zhuo."

Unexpectedly, Yu Baifei came to ask for the time sand.

What was even more unexpected was that Yu Baifei actually knew about the time sand.

"Brother Zhuo must be surprised. Why do I know the Sand of Time?"

"To be honest, I also saw it in an ancient book. It is said that only those who practice the Great Way of Reincarnation have the opportunity to obtain the Sand of Time from the long river of time."

"The Guiyi Ding, the treasure of my Guiyi Sect, is made of the Sand of Time."

"Recently, I have been refining a magic weapon and have been looking for refining materials. I was overjoyed to hear that Brother Zhuo has the Sand of Time. I specially got a few jars of Dao Wine from my master. I hope Brother Zhuo will not be stingy."

Yu Baifei's purpose of coming is clear.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that his Sand of Time would become famous.

"Hey, you two, you are trading with me the wine stolen from your master. Isn't this inappropriate?"

"What should I do if your master finds me at that time?"

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. No matter whether it was Gao Zhan or Yu Baifei, they both liked to be sneaky.

Aren't they the most respected disciples of Master Chu? Do you need to steal Dao Wine?

"Hahaha, Brother Zhuo, you can rest assured. Our master only likes to brew wine, not drink alcohol. Even he himself doesn't know how much wine is in his wine cellar. He wouldn't even notice if a few jars are missing."

"Brother Zhuo, if you want it, I'll go back to the mountain when I'm free and continue to steal it for you."

"Our master is not a stingy man, and he will not come to trouble you."

This pair of senior brothers sing and sing together.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he hesitated for a moment, then he moved his right hand, and two jars of Sand of Time appeared in his palm.

"This is the Sands of Time you want. It's a deal."

Zhuo Bufan only gave two cans, the same size as the ones he gave to Gao Zhan.

Yu Baifei took the Sand of Time, then excitedly clasped his fists and said.

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo. If Brother Zhuo needs help in the future, just ask."

Yu Baifei was naturally happy to get the Sands of Time.

Zhuo Bufan was also happy.

Not only did he get asked questions, but he also made a friend.

It can be seen that Yu Baifei, like Gao Zhan, is worth getting to know, and he is not a villain.

Five jars of wine are enough for Zhuo Bufan to reincarnate in the world five or six times. This deal is a good deal.

Later, Zhuo Bufan simply opened a jar of Wenwen wine on the spot, and then drank with Gao Zhan and Yu Baifei.

"Brother Zhuo is so generous. I, Yu, have made you a friend."

Yu Baifei, as the head of the Ten Little Saints. Chu Zhongtian's first disciple, it would be nice to be able to make friends with him.

"It's a pity that Brother Zhuo joined Deyi Palace. With Brother Zhuo's ability, it would be great to join our unified sect."

"When the time comes, the three of us brothers and sisters will be able to drink this Taoist wine every day. How happy it will be."

Gao Zhan hopes that Zhuo Bufan will join the Guiyi Sect.

Yu Baifei thought the same way.

"Brother Zhuo must be no ordinary person! He possesses a Chaos Bell and practices the Great Way of Reincarnation. You remind me of a person."

Zhuo Bufan asked after hearing this.


Yu Baifei replied: "I am the founder of the sect and our master, Luo Tian!"

Zhuo Bufan knew Luo Tian. There were too many legends about Luo Tian in this world.

"It is rumored that our master originally held the jade certificate of creation and was a peerless talent who was in charge of the avenue of reincarnation."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he couldn't help but be startled.

"Jade Certificate of Good Fortune!"

He learned from Wuliang that the Jade Certificate of Creation was the second-ranked existence on the list of innate artifacts.

"That's right, after Master ascended, he shattered his artifact, the Jade Order of Creation, and then the pieces of the Jade Order of Creation fell into pieces all over the world."

"I see!"

Zhuo Bufan's heart suddenly became clear.

Sure enough, the creation beads that created the Yunmeng Realm were fragments of the creation jade ultimatum.

"Come, Brother Zhuo, thank you for giving me the Sand of Time. I respect you for this cup."

Yu Baifei picked up the wine glass and toasted to Zhuo Bufan.

Next, the three of them started drinking and mingling.

Gradually, the three of them became drunk.

After Zhuo Bufan got drunk, he closed his eyes hazy.

When she opened her eyes again, he came to the world of reincarnation again and came to the long river of time!

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