Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 871 Extraordinary Holy Seat

The next day,

The sky was clear and the weather was nice.

It was morning class time in Deyi Palace, and everyone gathered in the square, as if something important was to be announced.

The new disciples had a separate camp.

They were whispering in the crowd.

"Hey, do you think Zhuo Bufan has been accepted as a disciple by the master?"

"It's hard to say. I heard that the master doesn't accept disciples now, but is focused on the Great Dao. The master is the number one person under Fengtian, and he will abdicate soon. At this time, he has no reason to accept disciples."

"I think Zhuo Bufan is likely to be accepted as a disciple by the master. Zhuo Bufan's talent is really unmatched. Looking at the history of the entire Deyi Palace, I'm afraid his talent is one of the best. The master cherishes talents and will not miss such a good seedling."

"But I heard that Zhuo Bufan was not very excited when he came out of Deyi Palace yesterday. And the eldest brother has inquired about the master's attitude, and the master has no intention of accepting Zhuo Bufan as a disciple."

"So, Zhuo Bufan's efforts for so long have been in vain?"

Hearing this, Luo Yi, who was standing in the crowd, showed a proud smile.

"Hmph, the championship that I got with so much hardship is just like this in the end."

"Originally, the championship position should have been mine, damn Zhuo Bufan, you stole my championship, you must die a miserable death."

Luo Yi was happy, he was glad that Zhuo Bufan was not favored by the headmaster.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky, like a train speeding past.

Then, the space was turbulent, and black balls of light flew out of thin air, chasing each other, and finally landed on the platform in the center of the square.

At this time, an old man in white clothes suddenly appeared, with powerful power and spiritual pressure, suppressing everyone present to the point of being out of breath.

You know, this is a forbidden realm, and all the power has been greatly suppressed.

But he can still suppress the whole scene.

There is only one person who can do this, and that is the head of Deyi Palace, Jiang Taiyi.

When Jiang Taiyi appeared, everyone made a unified posture, bowed with both hands, pushed forward, and then bowed.

"Greetings to the headmaster."

"Greetings to all!"

"Today is the welcoming meeting of the new students of Deyi Palace. In this meeting, Deyi Palace has expanded the recruitment scale. Ninety outer gates and ten inner gates."

"Those who can pass the meeting are all outstanding people. It is the honor of Deyi Palace."

"Next, I will personally announce the new students to the Dao Mansion and their elders."

"Ranked 100th, Li Zhengdao, entered Huayang Mansion, and served Elder Luochuan."

"Ranked 99th, Xiao Chenglang, entered Zhengxuan Mansion, and served Elder Meng Yi."

"Ranked 98th, Longya, entered Wolong Mansion, and served Elder Qian Song."


As the headmaster continued to announce, everyone found their own place.

They will follow their elders and start practicing in the future.

Deyi Palace has millions of mountains, and each mountain has its own cave.

So after these people parted today, they may never see each other again until they die.

“It’s time to start assigning the positions. It would be great if I could be assigned to a Saint.”

“I also hope to be assigned to a Saint.”

In Deyi Palace, there are two types of elders: Saints and Chief Elders.

Chief Elders are ordinary elders, while Saints are elders of the Great Saint Realm.

In Deyi Palace, there are 100,000 elders, but there are only 3,000 Saints.

Therefore, every new disciple who enters Deyi Palace hopes to join the Saint.

“Don’t even think about it. Only inner disciples are eligible to join the Saint. This has always been the rule.”

“And the champion may join the master. But this year the master will not accept any disciples, which is a pity for Zhuo Bufan, the champion.”

Now there are still people canceling Zhuo Bufan.

People smiled and said nothing more.

At this time, the master had read out the positions of the first 90 disciples.

"Everyone, next, I will announce the affiliation of the top ten inner disciples."

"No. 10, Sun Yiru, enters Jingning Mansion and returns to the Buer Holy Seat."

Unexpectedly, Sun Yiru finally entered the top ten.

However, she still did not escape her father's palm after all, and belonged to Sun Buer and the Buer Holy Seat.

"No. 9, Sloan, enters Budong Mansion and returns to Qiongshan Holy Seat."

"No. 8, Gao He, enters Jingya Mansion and returns to Xu Hong Holy Seat."


"No. 3, Xue Wugui, enters Wendao Mansion and returns to Baiwen Holy Seat."

"No. 2, Luo Yi, enters Sandi Mansion and returns to Nian Di Holy Seat."

"The above is the affiliation of all disciples this year. Please cultivate them well, elders!"

Soon, the head of the sect finished the announcement.

All ninety-nine disciples were announced.

Everyone found the most suitable place for them to belong.

Immersed in the atmosphere of their own joy.

However, after a while, everyone realized that Zhuo Bufan, who seemed to be ranked first, had not yet announced his affiliation!

"Huh? Where is Zhuo Bufan? Which Holy Throne did he finally belong to?"

"I don't know. Could it be that Zhuo Bufan was accepted by the headmaster?"

"No way, if that's the case, the headmaster should tell me!"

"Then why, was Zhuo Bufan forgotten?"

Everyone felt puzzled, watching Zhuo Bufan standing at the front of the team.

At this moment, an elder suddenly reminded him.

"Master, there is one more person missing."

Master Jiang Taiyi realized that he had forgotten Zhuo Bufan.

"Oh, look at me, I'm old and can't remember!"

"Bufan, come up!"

Jiang Taiyi stretched out his hand to Zhuo Bufan, and then the two black Dao jades beside him flew towards Zhuo Bufan.

Then the Dao jade turned into a round plate and landed in front of Zhuo Bufan's feet.

Zhuo Bufan stood up and was brought to the podium by the round plate.

After landing, the master walked in front of Zhuo Bufan, then made way and announced.

"Now, I declare that Zhuo Bufan is the new elder of my Deyi Palace, and his title is the Bufan Holy Seat!"

When the master said this, everyone was dumbfounded and stunned.

"What? Elder, Holy Throne? Did I hear it right? Zhuo Bufan himself changed from a disciple to an elder?"

"What's going on? Zhuo Bufan became an elder, and a Holy Throne of the highest level?"

Not only did the disciples not understand, but many elders were also confused.

However, no one dared to question the decision of the headmaster.

"Well, let's put it this way. Holy Throne Bufan will take over Xiandao Peak in the future. Lead the disciples of Xiandao Peak."

Zhuo Bufan not only became an elder, but he even had real power.

Having his own mountain, it means that his seat as the Holy Throne is very stable.

However, no one understands. They can't understand why the headmaster made such an absurd decision.

"Holy throne? Zhuo Bufan was promoted directly from an inner disciple to a holy throne? What a joke."

"Hush, keep your voice down. In Deyi Palace, there is a hierarchy. You have to call him the extraordinary holy throne from now on."

"Fuck the extraordinary holy throne!"

Luo Yi turned away in anger.

The sudden appearance of Zhuo Bufan's holy throne can be said to be the biggest surprise of the whole scene.

However, the matter is done, and no one dares to question his name of the holy throne.

"Extraordinary holy throne? It sounds weird, but it feels good."

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

So far, his leisurely life in Deyi Palace has begun.


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