Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 872: Crazy Beating of the Chief (Part 1)

Zhuo Bufan became the extraordinary saint. He was also the only saint who was not a great saint in the palace.

He was arranged to the Immortal Dao Peak, a spiritual mountain with abundant spiritual energy and elegant environment.

One person, sitting on a mountain, and there was a large group of disciples who called him elder, uncle, and saint.

Such treatment was too good.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not forget what he should do.

What he should do most now is to find a way to return to the world of cultivation.

However, if he wants to return to the world of cultivation, Zhuo Bufan must go to the virtual world.

And if he wants to go to the virtual world, I am afraid that Zhuo Bufan’s current cultivation is still a little short of fire.

"Let's go back to Meicheng first."

Zhuo Bufan returned to Meicheng, and then came to Tianxuan Tower to find Xiaomei.

Since Xiaomei was resurrected, she has been helping Zhuo Bufan study the brewing method of Tao wine.

Xiaomei has a high talent in brewing, which is why Zhuo Bufan asked Xiaomei to be responsible for brewing.

The plum wine she brewed was once Zhuo Bufan's favorite wine.

"Xiaomei, how is your research going?"

Zhuo Bufan came to the sixth floor of Tianxuan Tower, but he saw Xiaomei drunk.

The little girl was wearing a thin dress and lying on the ground in a big letter shape.

Her clothes were folded up, revealing her snow-white skin.

Her face was slightly red and a little drunk, obviously she was drunk just now.

The wine she drank was the wine of Taoism.

"Smelly Bufan, come here quickly, try the wine brewed by your aunt, is it delicious?"

Xiaomei said, throwing a pot of wine to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the wine and took a sip.

"Delicious, fairy wine, but it's a pity that it's missing something!"

The wine brewed by Xiaomei tasted good, but it was not the wine of Taoism he wanted.

Zhuo Bufan did not feel drunk, and there was no feeling in the depths of his soul.

In other words, this wine was not the wine of Taoism that Zhuo Bufan wanted.

"Chou Bufan, this wine is not easy to brew. There are many things I can't figure out. I can only blend the flavor."

Wendao wine was created by Luo Tian. In the world today, only Luo Tian's disciple, the head of Guiyi Sect Chu Zhongtian, can brew it.

Zhuo Bufan asked Xiaomei to brew Wendao wine, which was indeed difficult for her.

"You have done a good job, no need to brew it anymore."

Finally, Zhuo Bufan decided to let Xiaomei stop brewing plum saliva wine.

"I haven't gone out to bask in the sun for a long time. Do you want to go out?"

"Really? I want to go out, Chou Bufan, take me out quickly."

In fact, Xiaomei wanted to go out a long time ago, but she didn't dare to make the decision without Zhuo Bufan's consent.

Zhuo Bufan asked her to brew plum saliva wine, so she brewed plum saliva wine.

In fact, after Xiaomei's rebirth, not only did her appearance change from a loli to a girl, but she also had some girlish heart in her heart.

She became much more mature, no longer like before, she only maintained a kind of ignorant feelings for Zhuo Bufan.

Now, she seems to be starting to rely on Xiaomei.

"But don't worry, one day, I will definitely help you brew a jar of the best wine."

Xiaomei said with her fists clenched.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, touched her head and smiled slightly.

"Don't work so hard, come with me later!"

"Now I want to see if I can repair the Tianxuan Tower."

As a time-accelerating cultivation artifact, Zhuo Bufan felt that if the Tianxuan Tower could be repaired as soon as possible, it would be of great use in the future.

So, he took out the sand of time in the chaos bell.

"If you want to go to the next level, you need an altar."

"This altar was built by Emperor Xuan, and a teleportation array and some space energy gems were added to the altar made of the sand of time."

"It seems that I have to collect some space energy stones."

"This kind of thing should be available in Deyi Palace."

Zhuo Bufan's first task now is to repair the Tianxuan Tower.

He wants to practice with the Tianxuan Tower, and when he is proficient, he will find a way to repair the file loading door.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan took Xiaomei out of the Tianxuan Tower and came to the City Lord's Mansion to see his Kuangmen.

Zhuo Bufan would naturally not forget his Kuangmen.

Under the leadership of Yi Meng and Xu Huang, the disciples of Kuangmen have now cultivated their souls with the Xu family.

In time, Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen will be a terrifying force again.

They will become Zhuo Bufan's most important sword.

But now is not the time for them to unsheathe.

"Uncle, why don't you see Brother Zifan come back with you?"

Lin Xi plucked up the courage and came to Zhuo Bufan, wanting to ask about the news of Bai Zifan.

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he saw this.

"Zifan went to improve himself, and he will become stronger and stronger in the future!"

"Oh, then can I still see Brother Zifan?"

Lin Xi continued to ask.

Zhuo Bufan touched her head and said.

"Of course, do you want to see my silly boy so much?"

"Girl, tell me, do you like my silly boy?"

Lin Xi blushed when she heard this.

"Hahahaha, Yi Meng, I've decided with the old swindler for you, Lin Xi will be our daughter-in-law in the future."

Zhuo Bufan also likes Lin Xi very much.

After hearing this, the little girl ran away shyly.

"Then Yi Meng, Xu Huang, the brothers of Kuangmen are left to you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Xiao Meilai away from Meicheng and returned to Xiandao Peak.

"Wow, Chou Bufan, is this your mountain? So magnificent?"

"Uh, why is it so strange to say mountain? You should say cave!"


"Yes, this is my cave, Xiandao Peak!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled with narrowed eyes.

"Your cave is not as magnificent as your Meicheng!"

Xiaomei complained mercilessly.

"Then what should we do next?"

Xiaomei looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, then said.

"Everyone in Deyi Palace has his own identity. From now on, your identity is the first disciple of the Holy Throne of Bufan."

"Now, let's go to the Sutra Pavilion of Deyi Palace. I want to learn about this world and the gate of the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan did not forget his mission.

His mission is to return to the world of cultivation as soon as possible.

So now, he has to start preparing to find a way to go to the virtual world.

Zhuo Bufan asked the head brother Jiang Taiyi for advice, but Jiang Taiyi didn't know where the gate of the virtual world was.

And according to Jiang Taiyi, the gate through the world is very unstable, so Zhuo Bufan needs to investigate how to safely pass through the passage.

Then, Zhuo Bufan brought Xiaomei to the Sutra Pavilion of Deyi Palace.

Along the way, it can be said that Zhuo Bufan is the most dazzling one.

Both he and Xiaomei following behind him are extremely eye-catching.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan attracts attention is that his airborne holy throne makes everyone puzzled and dissatisfied.

And the reason why Xiaomei attracts attention is that she is too cute.

Xiaomei is no longer the little loli at the beginning, but a graceful plum blossom fairy.

"Look, isn't that a free seat?"

"Haha, I really don't know what ability he has to sit on the seat."

"Brother Yu Nian, don't be so rude, he is the seat, appointed by the headmaster."

"Humph, so what if he was appointed by the headmaster? What virtue and ability does he have to be able to sit on the seat? Is it just because he is the headmaster's illegitimate son?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then appeared in front of the outspoken guy.


The big hand swung down, and it was a heavy slap in the face.


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