Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 884 The Ten Great Saints

When the three great figures from the First Palace arrived, Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi naturally rushed forward to greet them immediately.

The three of them were very well-known. Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi recognized them as soon as they got off the spacecraft.

"It's Jiang Shaohan and the others. The three heroes who won the first palace have arrived."

Seeing Jiang Shaohan and the other three arriving, they were very excited.

"Three of you, welcome to the Guiyi Sect to participate in this distinguished people's cocktail party. Our senior brother has asked me and I to welcome Taoist Fellow Deyi Palace again."

"Why, forget it if Yu Baifei doesn't come, and Nangong Yue and Xiao Feng don't come either. Are you looking down on us as the first palace?"

At this time, Feng Yexiu, who was in the First Palace, stood up and began to question Ye Jianfei.

After hearing this, Ye Jianfei quickly explained.

"This is Senior Brother Feng Yexiu, right! Our Senior Brother Yu, Senior Sister Nangong, and Senior Brother Xiao are preparing for the reception and it is not convenient to receive them, so we sent the two of us here. If you have neglected the three of them, please ask the three senior brothers not to Sorry."

"Forget it, let's go find them ourselves!"

Lu Zhou said from the side.

He holds a white fan and is a humble gentleman.

"By the way, three senior brothers, why don't you see that you won the Extraordinary Holy Seat in the first palace?"

Wen Ceqi on the side suddenly asked Zhuo Bufan.

Jiang Shaohan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Is he coming?"

He looked at Feng Yesiu and Lu Zhou standing by.

Both of them shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

"Never heard of it!"

"It's impossible. Our senior brother specifically told us that if the Extraordinary Holy See arrives, we must notify him as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan's current popularity has far surpassed the three outstanding figures in the First Palace.

Ordinary people may not know the three great heroes, but they definitely know Zhuo Bufan.

Now Zhuo Bufan has become the face of Deyigong.

Among the people, there are rumors that he is about to take over as the head of the First Palace, and he will become the next head of the First Palace.

And they are old acquaintances with Beiqi and Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Yu Baifei would definitely invite Zhuo Bufan, and he would do so specially.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan was already on his way.

"Senior brother, why didn't we know he was coming?"

Feng Yexiu looked at Jiang Shaohan and said.

After hearing this, Jiang Shaohan also shook his head slightly.

"I don't know, forget it. Let's go up!"

Jiang Shaohan didn't say any more and headed towards Feitian Mountain.

In fact, since Zhuo Bufan's true identity was exposed, Jiang Shaohan is no longer as targeted towards Zhuo Bufan as before.

The simple reason is that Zhuo Bufan is his uncle, and Jiang Shaohan is a man who knows the rules.

As a disciple, he did not dare to offend his uncle.

As for the head's decision to pass the position to Zhuo Bufan, although Jiang Shaohan was a little unhappy inside, he didn't say much.

Jiang Shaohan is the chief disciple of the First Palace and the future heir to the head.

Everyone originally thought that in the near future, Jiang Shaohan would become the new generation of leader of Deyi Palace.

But suddenly an uncle came out, and he was so young.

Now there are rumors everywhere that Zhuo Bufan is going to take over the position of head.

And his master Jiang Taiyi even personally announced in the Dharma Hall that he would pass the throne to Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that Jiang Shaohan, the leader, has failed.

No matter how unconvinced he was, he had to admit that his uncle who suddenly appeared was very powerful.

When Zhuo Bufan showed his power, he was there, right at Zhuo Bufan's feet.

He could feel the fear felt by the Invincible Holy See at that moment.

When Zhuo Bufan used his immortal power, at that moment, he seemed to be the overlord of that world.

The aura on his body was stronger than that of his master Jiang Taiyi.

"Brother, are you just accepting your fate? This cheap uncle who suddenly came out of nowhere just took away your position as the leader."

On the way to Feitian Peak, Feng Yexiu walked beside Jiang Shaohan. In his words, he expressed his dissatisfaction with Zhuo Bufan.

Lu Zhou on the side also said.

"This cheap uncle really fell from the sky. What is his background?"

"But the most surprising thing about him is that he defeated the Great Sage of Hedao with his level of Tongxuan?"

After hearing this, Jiang Shaohan snorted coldly.

"That's enough, don't talk about Uncle Master behind his back. Have you all forgotten Yu Nian's fate?"

Because Yu Nian spread rumors behind his back, he almost had his cultivation level revoked and was eliminated from the First Palace.

After hearing this, Feng Yexiu and Lu Zhou closed their mouths and did not dare to speak anymore.

Not long after, they followed Ye Jianfei to Feitian Peak.

As soon as they arrived at Feitian Peak, three gentlemen in white clothes walked towards them.

Seeing this, Ye Jianfei quickly stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"I have met the Three Little Saints of Taixuan Sect."

The three people who came were none other than the three little saints from Taixuan Sect.

They are one of the ten minor saints, as famous as Jiang Shaohan and others.

"Hey, the people who won the first palace are here too?! Jiang Shaohan, Feng Yexiu, Lu Zhou, long time no see!"

There was a yellow-haired man from Guiyi Sect. After seeing Jiang Shaohan and the others, he hurried forward.

When Feng Yexiu saw this, he rolled his eyes at him.

"Huang Daoling, even your defeated generals can come, why can't I come?"

The man with yellow hair is called Huang Daoling, and he is the third chief disciple of Taixuan Sect.

In the last battle of the Ten Little Saints, Huang Daoling lost to Feng Yexiu by half a move.

So every time he saw Feng Yexiu, he would take the initiative to draw hatred.

However, there was no conflict between them.

Jiang Shaohan and Li Changsheng, the chief disciple of Taixuan Sect, had a good relationship.

"You are here?"

Li Changsheng smiled faintly when he saw Jiang Shaohan.

Li Changsheng was wearing a white shirt, looking gentle and elegant, with a bit of the aura of a hermit master.

He and Jiang Shaohan were sympathetic to each other.

Shangguan Ye, the second-ranked disciple of Taixuan Sect next to him.

This man was full of flesh, fierce-looking, and very tall, like a giant.

After seeing Shangguan Ye, Lu Zhou stepped forward to greet him.

"Brother Shangguan, how are you?"

Lu Zhou was standing, and he couldn't even reach Shangguan Ye's waist. It can be seen how tall Shangguan Ye was.

"It seems that the ten little saints have all arrived!"

At this time, a familiar voice came from not far away.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Yu Baifei, the chief disciple of Guiyi Sect, coming with three junior brothers and sisters.

"It's my senior brothers who are here."

Ye Jianfei hurried forward to salute when he saw his senior brothers coming.

"Hello, senior brothers."

Yu Baifei smiled slightly, patted Ye Jianfei on the shoulder, and said.

"Junior brother Ye, thank you for your help. Let me receive you here!"

Yu Baifei squinted his eyes, always with such a warm smile.

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi were moved when they saw this.

Because this scene was too rare.

The ten little saints actually stood in the same frame at the same time.

"Senior brother Ye, am I seeing it right? The ten little saints actually gathered together."

"Of course, this is also the main purpose of the eldest brother to hold this cocktail party!"

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi hurriedly left, because the aura here was too strong, and they didn't dare to stay any longer.

"However, I'm afraid that after today, the ranking of the ten little saints will be completely changed!"

"Maybe some people will be eliminated."

Ye Jianfei said thoughtfully.

"Eliminated? Senior Brother Ye, you mean Junior Brother Xuanyuan?"

After hearing what Ye Jianfei said, Wen Ceqi's first thought was the peerless genius that their Guiyi Sect had welcomed some time ago, Xuanyuan Hao.

The head of the sect even broke the rules for him.

He was not going to accept any more disciples, but he actually accepted Xuanyuan Hao as his last disciple.

After hearing this, Ye Jianfei looked up at the sky.

"Yes, I'm afraid the status of the Ten Little Saints will be shaken!"


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