There are thousands of Little Saints in the Yang Realm, and the top ten are called the Ten Little Saints.

Although they are minor saints, their combat power is comparable to that of the great saints.

Even ordinary great saints are not their opponents at all.

The Ten Little Saints will be selected every ten years. The previous Ten Little Saints were all born from the three supreme sects.

Among them, there are four minor saints in Guiyi Sect, three minor saints in Yi Gong, and three minor saints in Taixuan Sect.

According to ranking, they are——

First: Return to one sect——Yu Baifei

Second: Get the first palace——Jiang Shaohan

Third: Taixuanzong——Li Changsheng

Fourth: Return to one sect——Nangong Yue

Fifth: Get the first palace - Feng Yexiu

Sixth: Taixuanzong - Huang Daoling

Seventh: Get the first palace——Lu Zhou

Eighth: Taixuanzong - Shangguanye

Ninth: Return to one sect——Xiao Feng

Tenth: Unifying the Sect—Gao Zhan

It can be seen that among the ten minor saints, there are four members from the Guiyi Sect, and Yu Baifei is still ranked first.

Guiyi Sect can be regarded as the strongest sect in the world now.

Even if Deyi Gong has the deepest foundation, it can't compare.

Lord Luo Tian, ​​the ancestor of the Gui Yi Sect, left behind a lot of luck, which led to the emergence of numerous talented people in the Gui Yi Sect. It seems to have the momentum to become the number one sect in the world.

Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi returned to the foot of the mountain and did their job of welcoming guests.

This time, not only the ten great saints came to attend the celebrity cocktail party, but also many other outstanding figures.

They may not be as good as the Ten Little Saints, but they are almost the same. They are all the best among men.

"Senior Brother Ye, who are the outstanding people who have not arrived yet?"

Ye Jianfei took out the guest list and glanced at it.

"There are still twelve outstanding people who have not arrived yet."

"The chief disciple of the Taichu Sword Sect of the Dayin Dynasty, Lu Jing!"

"The chief disciple of the Chunyang Sect of the Great Xu Dynasty, Yang is right and wrong!"

"The chief disciple of the Shenlong Sect of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Ao Ying!"

"Also, get the Extraordinary Holy Seat of the First Palace!"

Ye Jianfei looked at the list and saw that the remaining heroes had not arrived yet.

Among them is the Extraordinary Holy Seat in the First Palace that they are most concerned about.

Zhuo Bufan was really famous now, and Ye Jianfei and Wen Ceqi wanted to see his true face in Lushan.

At this moment, they saw a man in blue in the sky not far away, riding a huge flying beast, flying towards their direction.

"Senior brother, look, someone is coming."

"The heroes should have arrived and are ready to welcome them."

Ye Jianfei looked at the man riding the big bird and quickly straightened his clothes.

They represent the image of the unified sect and cannot lose face in front of outsiders.

At this moment, the fierce bird in the sky suddenly seemed to have lost control and began to shake violently.

Then it began to fall rapidly.

"No, junior brother, be careful."

Seeing this, Ye Jianfei used the flying sword in his hand. The flying sword spun around in the air several times, transforming into countless flying swords.

Then he stabbed towards the huge murderous bird that fell in the sky.

However, the owner on the bird's back is obviously no ordinary person.

When he felt murderous intent coming from below, he waved his hand and all of Ye Jianfei's flying swords were turned into ashes on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Ye Jianfei was sincerely amazed.

Immediately, a man jumped out from the back of the bird.

The man was wearing blue clothes, unkempt, and looked a little slovenly.

He has an evil face and a wicked smile, which gives people the impression that he does not look like a good person.

If Zhuo Bufan were here, he would definitely be shocked.

This guy riding a bird is none other than the old profiteer who has been missing for a long time, Chu Mubai!

Since Chu Mubai left the King of Hell, he has been searching for Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan became famous, and he learned that Zhuo Bufan had become the extraordinary saint of the First Palace.

So, he ran to Deyigong, wanting to meet Zhuo Bufan.

However, the first palace is so well-protected that ordinary people cannot enter.

In desperation, Chu Mubai could only wait outside for Zhuo Bufan to come out.

But after a long time, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of coming out.

Recently, he heard that Yu Baifei, the chief disciple of Guiyi Sect, was going to hold a cocktail party for outstanding people. Chu Mubai guessed that Zhuo Bufan would definitely come to the party.

Even if he doesn't come, Chu Mubai can still take this opportunity to become famous and become a hero.

At that time, you can easily enter the first palace.

So, here comes Chu Mubai, a guy who has been missing for a long time.

He was attacked by this vicious bird on the way here. This vicious bird had phoenix blood in its body and was considered a very powerful beast.

However, he was still tamed by Chu Mubai, and finally Chu Mubai let him take him to Guiyi Sect.

However, he thought that when he came to Guiyi Sect, he could easily enter Guiyi Sect.

He still regards the top martial arts in this world as too low-end.

Chu Mubai is just a false saint. According to the hierarchy of this world, he is a little saint.

He is one of the best in the world of cultivation, but in this world, there are many people who are stronger than him.

Therefore, Chu Mubai was stopped as soon as he arrived at Guiyi Sect.

"Stop, who is coming? Please tell me your name."

Although Ye Jianfei knew that Chu Mubai was very powerful, no matter how powerful he was, he had to stop him.

After hearing this, Chu Mubai chuckled.

"Brother, you don't know me? The leader of the evil sect, Chu Mubai. He is known as the number one among the ten little saints."

Chu Mubai didn't want Bilian and started to fool Ye Jianfei again.

After hearing this, Ye Jianfei frowned tightly.

"Master of the evil sect? Chu Mubai?"

"The number one among the Ten Little Saints?"

"I haven't heard of it. Junior brother, have you heard of it?"

Ye Jianfei looked at Wen Ceqi standing aside.

Wen Ceqi also shook his head in confusion.

"I only know that the first among the Ten Little Saints is Yang Shifei of the Chunyang Clan. I have never heard of Chu Mubai."

"Wait a minute, I'll check! See if there is Chu Mubai."

Ye Jianfei took the guest list and read it from beginning to end, but did not see Chu Mubai.

"No, without Chu Mubai, who are you?"

"Do you have an invitation?"

Ye Jianfei asked Chu Mubai for an invitation, but where did Chu Mubai get an invitation?

"Hey, little brother, why are you so inhumane? Please be accommodating, I am very powerful. I don't even look down on ordinary little saints."

"If you don't let me attend this celebrity cocktail party, it will be a loss!"

Chu Mubai was cunning and cunning. In order to enter the reception, he sharpened his head and spoke wildly.

As a result, these words reached the ears of some people.

"You have such a loud tone, even ordinary little saints would not take it lightly. Your Excellency is very arrogant!"

At this moment, someone's voice came from behind them.

Everyone looked back and saw two men in elegant clothes walking towards them.

When Ye Jianfei saw this, he immediately exclaimed.

"It's Yang Shifei from the Chunyang Sect and Ao Ying from the Shenlong Sect!"

"You two outstanding men, please come in quickly."

Ye Jianfei recognized the two of them and immediately stepped forward to greet them.

However, when Yang Shifei, who was wearing brocade clothes, saw Ye Jianfei approaching, he stretched out his hand to block him.

"The breath of the weak, don't come near me."

This Yang Shifei was also very arrogant, and his words made Ye Jianfei unable to even raise his head.

Although Ye Jianfei is not an outstanding person, he is still a genius. Being able to enter Guiyi Sect naturally has his strength.

However, despite all his hard work, he still ended up a weakling.

This made Ye Jianfei a little embarrassed, even humiliated.

However, Yang Shifei didn't care at all about the feelings of a weak person in his eyes.

He turned his head to look at Chu Mubai and said.

"You, on the other hand, seem quite strong. However, what you just said made me very unhappy."

Yang Shifei walked up to Chu Mubai, with a pair of golden eyes showing a frightening look.

When Chu Mubai saw this, he looked at Ye Jianfei beside him and said.

"This little brother, even a weakling like this can participate in your cocktail party, why can't I participate? I don't accept it and I want to protest."

Chu Mubai was a head taller than Yang Shifei. He pointed at Yang Shifei and it felt like he was pinching Yang Shifei's head.

As a result, his words immediately angered the number one among the Ten Little Saints.

"Crazy man, I think you are looking for death!"

As soon as Na Yang Shifei finished speaking, he attacked Chu Mubai directly.

A big fight broke out immediately after a disagreement...

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