Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 897: Overlord Showdown

Huang Daoling and Feng Yexiu floated in the huge ball of light.

The two of them are very small, like two peanuts.

Obviously, it's not that they have become smaller, but that the world makes them look small.

In fact, the Great Sun's firmament is very large, but it is only made to appear so small for the convenience of viewing.

In this way, everyone will have a clear view of the battle inside.

"Zhuang Daoling and Feng Yexiu have participated in ten outstanding people's cocktail parties so far."

"At every cocktail party, they are the first to start a fight. The current record is five to five."

"In other words, this battle will determine which of them is the real overlord."

Ye Jianfei explained in front of him competently.

At this moment, within the realm of the great sun.

The battle between Huang Daoling and Feng Yexiu is about to break out.

From the outside they look small.

But inside, they are the same size as normal people.

The great sun firmament world where they were located was a twilight world. On the dome, endless dim light was projected.

The two stood on the dome of the sun, and their whole bodies began to emit surging energy.

People outside can clearly see how violent the energy fluctuations on their bodies are.

"Feng Yexiu, although you and I are not from the same sect, we have cultivated the same path."

"In the final analysis, whether it is your mad god's wrath or my overlord's righteousness. Those are the rules derived from domineering."

"This battle will determine who is the real overlord between you and me."

Huang Daoling and Feng Yexiu are both domineering practitioners.

Domination is a very powerful way.

This road leads to loneliness and invincibility.

Above the tyranny, only one person can move forward.

The real overlord will eliminate everyone who walks on this path.

Therefore, Huang Lili and Feng Yexiu, two people with similar strengths, will regard each other as their old enemies.

"What nonsense, let's fight!"

Feng Yexiu didn't want to talk nonsense with Huang Lili.

Since you are the overlord, you should not be indecisive.

"In my name, the heaven and earth are bound, and the rules of the world are established. The wrath of the mad god."


I saw Feng Yexiu suddenly roaring in the dome of the sun.

His voice was extremely violent, even making people outside feel powerful.

Hearing Feng Yexiu's roar, everyone was in awe.

A feeling of bowing to Chen Chen came to my heart.

"Stabilize your Taoist heart. This is Feng Yexiu's domineering attitude. It will make people tremble inside."

Many people were forced to sit cross-legged and close their eyes to calm their minds due to Feng Yexiu's roar.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, stood up and looked at Feng Yexiu in the Great Sun Dome.

"Interesting, is this guy turning his anger into strength?"

Zhuo Bufan saw that Feng Yexiu's muscles began to grow wildly, and his whole body became extremely huge in an instant.

The figure that was originally as big as a peanut became as big as a fist.

"The Extraordinary Holy See is right. Feng Yexiu's rules are called the Wrath of the Mad God."

"Within this rule, the angrier he is, the more powerful he gains. Theoretically, there is no upper limit. Feng Yexiu can increase his power to unimaginable levels. He once killed a person with one punch. A great sage, it can be said that his fists are absolutely invincible.”

Ye Jianfei, who was in charge of the commentary, explained to Zhuo Bufan and the others.

In the Great Sun Dome, Feng Yexiu was watching as he used the power of his own rules.

Huang Daoling on the other side was not to be outdone.

"In my name, the world and the earth are bound, the rules of the world are established, and the overlord is upright."

As soon as Huang Daoling finished speaking, unimaginable terrifying power spewed out from his body.

Unimaginable power filled the entire Great Sun Dome Realm, causing the mountains and rivers within the Great Sun Dome Realm to begin to collapse.

"It is Huang Daoling's Overlord Zhengqi. The rules of Overlord Zhengqi can double Huang Daoling's strength. At the same time, it will generate a Zhengqi Overlord Body. Any trauma suffered will be weakened by half."

I saw Huang Daoling's body filled with a brilliant golden light.

That is his righteous and domineering body.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but squint his eyes when he saw this scene.

"Interesting, it can double your strength and reduce the damage received by half. Is this the domineering rule of Huang Daoling?"

Feng Yexiu and Huang Daoling are both hegemons who practice, and the rules of their hegemony training are somewhat similar.

Of course, in terms of combat power, Huang Daoling's is definitely stronger.

Because Huang Daoling's "overbearing righteousness" rule intuitively doubles his ability and reduces his damage by half.

This is a very direct rule force.

But the power of Feng Yexiu's rules relies on his anger to be effective.

Only by quadrupling his strength can Feng Yexiu have a chance to defeat Huang Daoling.

However, the amount of anger required to quadruple one's strength is unimaginable.

However, theoretically speaking, although Feng Yexiu's rules are of the growth type, they have unlimited upper limits.

He is like the Hulk that Zhuo Bufan knows. The angrier he is, the more powerful he becomes.

Anger is the source of his strength.

"Feng Yexiu, this time, I won't give you time to gather energy."

The biggest flaw in Feng Yexiu's rules is that he needs to gather energy for a long time.

That's why he chose to be the first to activate the power of rules.

However, Huang Daoling understood Feng Yexiu too well and understood Feng Yexiu's rules too well.

In the last battle of heroes, he did not take action in advance because of a gentleman's agreement. When Feng Yexiu succeeded in gathering his energy, it was too late to take action.

So this time, he would not give Feng Yexiu another chance to gather his energy.

He also watched Feng Yexiu continue to gather his energy, grow, and become stronger.

And at this moment, Huang Daoling suddenly rushed towards Feng Yexiu.

"Overlord, punch!"

Huang Daoling punched Feng Yexiu's body fiercely.


The power of this punch can be said to be destructive.

It directly blasted Feng Yexiu from the air to the ground.


For a moment, the whole land exploded, shaking out a huge pit with a diameter of one kilometer.

"Overlord, kick!"

Huang Daoling's attack was not over yet. He raised his foot and stomped hard towards Feng Yexiu on the ground.


This kick once again collapsed the ground within a radius of ten miles. The trees on the ground turned into dust in that instant.

"Are you still gathering your energy? Feng Yexiu, don't blame me!"

"Overlord, sword!"

Huang Daoling saw that Feng Yexiu didn't fight back, so he stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air. A huge divine sword that was a hundred meters long appeared in the air and then fell from the sky.


At that moment, the sword fell, shocking the area within a hundred miles.

Within a hundred miles, everything was reduced to ashes, the earth was directly torn apart, and the underground lava gushed out and rushed into the sky.

"What a powerful force. This guy's strength is probably not even comparable to that of the Great Sage."

Zhuo Bufan touched his chin and was a little amazed.

"Why does Feng Yexiu keep getting beaten and not fighting back?"

Chu Mubai asked on the side.

After hearing this, Ye Jianfei quickly replied.

"That's right. Feng Yexiu needs to gather Qi. For ordinary opponents, Feng Yexiu doesn't need to gather Qi at all. A little anger can kill millions of people. But Huang Daoling is different. Huang Daoling's strength has doubled now. The damage he receives will also be halved. So Feng Yexiu needs to gather enough Qi. He wants to decide the outcome accordingly."

"I see. Huang Daoling's rules are immediate. But Feng Yexiu's rules are gradual."

"Although their rules are very similar, they are completely different."

"Feng Yexiu's potential is obviously stronger."

"That's right, so Huang Daoling wants to decide the outcome in a hurry. Once Feng Yexiu finishes gathering Qi, he will definitely lose."

This is not the first time Ye Jianfei has watched the fight between the two of them.

He has also carefully analyzed the fight between the two of them and understands it better than many people.

"Look, my two lords, the critical moment is here. If Feng Yexiu can't survive this attack, he will definitely lose."

Ye Jianfei suddenly reminded.

At this time, only the Great Sun Dome Realm was seen.

Huang Daoling suddenly flew into the sky.

"Feng Yexiu, it's over!"

The next second, Huang Daoling turned into a golden sword.

He raised his hands above his head, put them together, and used them as the tip of the sword, and put his feet together, and used them as the handle of the sword.

He turned himself into the Overlord Sword, and then killed Feng Yexiu on the ground.


In just a moment, the entire Great Sun Dome Realm began to tremble, and countless cracks began to appear on the golden ball of light.

This blow almost destroyed the entire Great Sun Dome Realm.

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