Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 898: One Punch Overlord

Huang Daoling's sword energy spans three thousand miles, and the last blow turned into a sword.

The powerful energy blasted the entire Sun Dome.

Even the powerful Sun Dome Realm was almost shattered.

Even a person at the level of a great sage would not dare to resist this blow.

Huang Daoling's domineering righteousness is obviously extremely powerful.

Feng Yexiu, on the other hand, was completely passive in being beaten. He was unable to resist at all and completely withstood Huang Daoling's blow.

There was no way, his rules required gathering energy, and it was impossible for him to resist before he had accumulated enough strength to defeat Huang Daoling.

Once they resist, the Qi he has worked so hard to gather will be released.

In that case, he will be more passive.

And Huang Daoling knew this, so he stopped swimming and attacked like crazy.

Huang Daoling wanted to defeat Feng Yexiu as quickly as possible.

This is also his only hope of victory.

Otherwise, once Feng Yexiu's Qi gathering ends, Huang Daoling will have no chance of winning.

Huang Daoling still remembers the scene of his first battle with Feng Yexiu.

Huangdaoling is more than a hundred years older than Feng Yexiu.

He even entered the Little Saint Realm earlier than Feng Yexiu.

In the previous battles with Feng Yexiu, he had won consecutively in the previous three battles.

Until the beginning of the fourth session, in that battle, Huang Daoling allowed Feng Yexiu to successfully gather Qi because he underestimated the enemy.

In the end, Feng Yexiu fought back and defeated him for the first time.

Afterwards, the fifth Huangdaoling learned the lessons of the fourth level and defeated Feng Yexiu as quickly as possible.

So far, the five-year record has been four wins and one loss.

It can be said that at that time, Huang Daoling was once called the real overlord.

However, starting from the sixth term, Feng Yexiu has completely grown up.

His breaking point is advanced and his Qi gathering ability is faster.

Since then, Feng Yexiu has won two games in a row.

In the eighth session, Feng Yexiu was seriously injured in an accident, and Huang Daoling regained the throne of victory.

But in the ninth and tenth games later, Feng Yexiu won again.

This is the record of the two of them.

Five wins and five losses, it does seem to be the same.

However, only Huang Daoling himself knew best. He might not be able to defeat Feng Yexiu anymore.

Feng also cultivated in the domineering figure and came from behind.

Feng Yexiu is domineering and forward-thinking.

Feng Yexiu's domineering attitude is not just that he is alone, he just walks in front of everyone.

"Feng Yexiu, look, Feng Yexiu has stood up."

In the dust, Feng Yexiu's huge body slowly stood up.

On him, crackling lightning floated.

He was covered in scars and blood, but he was unmoved at all, with a proud smile on his face.

His mountain-like body began to shrink rapidly, and finally shrank to the size of the Huang Daoling.

I saw that the right fist he held in his arms was condensed with extremely terrifying energy.

"Huang Daoling, you are defeated!"

I saw Feng Yexiu shout loudly, and then the fist in his arms hit Huang Daoling in front of him.

That punch seemed to draw the power of the entire space, causing the air behind Feng Yexiu to continue to swirl and even begin to burst.


The punch was blasted out with a heaven-destroying aura, and the light filled the entire Sun Dome Realm. In the end, a huge hole was even blasted out on the wall of the Great Sun Dome Realm.

The people standing outside watching the fight were all shaken back by the punch.

The next second, Feng Yexiu twisted Huang Daoling's dying body and flew out from the sky of the sun.

Taixuanzong's people immediately took Huang Daoling over and stepped up treatment.

Huang Daoling treated Feng Yexiu like that before, so naturally Feng Yexiu wouldn't be polite to him.

With this punch, he did not hurt Huang Daoling's life, but it also caused Huang Daoling to be severely injured.

Everyone who saw this scene was in awe.

"Okay, Feng Yexiu's strength has improved greatly compared to ten years ago!"

"I'm afraid that now he can challenge the top three."

The crowd burst into praises for Feng Yexiu.

Feng Yexiu's last punch was absolutely as powerful as a divine punch, and its power was already close to that of the Great Sage.

He is worthy of being the second disciple of the First Palace, and his cultivation is simply terrifyingly powerful.

After today, the name of Overlord will belong to Feng Yexiu.

At this time, Feng Yexiu became the target of everyone's attention.

I thought Feng Yexiu would proudly announce his victory.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly walked up to a tall woman in blue, then raised her head and looked at her and said.

"Sister Nangong, please fight!"

This Feng Yexiu actually walked directly towards Nangong Yue.

Nangong Yue, the only female saint among the Ten Little Saints, is the senior sister of Guiyi Sect.

She was wearing a blue palace dress and Xuan Yue accessories.

She has a quiet appearance, and her body is filled with an aura of elegance and gentleness.

She looks so aloof from the world and has an indifferent personality, like a calm spring water, letting the spring breeze blow and the autumn rain touch.

Nangong Yue is also the dream lover in the eyes of many male cultivators.

I heard that she has not had a Daolu until now, and I don’t know how many people want to become a Daolu with her.

Feng Yexiu had just defeated Huang Daoling, but he didn't expect that he would turn around and challenge Nangong Yue, who was ranked fourth.

"This Feng Yexiu is too crazy. Does he really think he can fight against Senior Sister Nangong in this state?"

"Feng Yexiu is now ranked fifth, and he is indeed qualified to challenge Senior Sister Nangong."

"But, can he really be a match for Senior Sister Nangong? So far, Senior Sister Nangong has not lost."


"Oh? Is Senior Sister Nangong from your Guiyi Sect very powerful?"

Zhuo Bufan heard the discussion of the crowd and then looked at Ye Jianfei beside him.

Ye Jianfei said quickly.

"That's not ordinary powerful, that person is right, Senior Sister Nangong has indeed not lost."

When Ye Jianfei talked about Nangong Yue, his eyes lit up, as if he had become a little fan of Nangong Yue.

Wen Ceqi, who was standing aside, had a dazed look in his eyes, staring at Nangong Yue intently.

"Our Senior Sister Nangong is the only disciple who has inherited the legacy of Lord Luo Tian. She even has the power that the senior brother is afraid of."

"Oh? Then why is your Senior Sister Nangong, who is so powerful, only ranked fourth?"

Chu Mubai said unconvincedly on the side.

"This, you two don't know. Our Senior Sister Nangong doesn't like fighting. The reason why she ranks fourth is that she defeated Huang Daoling, who was once fourth, with one move."

"Defeating Huang Daoling with one move? Interesting."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Nangong Yue. He did feel a familiar power in Nangong Yue.

If Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly, it should be the third immortal power of Lord Luo Tian.

Nangong Yue is indeed not simple.


"Feng Yexiu, are you sure you want to challenge Senior Sister Nangong?"

Even Yu Baifei stood up and questioned Feng Yexiu.

After hearing this, Feng Yexiu said without hesitation.

"Yes, I know Senior Sister Nangong is very powerful. But she is the one who defeated Huang Daoling after all. Now, I have defeated Huang Daoling, so I want to challenge Senior Sister Nangong who is more powerful than Huang Daoling."

Feng Yexiu came prepared this time.

Obviously, he wanted to impact the top three rankings.

"Senior Sister Nangong, are you willing to accept the challenge?"

After being repeatedly challenged by Feng Yexiu, the calm Nangong Yue smiled.


Nangong Yue's lotus steps swayed lightly, her hair fluttered, and the fragrance wafted.

The next second, she and Feng Yexiu turned into a stream of light and entered the Great Sun Dome Realm.

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